The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 421: : Confusion order

Irregular, irregular, this is the main theme of chaos.

But irregularities and irregularities are also a kind of order.

Maybe everyone can't understand it, but it can't deny its existence.

The gloomy and twisted forest was torn apart in the monstrous energy.

The endless black mist gathered around Jiang Shangyu.

The black mist covered the village, layered on top of each other.

This time is not short.

But ruthless but never moved.

Amazing killing intent continued to converge on him, climbing to the peak in the shortest time.

But he did nothing.

It's not that I don't want to.

It can't.

He can't make a move.

In less than half a minute, he tried countless times to completely explode the energy in his body, destroy this village, and kill all living things.

He thought so, and he did so.

But what appeared in reality was that he was motionless.

This is chaotic order.

He can't adapt.

Inner thoughts and actual actions are conflicting irregularly.

The chaotic order is spreading unscrupulously, and finally reached a certain limit.

If one cannot escape from this order for a long time, being assimilated into chaos is the end that no one can escape.

In the deepest chaos, even Huang Xi, the strongest human ever, would also be transformed into a shadow creature if he sinks into the chaos.

The misty energy completely wrapped the ruthless body.

The astonishing killing intent is slowly falling back.

But in the chaotic order, the ruthless will is more and more condensed.

The black fog gathered on Jiangshangyu, and then began to diffuse from Jiangshangyu, and finally surrounded the entire village.

The black fog began to build up its form in the air. In less than half a minute, the village in front of Ruthless had completely disappeared.

What appeared in front of him was a war fortress that was completely gathered by black mist.

The fortress is not illusory, but it becomes the essence under the accumulation of countless black mist.

Jiang Shangyu's figure appeared at the top of the fortress and snapped his fingers with a smile on his face.


There was a loud roar, shaking the earth.

The shape of the fortress standing between the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and muzzles appeared one after another on the thick walls, and various weapons changed from

Every corner of the fortress continued to stretch out, and they all aimed at the ruthless body.


The turbulent artillery fire smashed down in an instant, drowning everything.

Everywhere is the black energy that explodes and destroys.

The incredible destructive power seemed to ignite the entire space in an instant.

The ruthless figure finally moved.

He wants to fight back.

But the action made was a sudden step back.

There is no defense.

Countless black energy exploded completely around his body, drowning everything.

Jiang Shangyu smiled calmly, admiring all this before his eyes.

There was a hint of inexplicable expectation in his smiling eyes.

For the current ruthlessness, he has a considerable degree of understanding.

The ruthless state is much more complete than he imagined.

But his injuries and the restrictions in the real environment remain the same.

He felt the breath of catastrophe from the ruthless body.

But even the catastrophe is not complete at this time, and in the real environment, the role that the catastrophe can play is also limited.

Jiang Shangyu has become a chaotic creature.

His biggest source of combat power is chaotic rules.

From a spatial point of view, it is no longer Central Continent, but it is still absolutely affected by the real environment, and in the chaotic rules, Jiang Shangyu is completely at home.

His strength can faintly break through the limitations of the real environment, and it can also use the real environment and chaos to suppress the ruthlessness to the greatest extent.

Ruthless is not his opponent.

Because he understands the ruthless state better.

And the entire space-time corridor did not understand his state at this time.

The dark energy twisted and exploded crazily.

At the very center of the explosion finally burst out a hot and dazzling light.

In countless attempts and groping, the ruthless finally made a sword.

Under the chaotic rules, his thoughts are self-destructive, and the actions that follow this thought are full-out bursts.

His body tightened instantly.

The surging energy spurted surgingly around him.

The burst of his energy that had returned to its peak state at this moment was completely equivalent to thirteen murderous soldiers firing at the same time.

The burst of energy converged into a thick and dazzling beam of light.

The moment the beam of light was lit, the energy that was suppressed to the extreme hit the black bead.


The black fortress vibrated violently, the black mist fluctuated, and large swaths of weapons were directly deformed and twisted under the impact of the beam of light.

Jiang Shangyu took a step forward.

The entire fortress was completely integrated with him. As he progressed, the fortress changed again. In the blink of an eye, the already huge black fortress directly expanded to the indomitable scale, which was comparable to a small and medium-sized city.

Jiang Shangyu's mouth curled up slightly, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

He took a deep look ruthlessly and twisted his neck.

In the next second, a black trench coat that looked exactly like Ruthless appeared on him.

A kind of ruthless and extremely familiar but extremely disgusting energy bloomed in Jiang Shangyu's hands.

That is the colorful and extremely gorgeous energy.

The instant the colorful luster appeared, it turned into black in Jiang Shangyu's hands.

Jiang Shangyu laughed.

His body stepped forward again.

The distance of hundreds of meters seemed to be completely non-existent. The moment the footsteps fell, Jiang Shangyu had directly appeared in front of Ruqing.

The mighty black energy instantly turned into an endless ocean.

Jiang Shangyu pointed out like a sword.

Pierce straight.

The fierce sword energy burst out from the tips of his fingers, tearing everything apart.

The ruthless body suddenly reached a distance of hundreds of meters.

The sharp sword light almost rubbed his body and shot out from him.

Jiang Shangyu retracted his palm carelessly and said with a smile: "How about it, I use your energy, are you familiar with it?"

The majestic and incredible energy radiated from Jiang Shangyu's body.

No, to be precise, it should be pouring... out.

Without purpose, without reservation.

The turbulent black energy turned into a frenzy, he was not even attacking, just venting the energy in his body to his heart's content.

As he continues to consume.

The ruthless breath clearly began to weaken.

"You are destined to be my magic weapon."

Jiang Shangyu said calmly.

He didn't want to destroy the ruthlessness.

At this moment, he completely connected himself with the ruthless energy.

All that is squandered every minute and every second is ruthless energy.

When this energy was squandered, Ruthless was just a sword.

In the chaotic order, it will become the sword of chaos belonging to Jiang Shangyu!

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