The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 302: :return

A black ocean rippling in the extreme darkness and nothingness.

The vast ocean is endless, continuously extending in the endless space.

There is no light in the black ocean.

The majestic sword energy that can shatter everything has gathered into a huge wave that can shatter stars.

Unspeakable huge waves of sword energy whizzed up and down in the void, drowning everything.

This should be a shocking picture beyond everyone's imagination.

It's just that the black ocean is too big. In the ocean measured in light years, even a huge wave that can smash a star looks like a tiny wave in the ocean.

Sword Qi filled the void, sweeping the stars.

The planets and stars that originally existed around were all shattered by sword energy.

The black ocean roared and surging, occupying the entire galaxy, like a very deep shadow in the starry sky.

Silence is like eternal existence, immutable.

Meaningless time passes by at different speeds.

The vast ocean that occupied the entire galaxy was calm.

Ten thousand years have passed on the other side of the sea, and perhaps only a day has passed on this side of the sea.

The surging sea seemed completely still in the endless void.

Until a glimmer of light suddenly lit up.

The faint light showed shining from a huge wave as high as hundreds of thousands of meters, and then spread rapidly in the surrounding sea at the speed of light.

It seemed like a blink of an eye, and it seemed like a long time passed.

The faint light directly covered the entire sea area.

The undulating waves of sword energy are slightly still.

The black ocean turned into a smooth mirror surface in an instant.

A picture appeared on the sea level.

All kinds of huge objects are placed in an orderly manner, forming a three-dimensional space.

A soft but infinite sofa.

Exaggerated like a bed with a sky curtain.

The woman who is full of the country and the city, the fat man who is harmless to humans and animals, your majesty with closed eyes.

The entire picture spans the length of light years and is all imprinted on the sea.

If this picture keeps shrinking in proportion to normal people, it is exactly the picture of the master bedroom of the Eastern Palace.

The sea was motionless, playing silently.

With real water and light surging out of the crystal bottle, the silent figure lying on the bed was completely submerged.

At that moment, there was a whistling sound that was extremely illusory but extremely harsh in the distant void.

At the end of the sea there was a void storm without any warning.

All kinds of messy cosmic rays instantly illuminate the void.

There is no concealment in the most real and most illusory universe. The whole world is changing. The huge and calm sea reflects Li Tianlan and the surrounding starry sky.

Time seems to be continuously accelerated without limits.

The storm ravaged the stars.

A star that has reached its twilight suddenly exploded and began to transform into a supernova. A good black hole close to the galaxy began to accelerate and collide. The void is gradually shattering and becoming more and more fragile. The whole world is shaking, and the void storm is getting more and more. Many, countless storms rushed into the sea of ​​sword energy, but they were completely shattered by the sword energy in the void before they approached.

A bit of darkness suddenly appeared in the void.

Darkness and black ocean have similarities, but they are not the same.

The same is the spread of Jian Qi.

Sword Qi shuttled from different star clusters and galaxies, shattered the storm raging everywhere, and gradually approached the black ocean.

The ocean surging slightly for a moment.

The infinite black sword energy did not melt with the ocean, but floated upward, and finally stayed above the ocean.

It was like a dark sky.

The sky and the sea face each other up and down in the void.

The sky spread unscrupulously.

A hazy and illusory figure that seemed to be dissipating at any time silently spread down the black sword aura of the sky.

His voice was steady and calm: "How?"

"It's already started."

The huge waves above the sea rise against the sky.

The figure of God of War appeared beside the transparent phantom.

The two stood side by side, looking at Li Tianlan reflected on the sea below.

God of War God of War.

People imperial palace people emperor.

Since they left the city of miracles, in the emptiness they have experienced for millions of years, the two have been watching each other, advancing and retreating together, step by step exploring the ultimate of this world, slices of galaxies, slices of galaxies. , A piece of star field, the entire star sea, finally stood at the pinnacle of the starry sky.

The Emperor is the guardian of the God of War.

God of War is also the guardian of the Human Palace.

This relationship has lasted for countless years, and there is no possibility of being destroyed.

"How is your situation?"

