The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 294: : Crazy (below)

Li Tianlan thought for a while, then shook his head slightly, and continued: "I should arrive earlier than him. If I delay the time, you will receive me first, it won't be long."

The rain on Dibing Mountain has something to do with Xuanyuan Wushang. Li Tianlan is almost certain that, in this way, Wang Tianzong suddenly has a complete consciousness of Jian Qi clone and has an answer, otherwise he will be in Wang Tianzong's state. , The current Jianqi clone should be Wuyou taking the lead.

Xuanyuan Wushang really lifted Wang Tianzong's hand, but in Li Tianlan's view, he could do much more than that. Only he could vaguely feel what that majestic vitality meant. Wang Tianzong's injury at this time has indeed improved a lot. Strictly speaking, it was just barely breaking away from the death line, and his consciousness was relatively active. Xuanyuan Wushang was considered to have saved Wang Tianzong's life, but if he wanted to, according to the scale of the rain, Li Tianlan had no doubt that Xuanyuan Wushang had The ability to make Wang Tianzong sober temporarily.

Being able to do it but not doing it, his shots freed Li Tianlan from the crisis of facing worry-free. This is undoubtedly his goodwill towards the Eastern Palace.

Li Tianlan didn't know if the rain represented Xuanyuan Wushang carrying the national destiny of other countries, or something else, but in the face of this kind of character, even if the other party really rushed over and called him his eldest brother, he couldn't Really treat each other as a little brother.

Aside from other things, he went to the East Island. Since he entered the battlefield, the East Palace has not damaged a single person. Based on this alone, Xuanyuan Wushang deserves some respect from Li Tianlan.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Qin Weibai nodded and said softly.

Li Tianlan gave a hum, and a warning tone sounded in his ear that the phone had entered a low battery. He slowly shook his head and said, "The phone is about to run out of power and hang up."


Qin Weibai's voice paused, and suddenly said, "Is it really all right over Beihai?"

The helicopter was flying above.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows: "Are you worried that the combined forces will make a comeback? Even if it does, I don't know how long it will be. At least it's impossible now."

"No, I mean, although you helped Beihai, Wang Shengxiao seems to have thoughts about ruthlessness all the time."

Qin Weibai said softly.

"He can only think about it."

Li Tianlan smiled a little coldly: "I am in good health, but in poor condition, but no matter what I am, it is not that Beihai without Wang Tianzong can handle it. Wang Shengxiao is under a lot of pressure and has too many things on his back. It is inevitable that he will look forward and backward. I can’t control thoughts, just like many people have thoughts of you, but if he dares to reach out, I dare to chop him. He dare not even try."

"Really domineering."

Qin Weibai's voice was sweet and sticky.

Li Tianlan laughed. It's not that proud, but his heart is inevitably relaxed: "I actually hope he can try it, but it's a pity..."




Li Tianlan was still talking.

But all the sounds seemed to disappear completely in an instant.


The phone was crushed in Li Tianlan's hands.

Li Tianlan's pupils shrank to the extreme in an instant.

The moment the fragment of the mobile phone slipped from his hand, Li Tianlan stretched out his palm.

The ruthless tremor that had become the form of a giant sword suddenly trembled.


The earth-shaking noise suddenly rang in the dense forest below the helicopter, roaring endlessly.

There are many people in the dark world who have ideas about Li Tianlan and many people who have ideas about ruthlessness.

To kill Li Tianlan, what you get is profit, and with ruthlessness, what you get is absolutely invincible force.

Someone dared to try what Wang Shengxiao did not dare to try.

The surrounding space is turbulent and shattered.

The normal flying helicopter was directly torn into scrap iron in the sky at the moment of the ups and downs of the field.

The pilot of the North Sea Wang evaporates silently in the air.

Li Tianlan's palm touched it

Up the hilt.

A sword gas shielded the Wangyue Xiange in front of him.

In sight, the entire forest below was frantically turbulent.

The majestic sword aura merged with the tidal realm, forming an air wave that swept across a 10,000-meter area in an instant.

The domain and sword energy were completely boiling, rising into the sky, just in an instant directly in front of Li Tianlan.

Caught off guard!

Rain on the river.

Li lunatic.

Li Tianlan didn't have any defense at all.

The sword light and the field surging enough to tear everything rushed to the sky endlessly.

Can't see Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu's figure, the two combined blows set off the entire forest in an instant, broken tree trunks, flying fallen leaves, cold snow took off towards Li Tianlan under the surging force.

Cover the sky and the sun.


No one thought Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu would appear here.

The two who were seriously injured did not escape, but lie in ambush here and attack Li Tianlan.

There is no shame in the dark world.

There is no doubt that if Li Tianlan falls here today, then the Beihai decisive battle for Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu is tantamount to a brilliant comeback like a Jedi counterattack.

Li Tianlan raised the ruthless in his hand.

The ruthlessly huge sword body trembled suddenly.


The black sword body shattered instantly.

The ruthless little energy left suddenly burst out at the most critical moment.

The colorful energy formed a protective shield at the moment when the sword light and shattered fields hit Li Tianlan's body, covering Li Tianlan in Li Tianlan.

