The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 399: : Transfer

Xuanyuan Wushang knows what an apostle's headquarters means better than anyone else, so the other party's words seem like a joke, but in fact they are extremely serious questions.

The apostle was talking about a part of the headquarters.

But even part of it is now an extremely test of Xuanyuan Wushang's ability to choose the battlefield.

Xuanyuan Wushang thought about it seriously for a while, then suddenly raised his palm.

Bits of pure, almost transparent light burst out from his palms, converging in front of several people, and finally formed a light curtain.

Countless shining light spots gathered in an unimaginable number in the light curtain, a large number of light spots began to go away, some of the light spots were rearranged and arranged, and finally turned into a huge elliptical swirling vortex.

Lin Shiyi raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is Rotating Galaxy?"

Xuanyuan Wushang said.

What he showed now was the detailed star map of the Space-Time Corridor in the starry sky. The complete star map had been shielded the moment it appeared, leaving only this area called Xuandong Galaxy.

The so-called Rotating Galaxy is the supercluster of Rania Kea in the scientific research of the City of Miracles, and the Virgo Galaxy Cluster, which is more familiar to the public than the City of Miracles, is a part of it, and the City of Miracles is recognized by the public. The local group of galaxies is part of the Virgo constellation. The Milky Way that everyone is very familiar with is also part of the local group of galaxies. The more familiar solar system is part of the Milky Way. The Space-Time Corridor does not accept the name of the Miracle City, but instead This super galaxy cluster is officially defined as a star field, named the Rotating Galaxy. Even in the entire space-time corridor, this area with a true diameter of trillions of light-years can be regarded as the first-level travel zone of the space-time corridor. There must be a pinnacle person in charge, and there are several saints or apostles like Xuanyuan Wushang.

This is already the large rear of the Time Corridor. Although it is still affected by the war, it is relatively calm. This is the node of time and space from the Time and Space Corridor into the God of War Realm. Both sides are familiar.

One of the main reasons why Xuanyuan Wushang chose the battlefield here was that it was relatively close to the War God Realm.

Xuanyuan Wushang's fingers slid slowly.

Pieces of clusters of galaxies in the swirling galaxy were drawn past, and the stars in the sky continued to shine, and then the clusters of galaxies, and then the galaxies.

The vortex on the screen composed of clear light quickly zoomed in and out.

The apostle’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the subtle light flashed from his eyes for less than a second. Xuanyuan Wushang had already laughed: "His Royal Highness is still watching here. If you don’t want to die, it’s best. be honest."

The apostle was stunned, and then gave a cold snort.

Although he did not speak, the light in his eyes had completely disappeared.

Although Xuanyuan Wushang searched for a suitable battlefield very quickly, the apostle could completely record the appearance of Xuanyuan Wushang's star field in the shortest time, and then he could

Use the network to invade the entire star field and get their most detailed information.

This is not very useful for the overall situation, but when there is a conflict between the God of War Realm and the Space-Time Corridor, this information can play an extremely critical role.

Among those abilities that Feng Qingwu did not allow him to use in the City of Miracles, such records were naturally not allowed.

"Just here."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled suddenly.

What appeared in front of them was still a whirlpool, although it was a little less magnificent than the swirling galaxy, but it was still shocking.

This is also an area that Lin Eleven and the apostle are very familiar with.

Whether it is the City of Miracles, the Time and Space Corridor, or the Palace of the God of War, they all use the same name here.

Milky Way galaxy.

And the battlefield locked by Xuanyuan Wushang was at the edge of the galaxy's silver halo. The planets were sparse, and there were no civilization or resource planets. There were a lot of cosmic dust all over it, and it was barren and temporarily untouched by war.

If you are looking for a battlefield near the City of Miracles, this is the most suitable place.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at the apostle.

The apostle raised his eyes and glanced at the battlefield on the screen. The whole process didn't take half a second.

Three-dimensional images took shape in his mind.

His face changed slightly, and suddenly became a little ugly and a little angry.


Lin Shixi noticed the apostle's abnormality.

"I have mastered the coordinates of the battlefield and can transfer it at any time."

The apostle stared at Xuanyuan Wushang, his eyes gushing with anger.


Lin Shiyi asked lightly.


The apostle gritted his teeth every word.

Lin Shixi's face changed slightly, and he fell silent immediately.

Free land.

For the God of War Realm and Human Palace, this term is not so beautiful.

When the term free land appeared, Lin Shixi had not yet been born.

This was the place where the Emperor of the Human Palace and the God of War of the God of War challenged the Great Emperor Xuanyuan in the Time and Space Corridor for the first time after they set foot on the summit.

The result speaks for itself.

The two joined forces, but they failed.

And it was a fiasco.

The war lasted less than two seconds, and there was no room for the God of War and the Emperor to fight back.

This is the first time the two have fought for their freedom and freedom from the constraints of the corridor of time and space.

This challenge was carried out three times before and after.

Those two were defeated the first two times.

But for the third time, he didn't fight. Emperor Xuanyuan in Time and Space Corridor recognized the independent qualifications of God of War and Human Emperor, and then split the City of Miracles in the challenge that did not fight.

Xuanyuan Wushang will have

The area where the story is told is regarded as a battlefield, which can't be said to be sinister, but it does make people uncomfortable.

This is at least a prank with no lower limit.

"Thank you."

Lin Shi was silent for a long time before saying a word without any emotion.

It is really uncomfortable here.

But here is very close to the time-space corridor.

If the apostle wants to move the headquarters, it will be easier to get closer.

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded casually.

The expressionless Lin Shiyi slowly turned around and glanced at the apostle: "Go."

The screen in the hotel bedroom completely disappeared.

One virtual line after another enveloped everyone.

A series of digitized figures disappeared instantly.

The next second, the Lin clan, over the Wangyou Villa.

The apostle appeared directly with Lin Shixi, Xuanyuan Wushang and others.

The moment the data quickly merged, the eyes of the apostle were already lit up with blue light.

There seemed to be endless thunder shining in his eyes.

Time is completely frozen!

The entire Wangyou Villa is completely virtualized.

At this moment when time is suspended, the entire Wangyou Mountain Villa is almost equivalent to non-existent, because this area has become a virtual world.

In the virtual world, a tree that doesn't seem to be ordinary but stands abruptly there.

Time is suspended.

But the tree seemed to feel something, and it shook violently.

In the virtual world, reality is the most dazzling beacon.

As far as the neutral camp is concerned, Li Tianlan's original semi-god figure is the most dazzling reality.

The apostle's hands flashing in his eyes pressed down.

In an instant, the violently struggling tree disappeared instantly with all of them, as if it had never existed.

The paused time continued to pass.

The whole process is less than one millisecond.

Wangyou Villa has once again returned to reality.

There is a one-millisecond pause, no one can notice.

But this villa was already a millisecond slower than the entire world.

At the same time, four thousand light years away, a barren land of freedom, virtual lines quickly outlined, the apostle, Xuanyuan Wushang, Lin eleven, Xing Tian, ​​the saints appeared directly in the cosmic void floating with large dust .

Only solemnity was left on Xuanyuan Wushang's chubby face.

He silently observed the surrounding situation and turned his head slowly.

Then he saw the apostle who also brought them.


Xuanyuan Wushang scolded abruptly, and pointed to the apostle: "Why are you here too? What are you doing?!"

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