The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 25: : Jinglei

An unexpected emotion spread in Dongcheng Wudi's heart.

Li Huacheng is here.

Why does he come here?

What are you doing here?

This seemingly abrupt movement of the other party suddenly showed an extraordinary taste.

Dongcheng Wudi was a little dazed in his heart, but also with instinctive vigilance.

"I just talked to him not long ago. After the chat, I set off and came here as soon as possible."

Dongcheng Wudi looked at Li Tianlan: "Under normal circumstances, he should be waiting for my news in Yinlonghai. At this time he will come..."

"Anyone who came?"

Li Tianlan raised his brows.

"It's hard to say, it may not be a bad thing, and it may not be a good thing."

Dongcheng Invincible shook his head.

"I understand, it mainly depends on how I deal with Li Kuangtu, right?"

Li Tianlan flicked his finger lightly, the cigarette burning between his fingers collapsed and flew out, the sword gas surged, and the cigarette was directly crushed into the finest powder.

A flame floated in front of him for a moment, and then went out.

"He is in purgatory for the heavens, and he is really caring about Li Kuangpu, is he so impatient?"

Li Tianlan's tone was mocking.

"Maybe it was stimulated by the ranking of the gods."

Dongcheng Wudi's voice was a little irritable.

Everything seems to be out of control.

Li Huacheng rushed to Xuanyuan City in a hurry, not to mention anything else, at least it was certain that Li Huacheng's inner thoughts had undergone an unknown change.

What Li Tianlan said was actually correct.

When Li Huacheng came, it was because the one who came was not good.

On the contrary, what he said is not necessarily a bad thing, nor a good thing. Uncertainty is a kind of self-comfort.

Li Tianlan is not a fool, nor is Dongcheng Invincible.

Both of them knew very well what it means to come to Xuanyuan City when Li Huacheng came to Xuanyuan City at this time, before he had waited for the news of Dongcheng Invincible, and before he had determined Li Tianlan's attitude.

This can't be a good thing.

The oppressive feeling brought about by President Central Continent's presence had already been crushed over half of the Central Continent's territory at the moment the news came, with an irresistible gesture, completely crushing the last little room between the Eastern Palace and the Parliament.

This is the strength that Li Huacheng rarely shows.

The President's visit and the invincibility of Dongcheng are completely two concepts.

Dongcheng Wudi can represent the Central Continent Council, and he can talk to Li Tianlan about Li Kuangzui in any capacity, and everyone is happy after the talks, even if the talks are not good.

Dongcheng Invincible can't do it, and Wu Zhengmin can come to talk next time.

Wu Zhengmin can't agree, so come here for Zou Mulin.

Even Zhou Yunhai, and even Guo Wentian, they can come to talk one by one, determine Li Tianlan's attitude in each negotiation, and then give out one by one bargaining chip.

This is a stalemate process, also

It is a necessary see-saw process, and many negotiations require trial after trial.

As long as Li Huacheng is different, there is still room between the two sides.

Under normal circumstances, when the talks are almost done, Li Huacheng is participating in the last negotiation, and the final decision is to take away the Li lunatic.

This time may be very long, but it will not be delayed until after the general election.

But now...

Everything in this plan, originally everything that would happen under normal circumstances, has been skipped.

Li Huacheng did not wait.

As the president of Zhongzhou, he is bringing the power of Zhongzhou from Youzhoufei to Tiannan.

There is no room, extremely tough.

Everyone knew that when Li Huacheng came to Tiannan and left Xuanyuan City, there would only be two results.

Or, Zhongzhou took away Li Kuangtu.

Or, Zhongzhou destroys the Eastern Palace.

The second result is impossible. The prestige of the President of Central Continent cannot be consumed in extremely long tug-of-wars and negotiations. As long as he comes, then Li Tianlan will inevitably give him a result in the shortest time.

I'm here, if I can't take people away, I'll kill you!

How overbearing is this? !

Dongcheng Wudi's face was pale, holding his mobile phone, he seemed to be hesitating whether to call Li Huacheng to try it out. He has a natural position, so if the call is made, Donghuanggong will inevitably be a little bit weak.