Like a huge wave in the sky hitting the reef.

The turbulent field and sword light directly hit the protective cover, and then rushed past the protective cover.

The domain and sword light surged towards the distance, and then returned at a faster speed.

Standing in the protective cover, Li Tianlan narrowed his eyes tightly.


Some hoarse coughs sounded weakly.

Li Tianlan still did not see Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shangyu.

But Li Kuangtu's voice seemed to be in his ears.

"Our grievances have actually already begun in heaven."

As if mumbling to himself, Li Kuangtu's voice contained an extremely depressed and gloomy mood: "My only son died in the hands of the Samsara Palace, and it is only possible that he died in the hands of the Samsara Palace. "

The sword light flows turbulently.

The two masters who surpassed the pinnacle of invincibility took full action.

The ruthless little energy is consumed continuously at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the protective cover is getting thinner and thinner.

There is no doubt that when the protective cover is broken, Li Tianlan, who has almost no physical strength, will be completely torn in an instant.

"It was the idea of ​​that **** Qin Weibai."

Kuangju Li laughed incomparably coldly: "Go on the road with peace of mind. If you see an old man on the road, tell him that I will let Li's surpass the peak, and you can all look down. I will get the Eastern Palace and I will get Qin Wei. Bai, if she killed my son, she must give birth to me."

The boiling sword light suddenly intensified.

Suddenly, the morning sun was completely suppressed.

The world was dark, only the extremely crazy sword energy rushed over.


There was a shocking crack in the protective cover.

Fan Li's voice fell: "Everything about you is mine."


The entire protective cover was covered with cracks in an instant.

The expressionless Li Tianlan looked at Jian Guang in front of him and whispered, "Is it good to be alive?"

The shattered ruthlessness has become the thirteenth building, constantly shaking beside Li Tianlan.

Li Tianlan had no sword in his hand.

He just casually raised his palm and closed his eyes.

His finger lightly touched the protective cover.

A faint sword aura that was almost imperceptible flowed out of Li Tianlan's hands.

The darkness shattered instantly.

The sun shrouded the earth again.

The sword energy in Li Tianlan's hand disappeared.

The turbulent field and sword light in front of him completely disappeared.


Blood spurted from Li Tianlan's mouth.

That tiny imperceptible sword aura slowly fluctuated between heaven and earth.


Not just the corners of his mouth, every part of Li Tianlan's body was crumbling.

Blood shot out from all over his body.

Everything was disappearing as far as the line of sight, and the forest in the area of ​​tens of thousands of meters disappeared completely in an instant.

Not broken.

It was real, without warning, and disappeared completely inexplicably.

Li Tianlan's body trembled violently, and thousands of wounds appeared from him in an instant, covering his whole body.

at the same time.

Europe, in Wangyou Mountain Villa.

Qin Weibai, who was lying quietly in the nutrition warehouse, frowned slightly.

A clear gap appeared from the center of her eyebrows, and crystal clear blood flowed from the center of her eyebrows.

Xuanyuan Wushang's expression changed drastically on the helicopter from East Island to Tiannan.

He couldn't see Li Tianlan through the screen at this time, but at this moment, in his line of sight, the whole world changed completely.

That tiny sword energy that seemed to disappear at any time was still surging in the North Sea.

Tens of thousands of meters of forest has completely disappeared.

Sword Qi surged towards Emperor Bing Mountain and towards Shengzhou City.

Everything disappeared silently at the moment of contact with Jian Qi.

Li Tianlan's body was emptied of vitality almost instantly, and even his heart began to shatter.

"My grass!"

Xuanyuan Wushang suddenly cursed.

In front of the saint's eyes, he suddenly stood up.

The whole world showed blue illusory lines the moment he stood up.

Countless symbols replaced the surrounding space and filled the world.

At the same time, the world around Li Tianlan suddenly became virtual, and countless lines wandered crazily between the sky and the earth, flashing one after another symbol.

The world became completely virtual in an instant.

There is no distance in the virtual world.

Xuanyuan Wushang took a step forward.

In the next second, his chubby palm directly grabbed Li Tianlan's shoulder, and his whole person appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

That silly voice still echoed over the east island.

And over the North Sea, Xuanyuan Wushang's voice also rang: "Are you crazy?!"

Endless vitality poured into Li Tianlan's body.

The sword energy that slowly fluctuated towards the distance disappeared without a trace the moment he appeared.


The world returns to normal.

The virtual world became real again.

The eyes on the bridge of Xuanyuan Wushang's nose exploded without warning, the fragments flew, and two red, dazzling lines of blood flowed out of Xuanyuan Wushang's eyes.

Li Tianlan's consciousness has been completely blurred, and he is about to fall into silence.

Xuanyuan Wushang's glasses exploded, and he, who was just a doctor, didn't even have any ability to float.

The two leaned close to each other and quickly fell from the air.

And the two fell at the same time.

I don't know how far away, in a huge and magnificent laboratory, countless signal lights all shined in an instant.

In the next second, a clear and somewhat weird voice rang: "The city of miracles has been found, the location is confirmed, Apostle No. 6 is about to go, distance estimation is in progress, the distance estimation is completed, the distance is unknown, set out now..."

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