The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 299: : Great illusion

Xuanyuan Wushang's somewhat stupefied voice echoed in the depths of the colorful consciousness.

There were sounds like the original sound everywhere, like the whispers of heaven and earth.

The light of the huge crown floating in front of him circulates, and layers of light continue to spread in all directions.

Xuanyuan Wushang stared at this scene in a daze.

Some pictures seemed to appear in his mind, faintly, but he no longer remembered.

The vague memory seemed to be before the extremely distant time, and it seemed to be the last second, the screen appeared distorted, and then quickly blurred.

Xuanyuan Wushang wasn't sure if he had seen the crown in front of him.

It is so gorgeous and exquisite, and so majestic and graceful. Countless illusory lights woven it into reality. The scene before him seemed familiar, but Xuanyuan Wushang didn't even know what this crown meant for a while.

The light flowed and spread.

Xuanyuan Wushang continued to move forward.

The distance between the two sides keeps getting closer.

The crown seemed to be offended, and the colorful rays of light burst out instantly.

The infinite light seems to have its own consciousness this time, it is countless times more terrifying than what Xuanyuan Wushang has just experienced. The clear and distinct light rushed through Xuanyuan Wushang's body, instantly shattering the clear light on his body, Xuanyuan The countless flesh and blood on Wushang's body was washed away in a split second.

Xuanyuan Wushang's face was pale, he clenched his teeth, and moved forward incomparably in the light of the sky.

He has no retreat.

Before he saw the person he wanted to meet, he had no way to leave here.

Flesh fell off in large pieces in the light.

The red blood was flowing unscrupulously.

His steps moved forward.

Countless flesh and blood have left the body.

Xuanyuan Wushang has already had countless wounds on his whole body, and the sharp bones can be seen.

Limbs, chest and abdomen, head.

Pieces of flesh and blood continued to shatter.

Xuanyuan Wushang in the light disappeared.

There was only one skeleton skeleton that persisted in walking forward slowly.

The red blood disappeared.

Drops of golden liquid flowed from the skeleton's bones.

The golden blood turned into light and merged with the colorful light of the crown.

The crown clearly felt something, and the light around it suddenly stopped.

The skeleton fell in the last step.

He reached out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the crown in front of him.

The crown floated backward for a moment.

In the next second, countless images instantly enveloped the skeletons.

It's like an abyss.

Xuanyuan Wushang, with only the skeleton left, fell instantly.

There was an extremely majestic and extremely bleak voice echoing between the heaven and the earth.

"He failed. But there is still a chance."

"Can you afford to wait? Who knows how long it will take?"

"Time has no meaning."

"I'll go."

"What can you do?"

"Maybe I can't do anything, but I can at least be with him."

"Do you think this is a good thing?"

"How is his situation now?"

"It's hard to say, I can't find him. In his state, I step into order on the left, and fall into the shadows on the right. Maybe... Anyway, it's not what we want..."

"It's just you, you, not me."

"What do you want to do?"

"No matter real or illusory, I just want to be with him."

"Needless to say, brother, send us to the City of Miracles."

come down.

Countless rays of light woven into a bottomless abyss.

The pictures were like a deep well, swallowing all the consciousness of Xuanyuan Wushang.

"From now on, your name is Gu Xianyan."

"Welcome to Kunlun City, welcome to Phoenix Pavilion."

"Clear as water, pure as snow, ethereal as wind, cold as fog, the country is beautiful, and the country is full of beauty."

"This woman is in troubled times..."

"Remember this person."

"Li Tianlan?"

"This is your goal, stay with him."

"Xianyan has seen His Royal Highness."

"Heh... the first beauty in Central Continent, you deserve this title."

"Gu Xianyan left Kunlun City today, that's it."

"You got me completely."

"is it?"

"Why don't you admit it?"

"I do not know."

"You know it."

"Stop talking, don't force me!"

"I'm pregnant."

"It's so perfunctory to name children, it's annoying."

"Who dare to fight me?"

"It hurts..."

"Why don't you fight back?"


Xuanyuan Wushang's consciousness fell into a blizzard.

"You killed my man."

"It's us."

"Do you think I look like a flying bird?"

The colorful light and the colorful sword light overlap suddenly.

"I will go to him and take this world with me."

"All of you... be buried for him."

"I think..."

"Be with him..."

"From today, your name is Gu Xianyan, and I am Qin Weibai."