God of War looked up at the sky above his head and asked suddenly.

"Not very good."

The phantom of the emperor was shining dimly. He looked down at Li Tianlan on the sea, and his voice was solemn and solemn: "I hope there will be a turning point this time."

"Go to the Eternal Forge again?"

The God of War frowned.

"The eternal melting pot that we entered together at the beginning, can come out alive, only we are today. Going now will have no effect."

The Emperor sighed softly, his eyes fixed on the sea.

He saw the endless water light enveloping Li Tianlan. Li Tianlan's body floated from the bed and began to emit clear light.

The strong clear light almost instantly ignored all distances and rushed directly out of the city of miracles. In the blink of an eye, the light penetrated the black sea, penetrated the black sky, and spread across the entire sea of ​​stars.

The endless void storm was intensified countless times in an instant.

Disasters are everywhere.

The starry sky seems to have the will in the dark, and is trying its best to search for something, even to reverse something.

The God of War waved his hand.

The screen reflecting Li Tianlan instantly zoomed away and further away.

In just one second, the bedroom was zoomed out and turned into a blue planet.

The void around the planet is changing little by little with a faint to almost imperceptible amplitude.

The sunlight began to refract.

It is like activating a certain switch, and everything that follows will enter an irreversible process of change.


The God of War whispered: "He still chose the City of Miracles."

"The war is about to begin..."

The emperor’s voice is a bit complicated: "On the left is the light of order, and on the right is the shadow of chaos. We can barely struggle for survival. It has to do with our authority, but just like your previous battle to kill the doomsday, how do you feel? "


The God of War was silent for a long time before shook his head slightly. From the time he killed the doomsday to the present, the two met for the first time and discussed this topic for the first time.

He indeed relied on his own strength to forcibly slay a doomsday in the order camp. There was an element of strength and an element of luck.

"The neutral camp is completely innately disadvantaged in the face of order. Compared to chaos, order can be said to be our natural enemy. We, the time corridor, all the creatures of the neutral camp have existed to this day, relying on not only authority, but truth. Our most powerful weapon."

"The No. 1 powerhouse in the Time and Space Corridor known as the neutral camp is also the only existence that can kill the doomsday unscathed. His power does not lie in authority, but also because of truth."

The Emperor looked at Li Tianlan on the sea and whispered softly: "This one is close to pure reality. He has now begun to take root in the city of miracles, and even our place has been affected. I am afraid that the Time and Space Corridor has already been turned upside down."

"Everything in the past is deep enough, no matter it is order or chaos, I don't want to see him return. Everyone will be involved in the war. Under the war, where is there any paradise?"

"Never before."

The God of War shook his head slightly.

"Space-Time Corridor...Time-Space Corridor..."

The Emperor murmured to himself, and suddenly asked: "You said that if you and I join forces, will it be the opponent of your Majesty in Time and Space Corridor?"

After a pause, he added: "Life and death battle."

The God of War was silent for a long time.

"The most likely ending..."

He seemed to have gone through many calculations before slowly opening his mouth: "You and I have fallen. He was seriously injured, and he may lose most of his authority and true brand."

"It's terrible, the number one master..."

The emperor’s voice was a little erratic: “In this way, Time and Space Corridor still has some chances to win this war, at least it can protect the City of Miracles and drag the war until the time the Majesty returns.”

"It depends on the determination of order and chaos, and one thing is undeniable, our time is too short, so now even if we join forces, we will not be the opponent of the time and space corridor, but with the city of miracles, As the recovery begins to return, the strength of that majesty will continue to decrease. After all, at the beginning, the one in the City of Miracles handed over his authority to the one in the time corridor, so that majesty can really make up for the defects of the time corridor. The so-called Lord, if he returns... the faster he recovers, the greater the pressure on the corridor of time and space."

"In terms of authority, in the beginning, the authority of the City of Miracles should be the highest, right?"

"This question makes no sense."

The God of War shook his head: "Your authority is higher than mine, but what is the difference in combat power? The most likely thing now is that Time and Space Corridor and Li Tianlan exchange authority to touch different roads. This is the most advantageous and most convenient way. Yes, if you and I fall, you can exchange authority if you have a chance."

