The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 417: :power

Li Kuangtu looked at Jiang Shangyu blankly, and then at Gu Xingyun, but finally did not speak.

He was never a fool.

On the contrary, as a figure who was able to compete with Wang Tian in the last era, he is smarter and even wiser than most people.

During these days living in this strange village, he had already noticed something wrong here.

Some strange behaviors of the villagers.

It looks like a quiet rain on the river.

The chaotic ancient Xingyun.

All this gave Li Kuangtu an inhuman feeling.

This kind of feeling is indescribable. He always feels that the people here will suddenly break away from the human category at a certain moment or a certain period of time and become a form that he can't understand.

Fear is not enough for the time being.

But with the passage of time, his heart has begun to become more and more disturbed.

Belongs to their era.

The Age of Shadows?

What does the shadow mean?

Kuangtu Li kept thinking inside, and finally sighed slightly.

The emotion of regret has not only appeared for the first time these days, but every time it appears, he will be suppressed by his extremely tough and indifferent.

Jiang Shangyu is too weird.

It's too deep to hide.

Since the cooperation, Li Kuangtu has put aside his condescending and slight contempt, and even feels that he is seeking skin with a tiger.

This choice may be wrong.

But under the current situation, this is his only choice.

His Li family, his state, his belief and perseverance, everything he experienced, did not allow him to bow his head to Li Tianlan.

Nor will it, nor will it be possible.

"time to go."

Kuangtu Li suddenly spoke.


Jiang Shangyu nodded. He looked at Gu Xingyun and said softly: "The special warfare system must be arranged as soon as possible."

Jiang Shangyu's voice has no emotion.

But Gu Xingyun suddenly felt a touch of natural intimacy in his heart at this time.

There is no reason for this trust, and then it turns into honesty.

Gu Xingyun nodded: "I will make arrangements. The main area of ​​the special warfare system is the special operations bureaus in the provinces of Central Continent. This is the main body. In addition, there are special operations teams distributed in various provinces. And a large number of semi-official and semi-private special forces, more than 20 special operations forces, and a large number of consortia that rely on special operations groups, state-owned enterprises, and secret military-industrial enterprises."

Gu Xingyun's voice paused, and continued: "According to

As agreed in advance, I can let your forces enter the special warfare system, and the three of us can share everything in the special warfare system, but this will take time. "

"no problem."

Jiang Shangyu smiled.

This kind of thing does take some time to work.

The special warfare system in Central Continent has never been simple. It is a behemoth that involves all aspects. It contains far more than what Gu Xingyun just said.

In fact, in addition to what Gu Xingyun just said, the terracotta warriors and horses of the four spirits of Central Continent, the City of Sighs, Shushan, Yaochi, Shura Road, and Shadow Gate, each of which have inextricable connections, are also under the management of Kunlun City. The scope, a little farther, even the large number of special exhibition institutions headed by the North Sea Wang Clan is part of Kunlun City, and there are special warfare regiments similar to the Xuewu Corps, and even the Frontier Forbidden Corps, which belong to Kunlun City and The dual management of the military.

This is completely the position of the director giant, with high authority, sensitive and free, and the scope of authority can completely exceed everyone's imagination.

It's just that in more than 20 years, Gu Xingyun has never really controlled the special warfare system in Central Continent, and his influence can only affect those he can influence to a certain extent.

Sigh City?

Situ Cangyue was originally an invincible realm. Before he had a fierce soldier in his hand, he was inconsistent with the world, and he was too lazy to understand Kunlun City.

The terracotta warriors and horses of Zhongzhou Siling?

The head of the four spirits, Zhongzhou Qinglong Gongsun Qi, even now can be said to be the strongest half-step invincible master in the dark world, and there is not even one of them. Such a person will not be too afraid of Gu Xingyun.

Moreover, the terracotta warriors and horses troops accept the dual management of the parliament and the special warfare system. Gu Xingyun more often only has the power to direct. Too much intervention will inevitably make Li Huacheng misunderstand what he thinks about the terracotta warriors.


Before Li Tianlan appeared, Shushan was relatively easy to control some forces, but this so-called good control only shows that some of Shushan's orders for Kunlun City are only superficial cooperation.

Shushan will accept the order of Kunlun City, but whether to implement it depends entirely on the mood and whether it has sufficient benefits for itself.

Yaochi? Border Corps?

This need not be said at all.

Dongcheng Wudi was born in Yaochi.

His Border Army Corps is also nominally under the leadership of the military headquarters and Kunlun City.

But with the invincible frontier regiment of the East City, other departments are really just nominal leadership over it.

These forces that Gu Xingyun hadn't really intervened in for more than two decades accounted for almost half of the Central Continent's special warfare system.


It is completely conceivable how much power a guardian war **** who is at the peak of his prestige has the right to speak.

Gu Xingyun is also the **** of war.

Once Li Honghe was also the **** of war.

The same job, but the power that the two can exert is completely different.

And what Jiang Shangyu really wanted was more than just the things that Gu Xingyun currently mastered.

What he and Kuangtu Li really wanted to do was to use Gu Xingyun's current power to touch those things that Gu Xingyun could not touch before.

Now that Gu Xingyun has broken through, all three of them can be said to be the highest combat power in the dark world. Such a lineup has sufficient execution power.

This is also one of the key reasons why Gu Xingyun agreed to share the special warfare group with the two.

If their conspiracy can really be achieved, even if he ultimately gets only one-third of the voice of the special operations group, the overall power will be stronger than it is now.

Jiang Shangyu looked at Gu Xingyun again.

He silently recalled the resources he had now.

The apparent rise of the Eastern Palace is already unstoppable.

And his current energy is also continuously increasing in the dark.

Sanctuary is his ally.

The remaining strength of the Jiang family in South America has officially turned to him for help.

Although the forces that the Dark World has cooperated with this time have all been destroyed in the North Sea, the network and contacts they left behind can also be used. He can also completely gather the remaining forces of those forces that have not gone to the North Sea.

Then, there is the temple.

Moray's injury has begun to improve under the chaotic rules.

The Knights Templar had been a frontline force in the dark world before.

Integrating all these resources together, the power he possesses to some extent surpassed the Heavenly Purgatory that had lost the East Island.

Add Gu Xingyun's special warfare system.

He can now be regarded as one of the most powerful people in the dark world.

And their lineup now seems to be the most luxurious.

Jiang Shangyu, Li Kuangtu, Gu Xingyun, Morad.

Add a Wang Xiaoyao who feels like it is free.

Regarding masters, whether it is quantity or quality, if you don't count Li Tianlan at the top.

Neither the Eastern Palace nor the North Sea Wang Clan can compare to the alliance between them.

Jiang Shangyu squinted her eyes, her eyes flickering.

Until this moment, he can really be sure.

He already had the qualification to stand in front of Li Tianlan and face Tianjiao's sharp edge.

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