"But I'm Qin Weibai..."

"I am you."

"I am the you of the future, and you are the me of the past."

"Let me go, you bitch."

"Don't let it go, I won't let it go, Li Tianlan, you bastard."

The almost eternal sword light pierced the sky and pierced the supreme martial arts monument of this era.

"It's all over..."

The colorful sword light dissipated instantly.

All the light around him also disappeared.

The extreme darkness and silence enveloped everything.

Xuanyuan Wushang kept falling.

His speed keeps accelerating.

But the surroundings are always dark, always dead.

With only the skeleton left, Xuanyuan Wushang couldn't even hear the sound of his own heartbeat and blood flow.

The constant fall seems to become an eternal eternity.

Long and short, everything is meaningless.

His consciousness gradually fell into a trance, his thoughts gradually solidified, and the darkness around him pounced so real, as if he wanted to merge with him.

Xuanyuan Wushang struggled subconsciously.

The endless light suddenly lit up.

The sky is full of snow.

As the eternal sword light suddenly lit up in the wind and snow.

The wind and snow are blowing and the waves are surging.

The sword light is like a Changhong, tearing the world apart, and the whole world seems to be messy and crazy with sword light everywhere, with extreme silence and destruction.

The corpses of the North Sea Wangs were everywhere around them. Weapon fragments from emptying the ammunition covered the entire battlefield. The land was sunken, the Mansion Terrace was torn apart, the corpse spread all the way from afar, Xuanyuan Wushang's sight seemed to have crossed the distance, In the Holy State City not far away.

The entire Sacred State City has been completely turned into a ruin, and countless corpses are scattered on every street and alley. The flag of the North Navy regiment has been broken, and the entire North Navy regiment seems to have been completely wiped out. Were destroyed together.

The ruins of Dibing Mountain are about to disappear.

The violent waves of the North Sea surged over violently, about to cover everything in the Emperor Bing Mountain.

The land became the sea.

A quiet, almost old figure stood volley above the sea.

The strands of sword aura continuously flowed out of his body, turning into the most insane and silent sword light. The sword light drove the space, and the whole world seemed to constantly fluctuate with his sword light.

Xuanyuan Wushang, who was completely a skeleton, silently looked at the man above the sea.

This is obviously a man who has just entered middle age. He looks at most forty years old. His appearance is not very old. On the contrary, he is very handsome. He seems to have inherited his mother's genes. Even in middle age, his appearance is still the same. It can be described as handsome.

Like the breeze in the morning, the moonlight in the night, the sunset in the evening, ethereal and dreamy, just in terms of appearance, this is almost a perfect man without any flaws.

But he was too quiet.

That kind of silence is like indifference and loneliness that has lost interest in everything in the world.

Xuanyuan Wushang didn't know for a while how much pain and despair the other party had endured in his entire life, so that he could twist and turn into his current state step by step. The first time he saw him, he had gone from the perfect to the extreme appearance of the other party. Next I saw a touch of numbness and tiredness.

He stood quietly on the sea, and his sword aura shook with the sky and the earth.

Behind him is a group of dense figures floating in the air.

There are Mid-Continents, Europeans, Americans, and even many blacks.

Every race has it.

They floated neatly behind the man, and their eyes were full of fanaticism and worship that almost lost reason.

The quiet man who seemed to have lost his soul turned a blind eye to the countless gazes behind him.

Strong wind, huge waves, flying snow.

He stood in the air and moved forward slowly, the sword energy began to condense, and his dead eyes became more determined.

"Why is your Majesty so persistent?"

A helpless voice rang.

Less than a few hundred meters away from the man, there is a huge rock engraved with countless names.

A few figures are standing on it.

A very ordinary looking figure stood in front of the boulder.

Behind him was a seriously injured young man and a woman who couldn't see her age and was fused with some kind of metal.

The huge North Sea.

The Wang Clan of Beihai who has stood at the top of the dark world for hundreds of years.

When everything ended, only this pair of mother and son were left.

no way no money.

The voice of the young man who looked very humble in appearance and temperament said sincerely: "Because of the past, today's effect, the Beihai Wang family has been completely wiped out, and everything has come to an end, why should your Majesty rush to kill?"

"Completely wiped out? The smoke disappears?"

The man with perfect appearance and aura in every movement sneered: "No, there are still two people alive. When they die, the so-called Beihai Wangshi is truly vanished."

