The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 286: : Beihai, draw the sword

Black is not night.

The deep darkness surged wildly on the Emperor Soldier Mountain.

The night was completely torn by both hands, and the endless black thunder was like a black tide, occupying the entire battlefield extremely domineeringly.

It's not just going all out, it's fighting life and death.

Jiang Shangyu's breath completely changed the moment he shot.

His eyes seemed to have wiped out the last bit of temperature, becoming extremely cold and crazy.

The few friendly forces were completely covered by his domain, and in the next second, the black thunder resembling the Kuroshio suddenly twisted.

All the sounds seemed to be completely swallowed.

At the moment the Thunder twisted, dozens of alternate forces from the heavens who had not had time to withdraw from the edge of the battlefield became nothingness in the Thunder.

The flat ground is rapidly disintegrating, the building collapses silently, the plants are completely withered, and the black thunder is distorted with absolute destructive power, destroying everything in the coverage area.

The field is trembling wildly.

The black thunder kept coming out in the broken space, more and more.

Boundless and silent.

Jiang Shangyu, whose eyes turned scarlet almost instantly, strode towards Li Tianlan.

For the first time a weapon appeared in his hands.

Even if it was a weapon that had never been exposed during the Tiannan fight against Li Tianlan.

Not a sword, a dagger, a short blade.

Jiang Shangyu's weapon turned out to be a pair of extremely hideous silver armguards.

Two armguards that perfectly fit Jiang Shangyu's arms are buckled on his hand, from the fingers to his shoulders all the way, a hideous barb comes out from the armguards, and the silver-white armguards are shining slightly. The light is extremely soft and tough, changing at will with the rain on the river.

Countless black thunders burst out mightily in the pulling of the silver armguards, drowning everything and destroying everything.

The black is turbulent and the light is shining. As the person with the lowest actual combat effectiveness, Morad's actions are even more violent than Jiang Shangyu.

The pure faith of the Kyushu that has been circulated by the Holy See for hundreds of years is not a taboo, but it is indeed rarely used by people for hundreds of years. This naturally has drawbacks and many restrictions. First of all, this type of Kyushu requires extremely high physical strength and is invincible The realm is just the beginning. Under normal circumstances, the real Peak Invincible Realm is the best choice.

Secondly, the biggest drawback of pure faith is that it makes people lose most of their sanity.

At the same time, Moray accepted the power impact of nearly twenty top half-step invincible masters. To withstand these, not only an extremely strong body is needed, but also an absolute tenacity. The spirit of the sanctuary is crowned. He could barely accept all this, but the power of more than a dozen top half-step invincibles was instilled into his body, and the almost out of control force madly impacted every blood vessel and muscle in his body. Although the severe pain did not make Moreide collapse, But it has made him completely crazy.

When the black thunder appeared, he roared and rushed to Li Tianlan's side.

The silent black and pure white sparkle each other.

In the dazzling light and shadow, one after another transparent sword aura penetrated the light and darkness, silently piercing all the vital points of Li Tianlan's body.

The sword aura is not very eye-catching, but the fierce killing intent in it is even exaggerated compared to the black thunder in the sky caused by Jiang Shangyu.

The Emperor Soldier Mountain at this moment is the true peak of the dark world and the true peak of this era.

In a trance, scenes in my mind are constantly flickering, from small to large, watching the flowers.

Li Tianlan still remembers the first time he picked up a sword when he was a child.

At that time, Li Honghe was still at his peak, but his back was slightly crippled under the tremendous pressure.

It was an ordinary summer in the camp.

The camp, which was hidden by dense woods, was sweltering and hot. Holding a wooden sword, he faced his first opponent in life, a poplar tree, and used his sword again and again.

As a leader in his martial arts, Li Honghe demonstrated a simple forward stab three times, and then asked him if he saw it clearly.

At that time, Xiao Tianlan nodded ignorantly, holding the sword, imitating Grandpa's movements again and again.

Xiao Tianlan was four years old that year.

For two full years, he kept repeating that sword, ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, hundreds of thousands of times.

The body is overdrawn, the shoulders are swollen, and the arms are cramped.

The evaluation he gets is always the same.

Not fast enough, simple enough, and powerless.

That sword, the most basic forward stab, Li Tianlan practiced for two full years.

