The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 375: : How big is the world

Li Tianlan's blankness is genuine.

His thinking became extremely confused.

The world I see before my eyes seems to be constantly overlapping.

The feeling of depression in my heart still clearly persists, and it gradually fades over time.

The world is really narrow.

The narrow one is almost suffocating.

This so-called narrowness is not broad or not in a relative sense, but comes from the perception of perspective.

Li Tianlan couldn't use any words to describe his feeling at that moment.

That ridiculous, shocking, ecstatic and frightening perspective seemed to only appear for a moment and then suddenly disappeared. If it were not for the finger, pistol and blood on the coffee table, Li Tianlan even thought that the moment was an illusion.

Looking back on it carefully now, he couldn't even clearly say how he felt at that moment.

In that less than half a second, or less than a second...

The world overlaps.

To be precise, it cannot be said to be overlapping.

But Li Tianlan couldn't use other words to describe the scene.

His eyes saw many, infinite, and vast three-dimensional images.

Every picture is the world in front of me, this villa, this manor.

But it's more than what he saw.

He has no way to describe it.

He saw more than what his eyes could see.

Just now, Qin Weibai sat next to him, with Dongcheng Invincible in front of him.

At the moment when the world overlapped, he saw Dongcheng Invincible facing him, at the same time he saw Dongcheng Invincible's back, and the left and right sides of Dongcheng Invincible.

Everything, massive amounts of information, endless details.

The whole world seemed to be completely presented in front of Li Tianlan in the most complete posture.

He can see every position of every person in different directions in the room, and even clearly see the internal organs, bones, and blood vessels in their bodies.

This is not perspective...

It is a kind, all the pictures are mixed together, completely appearing in front of Li Tianlan.

The skin of the surrounding human body has not been damaged in any way, and Li Tianlan does not have the so-called perspective function. From that perspective, they still exist, but all the organs in their bodies also exist together with their bodies. Numerous pictures are completely complete. Are tied together.

It's not just people.

Sofa, wall, TV...

At that moment, what appeared in front of Li Tianlan was not only the TV screen, but the back of the TV behind the TV screen. The internal parts of the TV existed at the same time as the TV screen. What he saw was not only the wall in front of him, but also the outside of the wall. manor.

Everything that the line of sight touches is displayed in the most three-dimensional way.

It is completely different from perspective, which is the most intuitive perspective change.

The entire manor has become a three-dimensional image, and each frame completely connects countless three-dimensional images together, and finally becomes a magnificent and weird picture to the extreme.

In this picture, Li Tianlan saw the pistol aimed at the main villa.

Very far, but very close.

They seemed to be two figures, but they were extremely vague.

Li Tianlan couldn't see their faces, but their image, in Li Tianlan's eyes, was also three-dimensional.

Two people are like two standard three-dimensional images.

Their bodies, the organs in their bodies, the brain, heart, blood vessels, all

Neatly juxtaposed in the image.

It was the first time that Li Tianlan saw this kind of picture. The picture in his sight turned into a massive amount of information that impacted his will. He was a little surprised, and his instinctive reaction was to casually stretch out his hand.

Then he sat on the sofa of the villa and took the pistol and the finger, which he did not know how far away.

This feeling is indescribable.

Because in the image he saw, the opponent's finger was indeed holding the gun.

But among the countless juxtaposed and presenting thousands of detailed pictures, there is a three-dimensional pattern where the fingers and the pistol exist alone.

In other words, the finger and the pistol are separate images, not connected to other fingers.

This is just a very subtle detail.

Li Tianlan also instinctively took advantage of this detail.

So he stretched out his hand, took the gun, and took his fingers off by the way.

Is to take.

He took it easily, he didn't have any feeling of breaking his fingers. The fingers and the pistol were like separate objects placed on the screen. He just took them briefly.

Calm down a bit, and the blurry picture became clear from memory again.

Li Tianlan was in a trance.

Because when he saw the two blurred figures, he didn't just see pistols and fingers.

Beside the two of them, their hearts, brains, and all their vitals appeared in different three-dimensional images.

That feeling is exactly the same as the feeling of seeing a pistol and fingers.

