The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 386: : Counterattack

The Chen family's reception hall was filled with smoke and silence.

The entire Chen family compound seemed to be brewing in an extremely depressing atmosphere.

While others are still immersed in the question of what it means to have a personal relationship between Murongxiu and Yuanlin, the giants at the highest level have forced themselves to accept this reality.

Li Tianlan sat in the corner, smoking a cigarette in silence, calmly.

Li Huacheng, Guo Wentian, Zou Mulin, Zhou Yunhai, and Ji Wenwen sat in different positions in the living room.

Their sitting posture is very casual, which also shows that this is not a formal meeting, but rather a discussion.

And the people who enter the hall are also very interesting.

Five people, plus Li Tianlan.

They represent the five major groups in the old era and the new group in the new era.

Only the Special Operations Group was absent.

The others, headed by Dongcheng Wudi, temporarily controlled Yuanlin and Mao Song, and are conducting intensive interrogation on them, showing a situation where they must dig deep to the end and thoroughly dig out all the inside information.

Li Tianlan hasn't spoken since entering the hall.

The others were also silent.

The gaze projected from different corners constantly fell on Li Tianlan, and then quickly shifted.

Including Li Huacheng, everyone was watching Li Tianlan very carefully.

Yuanlin and Murongxiu.

Mao Song and Chen Yao.

These two pairs of dog men and women brought a huge accident to the entire Central Continent Council.

This time, things can be big or small.

The only certainty is that no matter how big or small the matter is, the Chen family is over from now on.

The actions of Li Tianlan and Dongcheng Invincible were too decisive, fast and ruthless. They not only notified Li Huacheng, but several directors who are still in Zhongzhou and several members of Youzhou who are still in Youzhou were invited by them and watched the two together. An alluring drama.

As Mrs. Chen Jiashao's wife, Murongxiu went to Yuanlin's bed.

It was the Chen family who stabbed a sharp knife in his heart.

If things are not exposed, this may be Murongxiu's wonderful move to protect herself, but when the real scene appears in front of everyone, Murongxiu is tantamount to committing suicide with the entire Chen family.

Regardless of the size of this matter, the Chen family will surely be discredited, and the Prince Group will not provide any shelter to the Chen family. The power of the new group and the Eastern Palace will soon flow into Youzhou, and the entire Chen family will be in this force. Under the blow, it was completely disillusioned and evaporated like a bubble. The chickens and dogs did not stay. No one could save them, and no one was willing to save them.

Chen Fangqing, Chen Xi, and the Chen family will all become the laughing stock in the upper circles of Zhongzhou, and will even be recorded in some hidden history books.

This is the most basic result.

And after this result?

At this moment, even Li Huacheng wanted to see some clues from Li Tianlan's expression.

The necessary foreshadowing has already appeared.

Li Tianlan had already used Murongxiu and Yuanlin's personal affair to make a clear inference in that mess.

As a secretary, Yuanlin wanted to occupy Chen Fangqing's daughter-in-law, so he killed Chen Fangqing by some means.

This inference is crazy enough and cannot be said to be correct, but no one can clearly say that this inference is wrong.

This is the same situation as Li Tianlan before.

Everyone believed that Li Tianlan was the most suspicious person in the death of Chen Fangqing. This answer cannot be said to be correct, but it cannot be said to be wrong either.

No evidence.

Li Tianlan could not prove his innocence.

The parliament was also unable to confirm Li Tianlan's guilt.

In this case, unilateral denial is almost meaningless.

Li Tianlan is so.

Yuanlin, too.

From this point of view, with the help of Yuanlin and Murongxiu's personal affair, Li Tianlan extended his inference, and he almost has the best chance of a desperate comeback.

Li Tianlan's goal was not Yuanlin.

Don't say that he is just a secretary now. Even if Yuanlin really becomes the mayor of Youzhou, Yuanlin will look up to Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan's goal revolved around the cause of Chen Fangqing's death.

The affairs of Yuanlin could not prove that Li Tianlan and Chen Fangqing's death were completely unrelated, but the suspicion on him was mostly attracted by Yuanlin.

in case...

If Li Tianlan takes advantage of this to turn around and wash away his suspicions...

Chen Fangqing's death has nothing to do with the new group.

What does that mean?

All the giants present were a little irritable.

This means that some of the balances that are about to be reached will be completely out of control, and it also means that some of the new situations they have seen will also be fragmented.

The suppression of the new group has become a target. To appease Li Tianlan, he must be compensated further.

How big is the impact?

First of all, Wu Zhengmin, who was about to retreat, will directly rise to the position of Nakasu as the next council member.

Bai Qingqian will go with the flow and enter the parliament without other variables.

The personnel issues in the various departments of the Cabinet have become sensitive again.

