The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 423: : The real unknown

Order is the most basic and essential structure of the world.

It cannot be changed or destroyed.

Unlike the swaying and struggling neutrality, an absolute state of order can only accommodate true order.

Don’t accept chaos, and don’t accept neutrality either.

The golden light gleamed in his ruthless eyes, and in an instant, the weakness in Jiangshangyu's realm was fully revealed in his sight.

At the same moment when the golden light was shining, all the colorful sword energy energy completely disappeared from Ruqing.

All the sword energy dissipated from him.

Absolute order cannot accommodate anything outside of order.

Naturally, there is no room for the gods who belong to the neutral camp.

In the clear sound of shattering, half of the catastrophe turned into a colorful streamer, clearly condensed into a colorful feather behind Ruqing.

The bright red cloak swayed slightly in the chaotic field.

The moment the colorful wings took shape left the ruthless body directly.

Ignoring order, ignoring chaos, even ignoring distance and space, the wings vibrated and disappeared instantly with a flash of light.

Without the colorful energy, the ruthless figure looks more clear and true.

His face was completely shrouded in golden light, but countless golden hairs grew out of his body.

Jiang Shangyu's invasion was completely cleared up in order.

Breathing relentlessly, the energy in the surrounding space that hadn't had time to dissipate once again merged into his body little by little.

Jiang Shangyu watched all this calmly.

He seemed to have thought of something, and whispered softly: "Wang Wei Qitian..."

He in the neutral camp is King Wei.

In the order camp, his original title was Qi Tian.

Side by side with heaven and earth.

This is the peerless fanatic who upset the entire order camp with his own power. To some extent, this is almost equal to the strongest state of ruthlessness at this time.

Shame, anger, depression.

Scenes of vague past events began to flash in the ruthless mind.

The shining golden eyes began to become chaotic.

The ruthless whole person became more and more fierce in the state of absolute anger.


The hoarse and fierce voice sounded between the heaven and the earth without any signs. It seemed that it was because it hadn't spoken for too long. The voice seemed a little rigid, but the killing intent between the lines filled the entire field.

"Da... die!"


The space in the field vibrated suddenly.

Ruthlessly, the whole body is full of golden light.

The golden club suddenly hit the ground.

The black mist quickly dissipated.

Ruthlessly raised the stick in his hand, soaring to the sky!

That is the presumptuous and unruly that have long been imprinted in the legend of time, a legend between reality and illusion.

Order is everywhere.

In a state of order, Ruthless instantly broke through the limits of combat power in the real environment.

The golden clubs soared wildly.

Three meters, five meters, ten meters, fifty meters, hundreds of meters, hundreds of meters!

The golden sticks are spreading crazily, becoming longer and bigger and thicker. (What are you writing about tiger and wolf...


An Optimus pillar with golden light suddenly appeared in the dark field.

The ruthless figure kept growing with the magnified golden stick, standing upright!

Absolutely brutal killing intent is everywhere in the field.

Ruthlessly raised his hands high, holding the club that was already as big as a mountain in his hand, he roared and smashed it directly down.

There is no purpose, no direction.

In just a few seconds, the golden sticks have filled every inch of the black space.

The air exploded completely in the swing of the club, and bursts of detonation broke out. The space burned with immense power and extreme speed, and the dark field instantly became a fiery red.

Jiang Shangyu's figure stood there, as small as an ant.

A black fortress the size of a city still stood there, but under the sticks like a mountain, it was as ridiculous as a matchbox.

The stick was completely smashed!


The world and the realm tremble at the same time under the immense power, the roaring noise turned into an incomparable loud noise sweeping all over, like the city's black fortress is constantly collapsing and disintegrating, the large tracts of weapons are completely annihilated, the darkness is turbulent, and one blow The ruthless figure that tore through the entire city shrank quickly, and her golden eyes were staring at Jiang Shangyu's figure.


The golden afterimage gleamed instantly, and in the next second, a golden club with the size of a normal weapon appeared directly on Jiang Shangyu's head.


In the dull voice, the almost invincible club slammed Jiang Shangyu's forehead.

There is no spattering of brain plasma and blood under normal circumstances.

Jiang Shangyu blinked.