The Emperor gave a thoughtful hmm.

"I should go to the Time and Space Corridor, here..."

The God of War hesitated slightly for a moment.

They and Time and Space Corridor are indeed not friends.

The starry sky is so vast, so-called friends are actually meaningless words.

Time and Space Corridor, Human Palace, God of War Realm, etc...

Under this dry but never lonely starry sky, they are in the same camp and can only barely struggle to survive. When the Space-Time Corridor encounters a war, the God of War must help, and in the face of life and death, all grievances must be put down.

"Kill another doom?"

The Emperor laughed.


The voice of God of War is a bit erratic.

The end of order...

No matter which one it is, it represents the apex and limit of combat power in the starry sky, which can hardly be surpassed.

Killing someone...

The God of War thought silently, but finally did not speak.

"I will move the Human Palace and the God of War Realm, and leave it to me here."

The emperor said calmly: "Although it is not suitable for me to make a move now, I really need it, and it is not impossible. There will be nothing here."

The God of War turned his head and took a deep look at the other party, humming.

The two of them were not talking, looking down at the picture reflected on the sea.

The water light with a real meaning has completely wrapped Li Tianlan's figure.

Big rivers, big lakes and seas, endless water and light, wrapped layer by layer on Li Tianlan, and penetrated into every pore of his body along his skin, repairing every wound and even every cell in his body.

The faint to extreme transformation happened little by little.

The eyes of the two of them could clearly see that Li Tianlan’s body was increasing a little bit, and his eyebrows gradually became sharper and sharper. This change is really too subtle, so subtle that people can’t even notice it. In his sight, this change is extremely clear and dramatic.

Endless disasters in the starry sky continued to happen with Li Tianlan's changes, becoming more and more violent.

"The smell of magic soldiers."

The Emperor suddenly said.

The God of War nodded and gave a hmm.

"They are indeed exchanging authority. If we fail this time, we can also try. They are the first movers. We still have some time to wait for the result."


The God of War murmured to himself: "They have always been."

The Emperor smiled lightly.

"October this time I will go to the City of Miracles. This is the condition I negotiated with Time and Space Corridor. You are his grandfather, do you need him to take care of your family?"

The God of War asked suddenly.

Eleven is his youngest son and the Eleventh Prince of the God of War Realm, whose real name is Lin Eleven.

"what sense?"

The Emperor asked rhetorically.

"At least it will make you feel better."

God of War said lightly.

"I have nothing uncomfortable."

The Emperor shook his head: "And there are some things, I still remember."

The God of War was slightly startled: "Tianzong seems to be pretty good?"

"This generation..."

The Emperor shook his head slightly: "The two brothers are good, but they don’t see martial arts anymore, there is no need to deliberately take care of them. In any case, the North Sea Wang Clan will always exist, if possible, to bring the Holy Night. , Haotian and Yes. Lingxi likes Song Ci very much..."

The Emperor said plainly, and obviously began to chat about the family.

"Where is Yuetong?"

"That's not for me to decide."


The God of War suddenly laughed: "If you look back to the beginning, Yuetong seems to be Qin Weibai's maid? At first, she was entangled with Li Tianlan, and was later driven out by Qin Weibai. At that time, she had the best relationship with Yuetong... Was it the mother of the Ninth Prince on Chronology Corridor? He was kicked out after saying a word against the injustice. Is it true?"

The emperor turned his head and looked at him helplessly at the close friend of life and death who had been together for countless years. This so-called relationship is indeed a bit messy. To some extent, God of War can be regarded as his nephew, from another relationship. , God of War can be regarded as his son-in-law, but in all these years, who is still who, and who has nothing to do with whom?

He shook his head: "Are you telling me a story here?"

"I seemed to have received some news, but it was vague."

"How can this be said clearly?"

The emperor said quietly: "Your statement is true, but it should be Dongcheng, not Yuetong. There is also a saying that Yuetong and Qin Weibai are the same person, or Dongcheng is the case, Wang Yuetong is both Qin Weibai’s disciples are in a mess, who is who, and where can you say it clearly? They are all lonely and wild ghosts. If you don’t say anything else, just say us..."