"Li Dongcheng, I swear that if I can live today, the sword dynasty established in the future will surely be destroyed. I will let you cut off your children and grandchildren, and you will not die!!!"

On the huge rock, the seriously injured man standing behind the ordinary young man gritted his teeth, shouting every word, his tone of grief and indignation.

Almost everyone in the dark world knows that when Zhongzhou President Wang Jingxin retreated, it was also when the North Sea Wang clan was destroyed.

Beihai has been preparing for a decisive battle with the Sword Dynasty a few years ago. In recent years, Beihai has been madly training masters and upgrading various weapon systems. All financial resources have been invested at all costs. The weapon system was spread all the way from Dibing Mountain to Shengzhou City, and the scale of the North Navy regiment continued to expand. Everything was for today.

This day is November 1st Central Time.

Just yesterday.

October 31.

The Zhongzhou general election officially ended, and Wang Jingxin resigned as president.

Less than two hours later.

Sword Dynasty soldiers enter the North Sea!

Soldiers approach the city!

The Holy State is already in ruins.

Needless to think about it, the other great sword-wielding families outside the Holy State were almost completely wiped out, and the situation in each city would only be worse than the current Holy State, not better.

The pride of the Beihai Wang family for hundreds of years is almost torn apart by people today.

And the Holy State as the center of the battlefield.

The sword **** Li Dongcheng landed in the Holy State entirely alone, killing nearly half of the elites of the Northern Navy and destroying

With countless weapon systems, swordsmanship surpassed the sky, and finally landed on Emperor Bing Mountain alone.

Unstoppable, powerless to resist.

But when a person is truly invincible to a certain extent, all resistance becomes a total joke in his eyes.

Numerous direct descendants of the Beihai Wang family died in battle at Dibing Mountain.

In the entire Beihai, there are now only Wang Haotian and Xia Zhi, the mother and son, and the Xiaoxiong Rock that fell on the sea after being broken.

If it hadn't been for this ordinary man who suddenly appeared in front of him to block Li Dongcheng's sword, there would not be a single life in Beihai.

"Step aside."

Li Dongcheng spoke slowly.

The man in front of him who protected the last life of the Beihai Wang family was clearly not high in his view. It seemed to be only the Peak Invincible, but he blocked his sword light. Such a talent, he hoped that he could stay for the Sword Dynasty.

"You are strong enough to join the Sword Dynasty, and there will be a place for you in the Sword Dynasty in the future. Don't worry about it."

Li Dongcheng said calmly.

"I am very willing to join the Sword Dynasty. I am actually a painter. If I can be an art teacher in the Sword Dynasty, I think it's actually pretty good, but..."

The ordinary man laughed: "I'm not nosy, your majesty, this is my housework, housework, do you understand?"

Li Dongcheng was silent for a while.

"I don't understand."

He slowly said, "I have no family affairs and no home."

No housework, no home...

The ordinary man's heart sank suddenly.

Li Dongcheng's voice was very soft, but he knew exactly what this sentence meant.

A sea of ​​blood and a deep hatred, will not share the sky, will never die.

He laughed, a little bitter.

"Do you know what it's like to lose your family?"

Li Dongcheng asked suddenly, his voice a little soft.


The ordinary-looking man pondered and asked, "I killed my biological father with my own hands. Does that count?"

Li Dongcheng: "..."

"My master also killed his biological father with his own hands. Does that count?"

Li Dongcheng: "..."

"If you count."

The young man whispered: "This taste is actually quite refreshing, but it is also very empty. It seems that all the goals of the struggle disappeared at the moment of killing him, and there is no direction in life."

He looked at Li Dongcheng's eyes: "It's really refreshing, but after a moment of refreshment, there is only endless emptiness. This is really uncomfortable. Your Majesty, you have completely wiped out the Beihai Wangshi now, and it feels the same as I was then. "

"Your only goal in life is to kill your father?"

Li Dongcheng raised his eyebrows and destroyed the Wang Clan of Beihai. It has always been his goal, and even the only meaning for him to live.


The ordinary man was silent for a while, and said softly: "At least it used to be."

Li Dongcheng squinted his eyes and suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"Xuanyuan reincarnation."

The ordinary man laughed: "War God Realm, Tian Jue, Xuanyuan Reincarnation."

Xuanyuan Wushang: "..."

