The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 442: : Enlightenment

(The last chapter made the mistake of Doom and Unknown several times... I only found out when I watched the chat in the group, everyone understands it. It is more troublesome to modify the chapter now, so let's do it~)

Lin Shixi's crazy offensive finally stopped.

The boundless blackness and silence in his eye sockets slowly dissipated, returning to deep and brilliant pupils.

At this time, the twisted and blood-red village had spread out one after another black lines, and countless black lines stretched out in the base, densely packed, covering every corner of the base like a spider web.

The pale black mist floated everywhere.

Forests and villages seem to be the only ones in the world, and the end of the base can't be perceived by Lin XI's perception.

He was completely silent with the giant sword in his hand.

Various rules are constantly surging in the air.

The real environment began to become thinner and dim at an unimaginable speed.

Power, speed, various permissions, countless fascinations all began to break away from the suppression of the real environment.

Lin Shixi could clearly feel that his combat power was increasing several times, hundreds of times, or even tens of thousands of times.

To be precise, this is not an enhancement, but a recovery after getting rid of the suppression of the real environment.

Right now, this base even surpasses the Nanyun base in terms of getting rid of the real environmental impact.

This is not good news.

Lin 11 is indeed getting stronger.

But as the environment changes, his authority will also be affected by the chaotic environment to a certain extent, and he is getting stronger, and Jiangshangyu, which is possessed by the unknown, will also get stronger.

Even though it is the unknown in a state of absolute weakness while sleeping, no matter how bad the state is, the unknown is the unknown. As long as he exists, no matter what the state is, it is the biggest threat under the starry sky.

The current situation has completely exceeded expectations. Perhaps the only thing Lin 11 can rely on is that although this base can get rid of some of the suppression of the real environment, it will not be absolutely free. In this way, Lin 11's combat power It is still restricted, but the unknown various methods in weakness will also not have too strong power.

Lin Shiyi raised the Jianfeng in his hand and looked at Jiang Shangyu.


That was not a question he was considering at all.

He is a martial artist, and the only thing he needs to do now is to kill the past and crush everything. When this base is destroyed, he will naturally be safe in the restored real environment.

Jiang Shangyu's eyes were blood red.

After deviating from the real environment to a certain extent, Lin Shih no longer had any scruples.

The blood-colored energy fluctuations continued to boil, and as Lin Shixi raised the sword's edge, the majestic sword light burst out directly in front of him with blood-colored light.

A violent storm with a height of tens of thousands of meters was directly rolled up in the base that was similar to the void.

The corners of Jiang Shangyu's mouth, whose eyes were blood-red, twitched slightly.

Behind him, a villager took a step forward.

The extremely distorted body of the villager instantly changed to Jiang Shangyu's appearance.

Jiang Shangyu took a step back and hid in the crowd.

But the villagers who looked like Jiang Shangyu opened their palms directly.

The entire base instantly became his domain.

The domain only appeared for a moment, and in the next second, an extremely hot flame suddenly appeared in the void.

The flames burned into the void and filled the space between the heavens and the earth, turning from orange to pale white, and then to black.

The black sea of ​​fire kept burning, the color became lighter and lighter, almost transparent, but the temperature still increased infinitely.

Burning fire?

The state that is not absolutely accurate does not apply at all after being separated from the real environment.

This is the fire element under the stars!

Lin Shixi finally completely determined the unknown authority.

It is still unknown how many permissions are on the body.

But just to completely confirm one, it is already a huge gain.

Control the elements, play with the soul, deflect yin and yang, reverse time and space, manipulate energy, and know everything.

This is the authority of the order camp.

Under the stars, there are many names for this permission at the beginning.

They are pioneers, mutants, and evolutionary creatures.

As for the human race, for the initial stage of this authority, they call it the enlightenment.

If the doomsday represents omnipotence in the orderly camp, the enlightenment authority represents omniscience.

The initial name of the Doomsday Authority is Scholar.

The end of the enlightenment's authority is called...the creator.

Everything became clear instantly.

In the Southern Cloud Province of Central Continent, the Jiangshangyu No. 1 base is about the soul, so he used this authority to suppress King Wei.

In the Chole province of South America, Jiangshangyu’s No. 2 base is about space.

To put it another way, Lin Eleven now faces the entire world.

Belongs to the unknown world.

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