Li Huacheng never passed through Dongcheng Invincible from beginning to end.

Perhaps he, who was on the plane at this time, was waiting for Dongcheng Invincible's call. As long as the call was made, he didn't even need to say anything, and he would know that the Donghuang Palace was lacking.

"Let him come."

Li Tianlan's spirit and spirit seemed to condense completely in a very brief silence. His voice was as hard as gold and iron, and his voice was as hard as gold and iron: "I'll wait here."

"Why bother?"

Dongcheng Invincible's brows were frowning tightly, holding the phone, but the phone could not be dialed anyway: "Maybe there are other ways..."

"There are other ways."

Li Tianlan nodded: "But I don't accept it."

His expression and voice are getting calmer and calmer, and the calmness is almost deep.

"As long as I leave the Eastern Palace at this time, Li Huacheng will be helpless."

Li Tianlan looked up at the distant night, and said calmly: "But this is my territory, why should I leave?"

Dongcheng Wudi walked in front of Li Tianlan.

In his line of sight, he saw an extremely thin, scarlet, shocking bloodshot appearing in Li Tianlan's pupils.

The wind blows through the night.

The sword aura between heaven and earth is like a tide, vast and mighty.

The extremely strong and even fierce fighting atmosphere was surging in the Eastern Palace with teeth and claws.

Li Tianlan's calm voice became a little hoarse, as if he was trying hard to suppress something: "He dare

Come, I will dare to see him and dare to..."


Dongcheng Wudi frowned.

Li Tianlan didn't continue to speak out his rebellious thoughts in the eyes of others.

He stopped his voice and seemed to calm down in an instant.

The phone rang again.

Dongcheng Wudi took a deep look at Li Tianlan, answered the phone, and said solemnly, "Qing Dynasty."

"Are you in Xuanyuan City?"

The voice of Bai Qingchao on the other end of the phone was hurried and anxious.


Dongcheng Wudi snorted.

"I heard that Li Huacheng saw you not long ago? He has gone to Xuanyuan City now, don't you know? What is he going to do? What is he going to do?! Is he forcing us to speak? Or is he forcing Tianlan to speak?"

Bai Qingchao's some angrily and frustrated voice rang on the other end of the phone, appearing sharp and high.

Now the entire Upper Central Continent knew that Li Kuangtu had fallen into Li Tianlan's hands.

Everyone knows Li Huacheng's attitude towards Li Kuangtu.

Everyone also knew that Dongcheng Wudi was already in Xuanyuan City.

At this time, Li Huacheng suddenly rushed to Xuanyuan City in person, already invisibly causing everyone in the entire council to tighten their nerves, as if they were facing an enemy.

At this moment, with Youzhou as the center, the almost suffocating sense of oppression is spreading over the entire Middle Continent as Li Huacheng approaches.

Every congressman is closely watching the development of the incident at this time.

"Qing Dynasty, don't worry, soldiers will come to cover the water and earth!"

Dongcheng Invincible said in a deep voice.

"Maybe there is another possibility."

Bai Qingchao was silent for a while, and after a full five minutes, he slowly said, "Is it possible?"

Of course there is another possibility.

That is, within a few hours after Li Huacheng and Dongcheng Wudi separated, Li Huacheng had a new bargaining chip to convince Li Tianlan.

And he is extremely confident in his chips.

Confident enough that he thinks that as long as he puts it forward, Li Tianlan is absolutely impossible to refuse a bargaining chip.

Just, is it possible?

In a few hours, a certain decision is not even considered to be thoughtful at all.

Li Huacheng was never an impulsive person.

The phone ring faintly rang in the phone.

It seems that the phone rang again from the Bai Qing Dynasty.

Bai Qingchao hesitated, did not hang up the phone, and connected the phone with the other hand.

Across the cell phone, across the phone in the cell phone, some rush, some vague sounds rang, ringing in Bai Qingchao's ears, echoing in Dongcheng Invincible's ears, like thunder.

Vaguely, the slightly Qinzhou accent on the phone seemed familiar, and it seemed to be the voice of a heavyweight figure in the Supervision Department.

"In the Qing Dynasty, the third inspection team entered Jiangsu and Zhejiang!"

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