Xuanyuan Wushang's consciousness suddenly fluctuated for a moment.

The light enveloped his body, but it did not hurt him, but directly pushed him forward.

Xuanyuan Wushang's body staggered forward and appeared directly on the sea.

In an instant, countless lines of sight suddenly gathered on Xuanyuan Wushang.

Li Dongcheng raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at this fat man who suddenly appeared, somewhat inexplicable.

At that moment he didn't even know how the other party appeared.

Xuanyuan Samsara, who had just introduced himself, was obviously sluggish. He looked at the fat man with an incredible look, and then gradually turned into a joke: "Hey, isn't this His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince? What a rare visitor."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his smile spread, but the sharpness in his tone suddenly became sharp: "What are you doing here?"

Xuanyuan Wushang seemed a little embarrassed, but immediately calmed down, he subconsciously moved closer to Li Dongcheng, and finally stood beside Li Dongcheng.

During the whole process, Li Dongcheng let him lean over without any precautions.

The strands of clear light gleamed on Xuanyuan Wushang's body, and immediately enveloped Li Dongcheng's body.

Suddenly, Li Dongcheng's sword aura became more and more stable, and the consumed physical strength climbed wildly, and he regained his peak state in an instant.

"You dare to do it?! Xuanyuan Wushang, are you tired of living?"

Xuanyuan's reincarnation's voice suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Xuanyuan Wushang glanced at him blankly, "Do you really want to die?"

"Don't give me the air of your Nine Princes, this is not a corridor of time and space."

"Indeed, it's not here, but it seems that you still can't clean me up, why? Do you want your master to send someone else? Or let your master do it yourself? It would be a great honor for me to die by his sword, but Do you really want to war like that? This prince is here, and he represents the corridor of time and space. Come, come, you move me to try?"

Xuanyuan reincarnation gritted his teeth: "Rogue!"

"Everyone is not an enemy. I came here just by coincidence. I am not a terrorist. I have no interest in this place. I am only trying to solve the problem. It is only now that there is an accident, that's why I see your face."

"Solve the problem?"

Xuanyuan Reincarnation raised his eyebrows: "That Majesty is in condition?"

Xuanyuan Wushang snorted coldly, and began to heal the injuries of everyone in the Sword Dynasty behind Li Dongcheng unscrupulously. He didn't need to worry about anything here. Even if something went wrong, it would be a matter for the God of War Realm. Whatever happened to him?

"Isn't it because of your master? My elder brother moved the sword energy that your master left behind."


Xuanyuan Samsara looked dumbfounded: "Are you kidding me?!"

"In short, things are a bit complicated. Under normal circumstances, I cannot be here."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head. From the Time and Space Corridor to the God of War Realm, the difficulty is not the distance. Under normal conditions, the two parties can indeed communicate, but it is impossible to meet in the North Sea. If it were not for Qin Weibai’s consciousness space, it would be too magical. It is impossible for him to appear here.

"Tsk tsk..."

Xuanyuan's reincarnation tone was a little weird: "Then your majesty should have a headache now."

He glanced at Li Dongcheng with frowning brows: "As far as I'm talking, now this man is stronger than the one next to you, his old man, but he obviously didn't feel anything, so how did that majesty do it? "

"I had an accident here."

Xuanyuan Wushang still calmed down, and said thoughtfully: "The headache is not necessarily, maybe it's an opportunity. But then you should ask your master or master for help."

"no problem."

Xuanyuan's reincarnation solemnly promised, without even the slightest hesitation: "Speak up if you need it. In this regard, there is nothing to be stingy, but you will be prepared for the bleeding at that time."

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded and fell silent.

Xuanyuan Samsara also fell silent.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Xuanyuan Samsara took the initiative to speak, "Are you still going?"

"I want to go too."

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression was a little tragic: "But how do I go?"

"What do you mean?"

Xuanyuan reincarnation narrowed his eyes.

"I do not know."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "No, I know it, but I forgot."

Xuanyuan Samsara glanced at him deeply, then nodded: "I understand."

"What do you say here? The little guy is going to fight you hard, here, you may not be his opponent."

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly laughed playfully.

"He has reached his level. There are some things that I should be able to say. In fact, the existence of Beihai is still meaningful. I came here, one is to keep Beihai, and the second is to protect Li Dongcheng."

