The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 20: : Dasha...

Li Tianlan smiled casually, did not answer Xuanyuan Wushang's seemingly inexplicable question, but just said, "Are you sure you only need a small clinic?"

Xuanyuan Wushang was stunned, then laughed: "Of course, that suits me well."

Xuanyuan Wushang and Xing Tian would join the Eastern Palace, and this had been decided from the day they appeared.

At that time, he was not sure of Xuanyuan Wushang's level, so the Eastern Palace naturally did not assign him any position. After treating Xiao Mohai and Wangyue Xiange, Xuanyuan Wushang showed his abilities, but he was caught by Chen Fangqing’s death and a series of events. Make a mess of the situation.

Although it is still turbulent now, the interior of the Eastern Palace has initially stabilized, and Li Tianlan naturally does not intend to let him be an idler.

"Go and lead the biological laboratory."

Li Tianlan suddenly said that the energy that can be manipulated in Xuanyuan Wushang is the purest vitality. If he joins the biological laboratory of the Eastern Palace, even if he does not understand anything, just relying on this energy can make the Eastern Palace. The efficacy of the gene medicines that have begun to be developed and produced has been improved by several grades.

"The clinic is pretty good, I think it's the best for me."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head without hesitation, and said with a smile: "I'm best at treating headaches, brain fever, colds, fevers, and diarrhea. This is my best. The data in the laboratory, various parameters, graphs, multiple combinations, etc., really I'm tired of seeing it. As for the biological laboratory, I can roughly provide some formulas, not many, very few. Three or five kinds, the materials are estimated to be quite difficult to get together, but...that's roughly it."

Today's Xuanyuan Wushang is a saint.

And the beginning of the saint, the level 1 authority, had a name that made Xuanyuan Wushang sound a little helpless: Nurse.

In today’s medical field, he is definitely an expert. In this regard, even the saint next to Lin Xi’s can’t compare to him, but in today’s specific environment, he is actually not very useful. Big.

He can naturally lead and play a role in the work of the biological laboratory. In fact, whether it is the biological laboratory of the East Palace headed by Nalan Shiying, or the biological laboratory of the Beihai Wang family that is unique in the world, it is Xuanyuan Wushang. A stage experienced long, long ago.

Theoretically speaking, Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes were not a problem for some of the difficult tasks Nalan Shiying had tackled, the various scenarios, and the bottlenecks encountered.

It's like the question of how many adults are not equal to 1+1.

But the problem is that even if he knows the exact answer, if the person cannot see with his eyes, hear with his ears, cannot speak with his mouth, or without using his hands, he cannot tell others the accurate answer.

Xuanyuan Wushang was neither blind nor dumb, but he was also helpless with some things.

He knew what Nalan Shiying and Beihai Wangs were fighting for now.

Put it here, it should be called the three generations of eternal life.

This was something that was developed when the War God Realm and the Human Palace first emerged, and it is now called the Dew of Life among those two forces.

Things that can increase vitality are not particularly cheap anywhere, but the Dew of Life is really not uncommon. At least the billions of humans in the God of War Realm and the Human Palace, whether elite or ordinary, can at least be manpowered. There are a few bottles.

And the potions of the life series are no longer named after several generations, let alone a breakthrough improvement to some extent.

The dew of life, the blood of life, the rapids of life, the fountain of life, across the lakes and rivers, until the end of the War God Realm's housekeeping treasure is real and immortal, each potion is countless times higher.

The drop that allowed Li Tianlan to enter the invincible state directly from the severely injured state was the true immortal potion. Even if it was absolutely suppressed by the real environment, it still played an incredible role.

Judging from the true level of Xuanyuan Wushang, theoretically, it is not that difficult for him to make a potion of life.

The so-called theory, that is to say, from a purely technical point of view, the problem is that there is no corresponding material, let alone sophisticated equipment.

The apostle around Lin Shiyi can make equipment, but no one can do anything about materials.

It might be possible for Qin Weibai to fully return to the peak state, but obviously this is impossible.

To provide the Eastern Palace with several gene potion formulas that can be made under the current environment, this is what Xuanyuan Wushang can do.

No matter how much, let alone whether it can be done, even if it is possible, it violates his original intention as a guide.

"What about Xingtian?"

Li Tianlan asked.

In the Beihai decisive battle, Xuanyuan Wushang and Xing Tian were on the East Island. Compared with the low-key but unpredictable Xuanyuan Wushang, Xing Tian has a record of shots.

The only invincible master trained by Sanctuary in the past two years died in Xing Tian's hands. What is even more tragic is that Li Tianlan still doesn't know the name of that invincible realm, and the entire dark world doesn't know it.

"He said he wanted to be a physical education teacher."

Xuanyuan Wushang looked at Li Tianlan and whispered.

"The Eastern Palace currently has no school."

Li Tianlan's face was expressionless, and his voice was a little cold.

Xuanyuan City now has a school, and Ning Qiancheng also ambitiously proposed a plan to build Tiannan University, but everything is far away, so Xingtian can’t be arranged to an ordinary school to be a physical education teacher, right?

"You don't want to contribute to Xuanyuan City."

Li Tianlan said lightly.

"I can't help myself."

Xuanyuan Wushang thought for a while and said seriously: "We can help, such as treating the injuries of people like Mochizuki Xiange. It is just a help and we can do it. Others are very difficult for me. Our task is not to interfere with the development of the Eastern Palace. At least at this stage, Xing Tian and I can only be spectators in the Eastern Palace."


Li Tianlan's eyes were cold.

Xuanyuan Wushang frowned and said softly, "Because the rise of the Eastern Palace must be real. Absolutely real."

In the last few words, his voice seemed to aggravate a lot subconsciously.

After a pause, Xuanyuan Wushang continued to smile and said, "Similarly, this is also my father's order."

"Your father..."

Li Tianlan nodded, as if thinking about the other party's weight.

There are sons like Xuanyuan Wushang, and even Xing servants?

The weight of the other party is self-evident.

Is there really such a person?

If so, where is he?

"He is actually not as good as you think."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and said: "At least here, if my father fights against you, it's probably not your opponent."

In his heart, he was referring to the current Li Tianlan and the energetic ruthlessness. Although he didn't say it clearly, it's not wrong to say so.

"He has been with you for a long time and hopes to meet you at the right time."

Xuanyuan Wushang continued.

"He knows me?"

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows.

"It's been a long time since I met with God."

Xuanyuan Wushang said.

"I'm really curious about what kind of person this is."

Li Tianlan laughed.

Xuanyuan Wushang hesitated, and whispered: "I am not qualified to evaluate my father. I think he is a great person, but his evaluation of himself is not like that."


Li Tianlan looked back at him with interest: "How does he evaluate himself?"

"An unqualified guardian. A...stupid..."


Li Tianlan looked at Xuanyuan Wushang stiffly.

He had never seen Xuanyuan Wushang's father, but he also knew that he was an unfathomable figure.

Judge yourself as a stupid...

This is really unfathomable...

Li Tianlan's mouth twitched, and suddenly said, "What about me? How does your father evaluate me?"

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at Li Tianlan weakly.

His voice was even smaller, and the little one hummed like a mosquito: "Big idiot..."


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