He paused and said softly: "Do we really know who we are?"

The God of War was silent.

There was a touch of sadness in his extremely shining eyes.

"Li Tianlan is Li Tianlan. Even if he returns, he is also Li Tianlan. At the beginning of the study, it might have been a trap."

The Emperor said slowly.

The God of War seemed to have lost the nature of chatting. He lowered his head and looked at the black sea quietly. After a long time, he slowly said, "I am me."

The emperor hummed.


The God of War suddenly said, "Go to the Corridor of Time and Space."

Human Sovereign's illusory figure that seemed to disappear at any time silently disappeared and returned to the dark sky.

On the black sea, Li Tianlan's fingers moved slightly and lifted his palm.

The God of War glanced deeply at the scene on the sea.

In the next moment, the calm sea suddenly shattered.

The endless violent waves of sword energy undulated suddenly.

The whole sea was rioting and spinning.

Pieces of huge waves that can smash the stars screamed wildly.

The emptiness but the extremely strong space wall was torn in an instant.

The figure of God of War disappeared.

The whole black ocean moved completely.

The endless black sword energy rushed to the starry sky at the other end along the broken space wall.

Who is who? who am I?

This may be a problem that plagues every peak power.

During the extremely long years, the God of War had long been unsure whether he was Lin Xuanyuan or not.

But the most essential thing will never change.

Today, he is the vast ocean of sword energy that occupies the entire galaxy.

This is his most essential form of existence.

The mighty sword energy rushed into the other end of the Shattered Void.

Shuttle like a nymph hole.

The first wave of sword energy that penetrated the temporary void channel rushed out.

Time and Space Corridor no longer knows how many years have passed.

Numerous harsh sirens sounded simultaneously.

The forefront of the dark ocean.

It is in all directions.

There was a cold metallic luster everywhere.

The void has long since disappeared.

The ocean is surging, and the sword is overwhelming.

The metallic luster has completely obscured the void and covered the stars.

In extremely remote corners, one after another multi-barreled Star Destroyer rapid-fire guns fired frantically. The starry sky was densely packed with billions and tens of billions of mechanical forces, and countless high-tech lights crisscrossed, and farther places were one after another. In the rotating wormhole, countless mechanical lives are pouring out in an endless stream, more and more.


The endless attack received the attack command at the moment the black ocean appeared, and the monstrous light instantly hit the black tide.

Although the starry sky is dead, it is never lonely.

In order to survive, war is an eternal theme.

Perhaps no one knows the meaning of survival.

Or survival itself is a unique meaning.

The boiling sword energy madly stirred the mechanical creatures in all directions.

The cold metal shattered continuously, and the overwhelming parts gradually combined into a huge figure in the distance.

This is the end!


The essence of the world is darkness, silence, and nothingness.

Essence is hidden anywhere, in dreams, deep in consciousness, in the most feared place.

I don't know what I am, who I am, or why I can exist.

I don't know what I am.

Countless people, countless lives are constantly overlapping in the most tranced consciousness.

The self-cognition is revised again and again.

Li Tianlan's consciousness seemed to be divided into countless personalities, constructing countless worlds.

His consciousness exists in the darkness and in every different world.

The ego seems to be scattered all the time, continuously scattered.

The world seems to have no obstacles, but there are obstacles everywhere.

It's like sitting in countless dreams at the same time.

Li Tianlan's consciousness was completely lost.

In the darkness, without thinking and direction, only oneself in one world after another is doing different things.

A large number of pictures sometimes appear blurry and sometimes clear.

It was an extremely violent explosion.

The extreme high temperature ignited the void in an instant.

Stars, galaxies, and clusters of stars, the endless star field seems to die at the same time, the high temperature evaporates everything, the violent explosion seems like crazy outward expansion, but at the same time collapses toward the inside.

Nothing can stay.

Civilization, starry sky, everything is completely extinguished in the explosion and high temperature.

The picture dimmed.

Dimmed for a long, long time.