"His mentality had problems a long time ago. The last two of Beihai had to stay. This can be regarded as a bit of Li Dongcheng's obsession. Now he is completely a lunatic. If he really killed Beihai, he will I don’t have the motivation to live anymore. When the time comes, the only option is to self-destruct. It really made him ruin himself. My master and the majesty of the palace are very distressed, so I came here."

"Just as you appeared next to that majesty, we are all guides."

"Thank you."

Xuanyuan Wushang nodded with satisfaction.

Xuanyuan Samsara always feels a little weird, how can I think about it, why is it not right: "What do you mean by this expression?"

"Ha ha."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and said nothing.

Li Dongcheng’s potential has been affirmed. Because of his parents’ existence, he doesn’t need any extra explanations in all aspects. Li Dongcheng will grow up and he will be at least a killer at his peak. Because of his parents, Li Dongcheng Whether he wants to stay here at that time is unknown, Xuanyuan Wushang now really feels like someone else helps his family cultivate talents.

"Start your performance."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled and said, "I see how you can keep Beihai and how to convince this little guy."

"who are you?"

Li Dongcheng's voice suddenly rang, and he didn't feel anything strange.

When Xuanyuan Wushang and Xuanyuan Samsara were chatting, everything was speeding up. Although the two of them had said a lot, in everyone's eyes, it was nothing more than a second.

Feeling the recovery of his physical strength, Li Dongcheng's tone seemed to have become a little calmer.


Xuanyuan's reincarnation's voice rang: "You can call him uncle, he is your father's friend."

Li Dongcheng suddenly narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean?"

"It means literally."

Xuanyuan Reincarnation shook his head: "Your Majesty, there are many things that you don't understand right now. I should be able to tell you part of it now. In fact, what is so called..."

The corners of Xuanyuan's mouth were still moving.

But all his voice suddenly disappeared completely in an instant.

The doubt in Li Dongcheng's eyes flashed away.

In the next second, Xuanyuan's face suddenly changed.

His face quickly turned pale, and the moment he shut his mouth suddenly, a wound was suddenly added to the center of his eyebrows, and a drop of scarlet blood that almost reflected all the light flowed directly from the center of his eyebrows.

Xuanyuan Wushang's face suddenly changed, and he waved his hand subconsciously, a clear light enveloped Xuanyuan's reincarnation, quickly recovering from Xuanyuan's reincarnation.

"what happened?"

Li Dongcheng raised his eyebrows inexplicably.

"Probably that's it."

Xuanyuan reincarnation smiled bitterly: "I want to tell you something, but I can't say it, it's not that I don't want to say it, but even if I say it, you can't hear it, even if I write it on paper, you can't see it."

Li Dongcheng fell silent.

At that moment he could tell whether the other party was pretending or real.

The other party obviously really wanted to talk and said something. The fat man around him could obviously hear it, but he just couldn't hear it, and the other party's mouth was distorted for an instant.

He glanced at Xuanyuan Wushang.

"I can't tell."

Xuanyuan Wushang shook his head: "Only when you really reach your current peak level can you hear the voice, but he is right. I am indeed your father's friend. I saw some interesting pictures, Beihai Emperor. Bingshan, you cut it with a single sword, right? You have been there, so you should be clear. As for the current Beihai, no one cares whether you kill these two people, but it doesn’t make much sense, your father. right now..."

All the sounds disappeared completely in an instant.

At this moment, Li Dongcheng obviously felt a sudden but incomparable killing intent suddenly forming around him, but before that murderous intent enveloped Xuanyuan Wushang, a colorful light instantly surrounded his body.

Xuanyuan Wushang's figure quickly disappeared.

Darkness, light, and countless chaotic images keep flashing.


The meat splashed out.

Xuanyuan Wushang became a skeleton again.

There are dense cracks all over his skeleton, and countless golden liquids flow out little by little from the cracks in his bones.

The messy light became stable again.

The crown reappeared in Xuanyuan Wushang's sight.

The crown is slowly shrinking.

Xuanyuan Wushang stayed in the same place and remained silent for a long time before it seemed as if he had understood something.

He lifted his hand bones and gave a light wave.

The faint consciousness formed a very strange test bed directly in front of him.

There is a very small tube on the test bench.

A drop of water flowed out of the tube and eventually turned into a blister.


Consciousness changed from vague to clear.

It seems that there are countless rays of light constantly zooming in and out.

