The King of Special Warfare

Vol 7 Chapter 1: : Shadow of Legend

A second before the space was completely solidified, a translucent vortex appeared in the constantly fluctuating sky.

The blockade of the entire planet has already begun, the real environment is suppressing authority in an almost absolute state, and the translucent vortex is constantly vibrating and disappearing quickly.

When the whirlpool was about to disappear, he rushed out of the whirlpool.

Void turbulence is everywhere in the space channel that is no longer stable. It is completely the sharpness of the space, and the shuttle to such a degree is like throwing his body completely into a blender full of blades and stirring frantically.

His whole body was already shattered by the turbulent flow of space. There were hundreds of shocking wounds. The red blood kept flowing. His posture was extremely embarrassed. Almost the whole person was lying on the ground, shaking violently.

Blockade is about to complete the first half of a second.

There was a brief chaos in the rules of the world.

Only half a second.

All the wounds on his body began to show signs of healing.

Numerous wounds began to stop bleeding.

In the trembling under the severe pain, he took a deep breath and laughed frantically.

The blockade has been completed.

The wounds on his body remained in a state of healing soon.

Blood continued to grow in the wound, and he looked like a rag doll that was torn to pieces and then reluctantly patched up.

A soft and condensed field enveloped his body.

The surrounding scenery began to recede quickly.

Jiang Shangyu trembled all over and wanted to try again to mess with the surrounding rules, but the surrounding space was already unbelievably firm.

This kind of firmness is firmness in the sense of rules. His domain or sword aura can still make the space appear slightly broken, but he can hardly feel the rules of the world around him.

All the powers were suppressed to a state of being almost sealed, and the shadow power in the perception was faint, but it was extremely shattered.

Jiang Shangyu gritted his teeth, crushed a button on his body, and poured the medicine powder inside into his mouth.

The drug inlet was swallowed by him along with the blood.

A flush of rosy quickly appeared on his face, followed by a very clear sense of weakness.

He can't use his authority to recover his injuries, and his only way to recover his injuries is to use genetic drugs within the technology of the City of Miracles.

The recovery time is long and the side effects are obvious.

But this is true.

The truth that Jiang Shangyu is most familiar with but has never gotten.

His smile grew wilder and he looked a little bit happy.

He likes this kind of real feeling, because it is the feeling he is most familiar with.

There are no rules, no authority, and now he is a person, a pure person, a pure person who has stepped into the shadow world.

The scenery on both sides is still receding.

Jiang Shangyu was drowsy. He lifted his eyelids and looked around, hoarsely saying, "You're going the other way."


Gu Xingyun fell silent, his body stopped abruptly.

The rich realm gently wrapped Jiang Shangyu's body, and Gu Xingyun said solemnly, "Are you familiar with the surrounding environment?"

He was sent here by Jiang Shangyu.

Gu Xingyun didn't even know where it was. Jiang Shangyu took him from Nanyun to South America, and maybe he could be directly transported to Europe. Gu Xingyun got out of the battle with a serious injury and stubbornly. He opened his eyes and found that he was already in a barren mountain. He did not dare to move freely. Whether it was fear of certain affairs or something else, he chose to wait for Jiang Shangyu to converge.

It took nearly eight hours before he waited until Jiang Shangyu, with a terrifying injury, appeared in front of him.

Faced with this situation, what Gu Xingyun first thought was not to heal Jiang Shangyu, but to take him to continue running.

Since it is running, what direction is needed?

Just find a direction and rush forward.

"Go back, down the mountain, about 20 kilometers away, there is a small town. There is a hospital in the town, and my wound needs to be bandaged."

Jiang Shangyu kept his spirit strong, and his voice was a bit erratic.

Gene medicine began to work gradually.

His body gradually became numb, the wounds on his body began to heal at an extremely slow speed, and the feeling of weakness became stronger.

"Where is this place?"

Gu Xingyun spoke casually, following the direction directed by Jiang Shangyu.

"Still in South America, about four hundred miles away from our battlefield just now."

Jiang Shangyu coughed.

Gu Xingyun paused slightly, as if hesitated.

Jiang Shangyu saw what he was thinking, and reluctantly smiled and said, "Don't worry, the other party can't find us anymore."

"you sure?"

Gu Xingyun's voice was low and serious.

Jiang Shangyu gave a hum.

The suppression of the real environment is getting more and more serious.

He could no longer perceive Lin Shi's current location, and Lin Shi's also couldn't lock his position.

And under today's suppression, what can be done even if it can be sensed?

There is at least one apostle who can use the virtual shuttle beside Lin Shiyi.

The apostle can now use a virtual shuttle.

But wanting to travel around the world freely is a idiotic dream, not to mention the world. Now it is impossible for them to shuttle across the city. The so-called whole city does not refer to an international metropolis like Youzhou Huating. It is the size of a small county.

Jiang Shangyu lost the fragments of the doomsday authority and was unable to accurately determine how far the apostle’s virtual shuttle could travel, but roughly estimated that it was a distance of several hundred meters to thousands of meters. In this sense, virtual shuttles have no meaning, even Not as fast as Li Tianlan's full burst of power.

"Who is that person?"

Gu Xingyun finally relieved his heart, and brought Jiang Shangyu down the mountain quickly.

He just broke through, and before he even had time to feel his own state, he encountered a ruthless surprise attack, followed by Li Tianlan's irresistible suppression, and then Lin Shiyi's unreasonable pursuit.

Gu Xingyun's mind was in confusion. He had many questions to ask, but he didn't know how to speak for a while.

Jiang Shangyu was silent for a while, and whispered: "The enemy."

After a pause, he continued to add: "The kind of immortality. Unless you are willing to betray the Shadow."

Gu Xingyun fell silent.

He still doesn't know what the shadow is, but a certain chaotic concept has already penetrated into his soul with his breakthrough.

Betray the shadow?

He can't do it now.

In other words, his will can betray the shadow, but at the moment of betrayal, his will will disappear completely, or be completely suppressed, the power in his body will automatically generate a sub-personality to replace him, and everything about him remains the same. Existence, except for his consciousness.

This is equivalent to eternal death.

Shadow cannot betray.

Gu Xingyun rubbed his head with a headache, his thoughts were a bit complicated: "That person is very strong, I have never even seen him before."

"It's really strong."

Jiang Shangyu was silent for a while, and said softly: "In this environment, he can be regarded as one of the strongest in the dark world."

"How does it compare to Li Tianlan?"

Gu Xingyun asked suddenly.

Jiang Shangyu didn't speak for a while.

After a full minute, he smiled softly: "Don't mention Li Tianlan, how powerful is Li Tianlan? You have seen it with your own eyes and experienced it yourself. I can tell you responsibly that after this battle, Li Tianlan will be stronger than we have seen. He is almost the only person who is not suppressed by the environment. In this environment, he can hardly be said to be the strongest in the dark world."

"That level of combat power..."

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were deep: "It's a legend."

Gu Xingyun fell silent completely.

His breath also became a little low.

"Isn't it interesting to break the legend?"

As if talking to himself, Jiang Shangyu smiled and murmured.

He looked at the sky ahead.

The sunset in the distance is about to disappear.

Darkness swallowed the last gleam of brilliant light between heaven and earth, slowly and firmly enveloped the world.

Like a deep and vast shadow.

That was the shadow Li Tianlan was about to bring to the entire dark world.

Deep, gloomy, endless, overwhelming, almost suffocating.

Jiang Shangyu closed his eyes, and in the endless weakness, he felt the connection between himself and the countless seeds of authority in his body.

Seed after seed floated slowly in his body.

That was his greatest dawn in this shadow.

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