In the darkness of nothingness, a light representing infinite vitality appeared in cycles, turning into a picture again.

Li Tianlan seemed to have lost all perception of the outside world, just staring numbly.

It is a barren mountain.

The men and women in ragged clothes looked at each other silently.


The woman with endless exhaustion spoke softly, her voice was cold and dreamy, even in the most embarrassed state, the woman was still full of indescribable refinement and perfection.

This is a woman without any blemishes, even the beauty of the country and the beauty of the country cannot seem to be enough to describe one of her ten thousand graces.

This is also a woman Li Tianlan is very familiar with.

But the moment he saw her, Li Tianlan suddenly forgot her name.

Or in other words, she had too many names in the time when she didn't know whether it was real or virtual.

Li Tianlan couldn't remember anything, he didn't even know what his name was.

He listened to the woman calling his brother to the man in front of her.

Li Tianlan had forgotten everything, but suddenly he could clearly feel that the same embarrassed man was himself at this moment.

"Only us..."

The man looked at the deserted but full-bodied mountains around him, his voice hoarse.

"At least it's not too bad."

The woman smiled reluctantly.


"Brother, it's raining."

"The cosmic radiation is too strong, what is this?"

"Clay figurine, look, this is me, this is you, and my parents... But... I can't remember what they look like. There are only two of us..."

"Are these all us?"

"No, they are our new friends."

"Then why is it the same as ours?"

"Because... I can't remember it. It's been a long time, I only remember what we looked like, I forgot..."

"Lonely, right?"

"No, I have my brother with me..."

"But it will always be lonely."


"I have an idea."



"Say it?"

"Maybe, we can get married..."

"But... but... I'm your sister..."

"There are only two of us."


"This is Xuan, this is Su, there are now four people in the imperial palace."

"I don't like them anymore."


"I drove Xuan He Su out."

"Huh, are you upset?"

"No, it's just that there are only two of us in the imperial palace."


"'s so troublesome, they are all so troublesome, why war..."

"These stones are very interesting."

"It's true, it's beyond authority, it's beautiful, I like it very's a pity..."


"My name is... Xuanyuan."


"I am leaving here after all."

"Where to go?"

"Explore the ultimate world."

"Will you take me?"


"Well, together."


"I have seen your Majesty."

"We... failed?"

"It's a worthwhile trip, it's worth this life..."

"What did your majesty see?"

"Some mess."

"Born from nothingness, guarding nothingness... a poor species."

"That is their only instinct. They can't hold us. I call them..."



"All-powerful, all-knowing, everywhere..."

"what is that?"

"Kneel to the gods."

"Born to be human, why do you kneel down and worship other species? God, what is it?"

"The world has a master, but what is the so-called god...?"

"I am the emperor of humans, standing side by side with the heavens and the earth, alongside the ghosts and gods, and the human race should have its own persistence."


"If my body falls, you are the general trend of the human race, and if I return, I will be a divine weapon."

"Your Majesty, here... is your new imperial palace?"

"No, starting today, our territory... is called the Corridor of Time and Space."

"Why is it called Space-Time Corridor?"

"You will understand, later."


"Your Majesty, I am Xuanyuan Wushang..."

"Son's son?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I..."

"You didn't call me that before."

"That was before..."

"It's also now, just like before, call me big brother."

"But you are my father's..."

"That was the real past, or rather, it was him."

"I'm still not me? I can't be sure by myself, but you are my brother."


"Our people... are contaminated."

"Everyone's thoughts were revised in an instant..."

"The war has begun."

"leave here……"

"Under the stars, no one is king."

"I, pass Wei Xuanyuan."

"He failed……"


Countless voices kept echoing.

The blurry pictures kept flickering.

Battleships that cross the starry sky, densely packed mechanical creations, twisted and chaotic souls, overwhelming elements and light.

Li Tianlan didn't think about it. He numbly accepted these messages, but instinctively felt something was wrong.

Everything he saw and heard seemed to be extremely false.

Like a real dream, it seems to be unreal at all.

A large number of images began to disappear the moment he noticed the falsehood.

The darkness surging slightly.