The moment the thought appeared, I didn't know where I was or who I was, and it seemed like I had just awakened from a deep sleep for thousands of years, confused, dazed, and slow.

She felt that she was moving forward.

Walking on a dark wilderness with no light.

Some pictures gradually appeared in the mind, as if different people were saying different things.

Gu Xianyan, Qin Weibai, Li Tianlan, Dongcheng Huangtu, Gu Xingyun, Xuan, Xuanyuan, Li Dongcheng...

All experiences seem to be completely connected together, but there is no order.

The picture began to become clearer, forming one after another different things, but the sequence became more and more chaotic. I don't know which thing happened first, and I don't know which thing happened later.

She began to think about it, and then about time.

One by one, different results developed in a completely chaotic sequence.

But no matter how you develop, people are always the most vivid ones in memory.

So what is the significance of time and sequence?

She moved cautiously in the darkness without light, letting countless pictures flicker.

I don't know how long it took before she suddenly stopped for a moment, and then began to consider a very important question.

who am I.

There seem to be many people in my memory.

But where is the "I" in the memory?

Is it Guxianyan? Is it Qin Weibai? Is it Li Tianlan? Is it Dongcheng Huangtu? Yes...

who am I?

There seems to be no place in all memories.

Her heart suddenly became a little irritable and angry.

There was a little light in the distant place.

The light was getting bigger and bigger and more obvious, and it rushed towards her at an extreme speed.

Someone seemed to flicker in the light, getting closer and closer to her.

She saw an illusory fuzzy shadow that seemed to disappear at any time, and walked toward her with endless light.

Instinctively wants to fight back.

The moment the thought turned, countless rays of light completely enveloped the shadow.

The shadow became more and more illusory, but it kept moving forward persistently.

Her heart became more and more irritated, and she instinctively wanted to control the light to kill the opponent completely after waking up from the extremely unstable mood.

A little golden light suddenly appeared in the colorful light.

The moment the golden light and light completely merged, she suddenly felt an unparalleled familiarity.

The shadow seemed to appear beside her in an instant.

The familiar feeling became clearer and clearer.

She looked at the other person and stretched out her palm towards herself.

So she took a step back.

The light under her control instantly enveloped her.

The faint shadow disappeared.

She herself was wrapped in endless light and kept falling downward.

Until the deepest part of nothingness.

The eternal silence passed slowly, seemingly meaningless.

The sound of a slight mechanical collision suddenly rang.

She seemed to have opened her eyes from a deep sleep.

There was darkness before his eyes.

The extreme darkness is slowly becoming thinner.

A little hazy and pure clear light lit up.

She blinked, the memory in her mind was extremely clear, it was the moment Xuanyuanfeng pierced Wang Tianzong's chest.

A little dazed, she took a step forward, subconsciously trying to get close to the clear light in the dark.

The clear light gradually became clear, and it seemed to be a large but very small transparent blister.

The blisters spread all the way from afar, growing more and more.

She hesitated, and walked slowly along the direction where the blisters were floating.

More and more clear light, brighter and brighter surroundings.

A shining test bed gradually appeared before her eyes.

The test bed seems to be operating on its own.

She hesitated for a while and moved on.

The test bench has become clearer.

The test bench shimmering in bronze looks old and mottled, with a strong breath of time.

And in front of the test bed, there was an illusory shadow that seemed to disappear completely at any time.

The shadow is illusory and can no longer see the facial features, or even the complete body.

He kept busy in front of the test bench, one after another blisters flew out of the test bench.

She watched for a long time before she whispered: "Hello?"

"Hello there."

The shadow responded softly.

In the dark space, Xuanyuan Wushang watched with his own eyes the crown getting closer and closer to him, and finally stopped in front of the experimental platform.

Different perspectives, different scenes.

In the eyes of the crown, the skeleton in front of him was just a shadow that would dissipate at any time.

In Skeleton's eyes, Qin Weibai he wanted to find was only this crown.

What the essence is is what all of them have been pursuing.

"what are you doing?"

In the darkness, she looked at the test bench and the phantom curiously, and asked gently.

"Waiting for you."

Xu Ying laughed slightly.

The countless blisters around seemed to disappear completely.

Only the test bed continues to be busy.

A drop of liquid flows out of the test bench and then gradually expands.