However, a low hillside hundreds of meters behind him collapsed directly, raising the sky with smoke and dust.


Chaos again.

Jiang Shangyu used the chaos to affect the order here.

This is his field after all.

So the ruthless blow was also affected, the stick that hit his head was directly distorted, and all the power was distorted to the rear.

Snorted mercilessly.

With his voice, the shadows of sticks all over the sky smashed down all over the sky.

For a moment, there were shadows of golden sticks everywhere in the sky and the ground.

This is a full range of suppression.

The rain on the river did not move.

It also distorted the surrounding order, and then smiled lightly.

The distorted space has cracks visible to the naked eye in countless attacks.

Jiang Shangyu could no longer see the ruthless figure.

Or ruthlessness is everywhere.

His shadow was everywhere in the sky and underground, and the violent attack brought huge power to smash down from various unimaginable places, and every fall point was the weakness of this distorted space.

Even if the body is incomplete now in a ruthless state, this distorted space can only protect him for less than ten seconds at most.

"I like you more and more."

Jiang Shangyu looked at the ruthlessness everywhere in the sky and underground, and said with a smile.

As the first divine soldier to follow Huang Xi, he has been ruthlessly receiving Huang Xi’s teaching for the longest time. With a single discussion on fighting art, at the same level, even Emperor Xuanyuan is not necessarily his right.

If it weren't the case, in those years when he was assimilated by order, the order camp would not call him the Great Sage of Fighting, or the Heavenly Lord of Fighting.

In several endings and reincarnations, the position of Dou Zhan Tianzun has been vacant since he ruthlessly left the order camp, which is undoubtedly reasonable.

Fighting Tianzun is a title.

But this is the title of the order camp.

Different from the neutral camp.

The strong in the neutral camp can crack the earth and seal the king, truly stand on the top like the **** of war and the emperor, and even form a space of its own. The time-space corridor also has princes, generals, and various titles. These titles Obey a certain order, but not an absolute order.

In the absolute order, each title represents a unique rule.

This is the nature of the world.

After King Wei successfully left the Order Camp, the position of the Heavenly Lord of Fighting was always empty. Undoubtedly, this meant that no one in the Order Camp was able to equalize King Guard in the peak of fighting art.

This also means that in the order camp, the title of Dou Zhan Tianzun still belongs to King Wei by default.

This cannot be changed, not even the order itself.

This is what Jiang Shangyu wants to take advantage of.

"Did you forget something?"

Jiang Shangyu chuckled lightly: "Your title, Tianzun Douzhan..."

A ray of extremely dazzling golden light flew directly from Jiang Shangyu's body.

The golden light is almost the same as the golden light on Ruqing.

The twisted space around it that was about to shatter began to become stable the moment the golden light appeared.

Jiang Shangyu raised his hands.

Large swaths of gold continued to gleam and converge in his hands, becoming clear and solid.

The golden sight shining on Jiang Shangyu suddenly flickered.

In the golden light, the ruthless pupils suddenly shrank.

He suddenly tightened his body and stared at Jiang Shangyu.

Jiang Shangyu was still bowing his head.

In his hands, a thick golden book gradually appeared in the enveloping golden light.

Jiang Shangyu lowered his head and silently opened the first page of the book.

Countless names of people flowed past on the golden paper, and instantly became a blank.

Jiang Shangyu smiled and looked ruthlessly: "Do you know what this is?"

Standing ruthlessly in the void, tightly holding the stick in his hand, he was silent for a long time.

Jiang Shangyu looked down at the book in his hand without rush.

"I understand."

A ruthless and stiff voice suddenly sounded: "After I woke up, I always thought that you were eroded by the shadows, or even manipulated by the unknown... But now..."

He looked at the heavy and old book in Jiang Shangyu's hand.

Of course he knew what it was.

This is one of the strongest soldiers in the order camp.

Of course, the book that appeared in Jiang Shangyu's hands would not be true, but a projection twisted by chaotic rules.

But Jiang Shangyu can directly distort the projection of the **** soldiers of the order camp. This level... This means that Jiang Shangyu has not been eroded by the shadows at all, and has not been manipulated by the unknown.

His own existence!

Just unknown!

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