Li Tianlan moved forward subconsciously.

He didn't know where his body was, he just wanted to follow the direction of the dark surging forward.

Immediately there was feedback in the consciousness that the darkness was receding.

His numb consciousness began to become active again, and his consciousness drifted into darkness.

A faint whiteness appeared in the darkness.

The surroundings seem to be getting colder, getting colder and colder.

The darkness gradually becomes thinner.

White becomes purer.

Li Tianlan floated forward silently for a long time.

Without any warning, the boundless darkness suddenly disappeared.

The faint white light instantly became extremely dazzling.

Like snow all over the world.

The still blizzard suddenly frantic the moment he appeared.

In the messy wind and snow, there is a sword light that is extremely real and shining.

The moment Li Tianlan saw Jian Guang, Jian Guang had already arrived directly in front of him.


Extremely determined, extremely desperate, a sword of frustration.

Jianfeng seemed to have the coldness of the sky full of ice and snow, penetrated his chest, pierced into the heart, the sword energy was surging, and the blood was flying.

All consciousness solidified instantly.

In Li Tianlan's sight, there were only a pair of extremely desperate but somewhat confused eyes.

Those eyes looked at him quietly and said softly: "I'm sorry."

Snow turned into water.

The sound of water filled the sky.

Li Tianlan opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed.

All the wars, all the dreams, all the chaos seemed to leave him in an instant.

The pure truth is completely awakened.

At the same time, in the boundless star field, the sky was full of flames of war.

The fierce void storm, burning and exploding stars, and cosmic rays flying everywhere, all the cosmic disasters abruptly subsided when Li Tianlan opened his eyes.

In each star region, countless battlefields paused at the same time.

In the next second, the various legions in the space-time corridor, countless artificial creations, a large number of generals, dozens of national princes, and several princes fell to the ground almost at the same time, with the voice of infinite power from the countless battlefields under the stars. It rang: "Welcome your Majesty's return!!!"

The black ocean is surging.

The sword light all over the galaxy instantly rolled up countless wild waves.

The sword spirit of the God of War who was fighting with the doomsday suddenly became extremely crazy.

The black sky of the Human Palace gradually converged into a figure of a middle-aged man.

Facing the direction of the City of Miracles, he leaned slightly, his eyes were complicated, and he was silent.

The golden light shines in the pinnacle hall.

An extremely dazzling golden beam of light suddenly rushed out of the black hole where the pinnacle hall was located, spreading towards the surrounding star field at a speed far exceeding the speed of light.

Golden lights crisscross.

On countless battlefields, everyone in the Time and Space Corridor saw the continuously curved golden light.

Golden light is all over the void, forming a vocabulary that everyone can see clearly.

Fight to death!

In the long years, this is the first time that His Majesty of Space-Time Corridor has taken action.

The pen falls to the galaxy.

This is the strongest human imperial law of the human race today.

It is also the edict of the Emperor!

In the Eastern Palace, Li Tianlan, who was a little dazed, shook his head vigorously.

His consciousness seemed to remain in the eternal darkness, the sword that finally pierced the heart, and the eyes of despair and silence.

He sat quietly, silent for a long time.

The endless water light slowly disappeared.

Xuanyuan Wushang put away the crystal bottle in his hand and laughed: "It's fine if you wake up."

After a pause, he continued: "Congratulations, Your Majesty."


Qin Weibai walked quickly to Li Tianlan's side, holding his shoulder, and subconsciously touching Li Tianlan's head, whispered, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Li Tianlan looked at Qin Weibai's eyes quietly, his eyes were a little strange.

"what happened?"

Qin Weibai was a little confused.

"It's okay."

Li Tianlan shook his head slightly.

All the pictures and conversations seen in the drowsiness are dissipating at an unprecedented speed, becoming increasingly blurred.

But the last pair of eyes he saw became clearer and clearer.

Those were Qin Weibai's eyes.

Eyes exactly like Qin Weibai in front of him, but not at all.

"I had a dream."

Li Tianlan hugged Qin Weibai vigorously, and whispered: "I dreamed that you killed me."

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