The competition between Hua Zhengyang and Wen Siyuan will become fierce again.

As an important fulcrum for the academics to improve their internal structure, Liaodong's position in Zhongzhou will become uncertain again.

The situation of the Prince Group is even worse. They killed Chen Fangqing themselves. This result will inevitably lead to a major reshuffle within the Prince Group. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to launch a company that can cooperate with Guo Wentian in the next session to stabilize their position. Director.

There are naturally such candidates, but it is difficult for the Prince Group to find a candidate who can be recognized by all the people in the internal reorganization.

When they themselves couldn't pass it internally, the academic support was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket.

The cooperation between the two parties may come to an abrupt end.

The situation of the academic school that has lost the support of the Prince Group will once again become difficult.

The integration of the Northern Group and the New Group will continue.

The Eastern Palace rose rapidly.

The wealthy group has completely completed the internal replacement and integration.

This result is also a new balance.

But this is a balance that most people don't want to see right now.

And this is the most conservative estimate.

This is also the situation after Li Tianlan's comeback.

Li Tianlan's temper is not clear to anyone present? It was just a turnaround, and Li Tianlan was definitely unable to satisfy Li Tianlan's appetite. Under such a heavy pressure, he would definitely fight back.

The academic group, the Prince Group, the Southeast Group, and the Special Operations Group must make appropriate compensation to calm Li Tianlan's anger.

What is Li Tianlan going to do?

What is he thinking now?

Countless sights intersected and landed on Li Tianlan.

The young and silent figure in the line of sight is quietly smoking a cigarette, but the pressure on people is unparalleled



The long silence was interrupted by Li Huacheng's cough.

Li Huacheng's voice was still calm and gentle, and said lightly: "Everyone has any opinions, let's talk about it."

"Yuanlin and Mao Song are obviously problematic. I think we need to check."

No one thought that Zhou Yunhai, the giant of the Northern Group, was the first to speak.

Simple, straightforward, clear, expressing his attitude without any ambiguity.

After Chen Fangqing's death, Zhou Yunhai's attitude has been very subtle.

No, to be precise, Zhou Yunhai's attitude has always been subtle when the new group and the northern group have merged.

He has never opposed such integration in public, but he has not explicitly supported it either.

Zhou Yunhai’s age is relatively young among the major directors, and he will definitely continue to be re-elected after the general election. His attitude has always made Li Huacheng feel at ease. This attitude of non-support or non-objection will be in the foreseeable future five years. In 2015, there should not be much change, which means that the new group and the northern group will not be completely integrated in the next five years. As a result, other groups will have a lot of room for operation.

But now...

Li Tianlan and Zou Mulin haven't spoken yet.

Zhou Yunhai was the first to express his support for Li Tianlan?

The faces of Li Huacheng and Guo Wentian became gloomy at the same time.

Especially the latter, his eyes even became a little cold.

"I agree."

Zou Mulin spoke unhurriedly. His words were more straightforward than Zhou Yunhai: "The issue of style is about personal morality, but combined with the identities of Yuanlin and Murongxiu, the thought of it is shocking. Why is the prime minister suddenly? The death? Does it have anything to do with Yuanlin? How much does it have to do? Check, you must check, this is a very serious incident!"

"Yuan Lin is not confused."

Guo Wentian, who was intolerable, said with a gloomy face: "Even if we don’t consider other factors, that is, from the perspective of Yuanlin’s personal future, he has no reason to attack the prime minister. If he really kills the prime minister, he will What are the benefits?"

"Aren't the benefits obvious?"

Li Tianlan said indifferently: "When Chen Fangqing died, he was also the chief official in Xinjiang. It is said that you have discussed on a small scale that you want him to be the mayor of You Mayor? Is this position not prominent enough as the spokesperson of the capital of Central Continent?"

"But President Guo also made sense. He killed Chen Fangqing, it is impossible under normal circumstances. Therefore, we do not rule out other possibilities. For example, the death of Chen Fangqing is a dispute within certain groups. Yuanlin will not fail. Knowing the impact of Chen Fangqing’s death on him, he dared to act. The most likely possibility was that he was instructed by some major figures in certain groups. He was certain that even if Chen Fangqing died, he would still be able to get the full support of that group. Even support him to go further, thinking about it this way, it is not difficult to understand."

Guo Wentian's ears buzzed.

Everyone also looked in the direction where Li Tianlan was in amazement.

It was dark around him sitting in the corner, and no one could see his expression.

But everyone understood what Li Tianlan meant.

The counterattack did not wait for Li Tianlan to appear after the turnaround.

The real counterattack begins now!

A fierce sense of crisis completely enveloped Guo Wentian's body.

Li Tianlan, actually wanted to use this to burn fire on him?

What does he want to do.

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