Qin Weibai seemed to want to ask something, but seeing the larger and larger drops of water, she subconsciously stopped asking, just watched intently at the increasing drops of water.

The drop of water seemed to be filled with countless air currents and began to expand, becoming more and more rounded and more perfect.

"Infinite density."

In silence, the phantom stared at the water droplets in front of him, and said softly: "It is expanding, and its density is beginning to become thinner."

Countless air currents gradually turned into dots of light.

The point of light began to melt into the drop of water little by little.

"Electrons, photons, neutrinos..."

Xu Ying continued to speak, as various lights continued to blend in.

The drop of water began to accelerate and expand, becoming the size of a fingernail, and then spreading further.

Its appearance seemed to become more and more round, and eventually became a blister again.

There are more and more different lights.

The voice of the phantom became more and more erratic.

"Atoms, nuclei, molecules..."

Countless rays of light joined the drop of water again.

The drop of water expanded to the size of the palm of the hand.

She watched and listened carefully.

The water droplets continued to expand, becoming the size of a skull, a house, and a tall building, expanding infinitely, covering the entire world.

The speed is getting faster and faster.

Qin Weibai didn't even know where the blisters had spread.

She and the shadow were completely wrapped in the blisters, and the transparent arc of the blisters had disappeared far away.

But instinct told her that the blisters were still expanding indefinitely.

"More and more particles..."

The voice of the phantom is a little dreamy.

Scattered rays of light appeared next to Qin Weibai again.

They hover in different places.

They were unimaginable in Qin Weibai's eyes.

But in this blister that was still expanding, it looked extremely small, like a tiny dust.

The little bit of light became more and more.

Qin Weibai's eyes were bright.

The blisters suddenly became clear.

All the edges seemed to begin to shrink and collapse back.

In the line of sight, the bright stars began to die out one by one.

"You said..."

The phantom said softly: "If these subtle lights are conscious..."

"How desperate should they be now?"

His voice is very soft, but with absolute cruelty.

Qin Weibai looked blankly, without speaking.

The infinite blister shrinks back at an extremely fast speed.


The blisters became water droplets.

The water drop suddenly burst again.

A piece of nothingness.

Most of the little bit of light disappeared.

Only a few spots of light are still shining.

Qin Weibai quietly looked at those tenacious light spots, and suddenly there was a heartfelt joy and hope in his heart.

The water droplets that burst into nothingness became the most basic particles.

The elementary particles began to assemble and turned into water droplets again, and the water droplets turned into blisters again, again beginning to expand infinitely.

The ghost watched all this quietly, and the whole shadow exuded a kind of almost desperate sadness.

"Is it interesting?"

He asked softly.

Qin Weibai bit his lip tightly and shook his head subconsciously.

She didn't find it interesting, but she felt an unprecedented fear.

The blisters shrank frantically and burst again.

In a piece of nothingness, there are still a few shining points of light.

But Qin Weibai was completely uncertain whether these light spots were the ones just now.

Water droplets, blisters, expansion, contraction, explosion...

Repeatedly and endlessly, in this dark space, the repeated process seems to be the real eternity.

"Do you understand?"

The phantom asked softly.

Qin Weibai shook his head.

"Do you feel familiar?"

Xu Ying asked again.

Qin Weibai wanted to shake his head, but all his movements stopped in place.

She did not shook her head or nodded, but fell silent.

"I understand."

Xuanyuan Wushang sighed softly.

Actually there is no need for communication anymore.

There is never need to communicate.

He confirmed Qin Weibai's current state and understood the plan for treating Li Tianlan.

The blisters exploded and expanded again and again, endlessly circulating.

"What do you want to do here?"

Qin Weibai asked.

"The main purpose of my coming here is to do this experiment and make sure you can understand it."

Right now he has got the answer, whether Qin Wei understands it or not, he is already worthwhile.

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled, "I should go now."

"who are you?"

Qin Weibai stared at the test bench in front of him with a cautious tone.

"Leave the test stand here."

Xuanyuan Wushang smiled: "When you are bored, you can study it."

"who are you?"

Xuanyuan Wushang asked again.


Xuanyuan Wushang whispered: "Or we...are just a group of poor creatures struggling desperately to survive."

His phantom floated slightly, further and further away.

The test bench is still working.

The blisters expand indefinitely and become heaven and earth.

Xuanyuan Wushang muttered to himself: "Life is the greatest illusion."


(10,000-character chapter)

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