The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 15: : Hole cards

The busy crowd began to disappear gradually.

Turn off various instruments one by one.

In the secret room gradually quieting, the mechanical clocks on the walls were walking ticking.

Jiang Shangyu looked at the communication that had been hung up, then turned his head and glanced at Gu Xingyun: "In three hours, we will return to China."


Gu Xingyun sneered, but there was an extremely weak look in his eyes.

His breakthrough went well beyond imagination.

In just a few days, he went from approaching the peak invincible state to the top level in the peak invincible state. If you talk about physical fitness alone, his physical fitness has exceeded the boundary of the peak invincible state. Such a huge almost explosive progress is completely It can be said that it is a step up to the sky.

Gu Xingyun in this state can be sure that he can easily beat the self before three or five breakthroughs.

He thought he was at the pinnacle of the dark world.

This feeling has not changed even after losing to Li Tianlan.

There is only one person in the real world invincible.

But other people also have the power to stand on top.

Whether Li Tianlan was present or not, Gu Xingyun felt that he was standing at the highest point in the dark world.

His body has crossed the insurmountable boundary.

As long as he is given time, within three to five years, he is completely confident to completely raise his realm to the level of Li Kuangtu.

He believes that this kind of self can lead Kunlun City to continue to take root in Central Continent, perhaps facing the oppression of the Eastern Palace, but with the only allies like Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu, his future will never be desperate and gloomy.

But now?

He does still have the power to stand on top of the dark world.

But other than that, he has nothing.

"What else can you do when you return home?"

Gu Xingyun said lightly.

Jiang Shangyu glanced at him: "Your mentality will make me lose my confidence in you. The current situation is indeed not good, but it is not unacceptable. We still have opportunities, and our cooperation..."

"It's your cooperation with Zhongzhou!"

Gu Xingyun said in a cold voice, "Does Kunlun City still have the capital to cooperate with you?

? What does your cooperation with Zhongzhou have to do with me? "

"Do you think this is betrayal?"

Jiang Shangyu narrowed his eyes.

"Is this still important?"

Gu Xingyun said with a smile but not a smile.

"Of course it's important."

Jiang Shangyu nodded: "You are our ally, Kunlun City is a very important part of the power, or the original sentence, between you and me, cooperation will benefit both."

He paused, then laughed again: "And besides standing on my side, do you have any other options?"

"It looks like it exists, but it's just what it looks like."

"You can express your disapproval of everything we talked about today, and leave Central Continent angrily. For Central Continent, this is betrayal. Li Huacheng's thunderous anger is not something you can afford. Once you have reached your position, once you leave Central Continent, That is to violate the bottom line of Zhongzhou. No matter how rigid the relationship between Li Huacheng and Li Tianlan, he will let Li Tianlan clean the door in this situation."

"Without our allies, you cannot be Li Tianlan's opponent now."

"Or, you go to Li Tianlan? It's like hundreds of years ago, you took refuge in the Lin Clan, and then you wag your tail around the original Li?"

Jiang Shangyu smiled brightly: "We don't talk about dignity. You and I know that dignity is not important in the face of survival. But do you really think Li Tianlan can accept your refuge? It's impossible, you know this yourself. .Li Tianlan can’t tolerate you, he wants to annex Tiandu Purgatory. Many people in Tiandu Purgatory cannot tolerate you. The old Lis who stay with Li Tianlan cannot tolerate you. So you cannot join the Eastern Palace, even if Li Tianlan will take you in temporarily, you are just a dog at his feet, even a dog is inferior, it can only be a cannon fodder against us."

"When he uses you to clean up us, who will die next?"

Gu Xingyun listened blankly.

Jiang Shangyu rubbed his brand new arm.

This is the real arm that he used to shape himself before the real environment blocked the world. He felt that his arm became more and more flexible, and his voice was flat: "Only we are your best ally, and also your best. s Choice."

"What I can be sure of is that Li Tianlan was in a special state when he played against us.

Under normal conditions, we are indeed not his opponents, but there will not be such a big gap. I don’t say whether his strength can catch up with this question. At least, his strength is currently within our understanding. In this environment, if we besieged him once, it would definitely not be the result. "

"You said it too."

Gu Xingyun said indifferently, "It's just for now."

"The present is now and the future is also."

Jiang Shangyu smiled and said: "I think Li Tianlan has reached the peak state he can achieve, at least it is infinitely close. In the future, Li Tianlan may make progress, but it will not be too obvious. To be sure, he cannot. It is impossible to make a huge breakthrough in combat power to the degree that Wang Tianzong was in Mormans."


Gu Xingyun raised his head, watching Jiang Shangyu seriously.

Jiang Shangyu didn't explain anything.

The unknown has completely fallen, this is what he determined in absorbing the unknown memory.

The real environment has completely blocked the city of miracles.

Li Tianlan wants to break through the blockade of the real environment by himself, it is naturally possible in theory.

But it is only in theory.

To break through the blockade of the real environment, Li Tianlan needs a real brand.

But his true brand is not complete.

Li Tianlan's real brand and a ray of soul are in the depths of Qin Weibai's real brand. This was the key to Huang Xi in order to protect Qin Weibai and not let her fall completely, but now it has become the key to block Li Tianlan's progress.

Because the real Qin Weibai had already fallen by the sword of eternity.

This also means that Li Tianlan has no possibility of breaking through the blockade of the real environment. After his combat power reaches a certain level, because his soul and real imprint are incomplete, he will never make progress in his life.

The corner of Jiang Shangyu's mouth raised slightly: "We don't have nothing now, we just take a step back temporarily."

"I still have a hole card in my hand."

He looked at Gu Xingyun and laughed in a low voice: "After I go back, find a suitable opportunity. Maybe I can play this card."

"Appreciate the appearance that made Li Tianlan collapse, how about it, do you look forward to it?"

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