In other words, Li Tianlan is 100% sure that if he did not get the pistol, but instead got the heart...

He will directly take the opponent's heart out of the opponent's body.

Explore the capsule to fetch the material.

The other party lost his heart, but he didn't even leave any wounds on his body.

Li Tianlan trembles a little, what this means is self-evident.

This means that if he can have that kind of vision for a long time, in that kind of bizarre vision, he can take anything at will.


For example, a towering skyscraper.

When all the details appeared in front of him, he could easily find the weakest spot, just take away a steel bar, and the whole building would collapse instantly.

Another example...



There is no such concept anymore.

In his field of vision, even if it is tens of thousands of miles apart, across the video, across the screen, as long as his field of view can see, everything about the other party will appear in front of him.

Dignitaries, rich people, even the so-called Tianjiao...

As long as you let yourself see, you only need to stretch out your hand, or even force, to take away the other person’s brain or heart.

This kind of perspective, this kind of ability, is like a true god!

The brain began to twitch slightly, and the feeling of depression continued.

Li Tianlan's face was a bit ugly, and he subconsciously rubbed his forehead.

The amount of information received at that moment was too large, even to the point that he could not bear it. If a normal person suddenly received those information, the whole person's spirit might collapse completely.

And what made him most uncomfortable was the sense of contrast.

The magical perspective just lasted for less than a second.

But when the angle of view turned, everything he saw became extremely depressing.

It’s like seeing the real world suddenly, even for a second,

But going back to the illusion again, seeing everything is a little uncomfortable.

But now his perspective is that of a normal person.

What is the perspective of a normal person?

That is to look at any person, any object, and what you can see is always just the side facing your line of sight.

It is impossible to see the back side of the object through the front side of the normal viewing angle, let alone see a true three-dimensional.

When Dongcheng Invincible was facing him in front of him, all he could see was the front of the opponent, and he could not see the back of Dongcheng Invincible anyway.

But in that second, the Dongcheng Invincible in his sight was absolutely three-dimensional, absolutely comprehensive, and displayed in front of Li Tianlan with thousands of details at the same time.

Li Tianlan rubbed his forehead vigorously and even closed his eyes.

A sword aura suddenly released from his side, the sword aura turned into a circle, and quickly rushed out of the villa, covering the entire manor in the blink of an eye.

The place where the two figures exist in the memory is already empty.

Li Tianlan subconsciously wanted to chase, but after moving his body, he suddenly realized what he had overlooked.


He even ignored the distance.

At his speed, this distance may not be far, but it is not at all.

And when he subconsciously wanted to chase, he didn't even consider this at all.

This is also the sense of confusion formed by the change of perspective.

He looked at the pistol and fingers on the coffee table and was silent for a long time.

The god-like feeling just now didn't disappear, but became clearer.

Li Tianlan was sure again that it was not his own illusion.

In that perspective.

The so-called distance exists, but it also does not exist.

From that perspective, Li Tianlan is sitting in Youzhou. If someone is in the star country, in Europe, in the southern part of the sky, or even in the polar region, in any corner of the video with Li Tianlan, as long as someone appears in the video, no matter how far apart, Li Tianlan only needs to gently stretch out his hand to take away the opponent's brain or heart at will.

If this is not a god, go one step further, if Li Tianlan suddenly possesses power far beyond the present, when his perspective is infinitely widened, when the entire planet is in his perspective, would he be able to do so easily? Destroy a planet?

This problem cannot be verified at all for the time being.

But from this perspective, killing someone no longer needs verification.

In this indescribable perspective, the distance is real.

And what really exists at the same time as the distance is the direction.

With countless three-dimensional pictures, the so-called direction is more than just front, back, left, and right.

Instead, there are countless, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, and even more directions.

These directions do not exist in the perspective of normal people.

But in that perspective, it is extremely clear.

At the same distance, a certain direction may extend the distance between two points infinitely, just like the ends of the world.

But if you change one direction, the distance that was originally infinite will be shortened instantly, just a few minutes away.

So Li Tianlan suddenly began to think.

When countless directions are completely juxtaposed in front of him, the so-called distance, the distance between two points, the countless distance between countless points, can be very far or very close.


The so-called world, how big is the place where they live now?

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