On the day of his sixth birthday, when Li Tianlan took a wooden sword and pierced the thick old tree in front of him, he saw Li's God of War for the first time.

"Do you know who we are?"

"We are a group of people who cannot control our own destiny."

"I can still hold a sword in my hand, but I'm too old and destined to grasp it."

"Tianlan, I may be too strict with your requirements. You are my grandson and the future master of the Li family. This identity cannot be changed. I hope that your palm can hold not only the sword, but also Li The fate of... and... your own fate."

The screen keeps jumping.

With the balance chapter as the foundation, when he was eight years old, Li Tianlan first came into contact with Li's martial arts taboo and invincible chapter.

At the age of nine, he started to meditate and tried to enter the four realms of martial arts.

Just after his tenth birthday, Li Tianlan entered the Yuqi Realm for the first time.

From then on, the martial arts has gone a long way.

Entering the ice at the age of twelve, Li Honghe suppressed his realm to temper his sword energy.

Fifteen years old into the fire.

At the age of seventeen, the peak of the burning state.

At the same age of seventeen, he met Thor of the Dongcheng family for the first time and went to the desert prison under the guidance of the opponent.

The fire man, fighting, enters the thundering realm, then self-destructs the realm, and rebuilds in the imperial air realm.

Nineteen years old, Ningbing Jing, Sky Academy.

Qin Weibai, Wang Yuetong, Donghuangdian.

Heaven is decisive battle, so Dongcheng...

Trekking thousands of miles, the polar regions are full of wind and snow.

Half a step invincible.

The chaos in the Snow Country, the Judgment Day, and the Ending Day are vigorous.

Until today, know now.

Li lunatic, Jiang Shangyu, Molide.

The top of martial arts.

This year, Li Tianlan was twenty-four years old. In a blink of an eye, five years have passed since he first left Li and came to Huating.

The scenes in the past are so clear.

Invincible in the world, number one in the world.

Now for the first time, he truly stood at the peak of the dark world. What greeted him was the overwhelming thunder, the violent and hidden sword aura, and the sharp and dazzling light.

Everything is the scenery on the peak.

Li Tianlan suddenly felt a little lonely and a little lonely.

This night was his new peak, but it was also a new beginning.

The entangled and changing light and shadow came in an instant.

Draw the sword.

Xuanyuanfeng's huge sword suddenly turned over in Li Tianlan's hands.

The colorful rays of light suddenly lit up.

Ruthless has almost no energy.

So the dazzling sword light at the moment undoubtedly comes from Li Tianlan.

A rainbow suddenly lit up in the shining black and white.

The rainbow's eyes in the air turned into a natural circle, and then it shrank instantly.

The colorful halo that shrank to the extreme fully protected Li Tianlan. In the silent black thunder, Xuanyuanfeng's sword trembled slightly. In an instant, Li Tianlan's figure appeared directly in front of Li Kuangtu.


Li Tianlan said lightly.

He was holding Xuanyuanfeng in one hand, and he made the seal with the other hand.


There was a loud noise in the silent and broken space.

The black thunder attacking Li Tianlan frantically was completely shattered in an instant, and the colorful sword light suddenly broke out.

Nine voids are endless!

This is one of the strongest faculties that Li Kuangtu has created after he studied the sword twenty-four. The most powerful place lies in imitating the sword energy of others.

This type of jerkiness can be said to be the most central type in the seal of immortality.

But now...

Li Tianlan made a seal with one hand, and it was also endless.

But what he simulated was not Li Kuangtu's sword spirit.

Li Kuangtu's face suddenly changed, his figure instantly changed from reality to nothingness, his figure flickered, and he retreated quickly.

His face was tense, but there was a touch of absurdity in his eyes.

Li Tianlan used his jerk.

He recognized it at first sight.

But the Nine Sky in Li Tianlan's hands made him feel familiar and unfamiliar.

Li Tianlan's style is endless, and what he imitated is that of Li Kuangtu.

Kuangtu Li couldn't understand this kind of operation in a short time.

He doesn't even know what this will simulate.

But in the next second, Volley Feijuan's sword energy directly gave him the most direct answer.

He imitated Li Tianlan's kendo.

Sky-cutting style, destruction style, sea-breaking style...

The connection between Jian Qi and him was directly out of control.

The concealed and fierce sword aura burst into a colorful light in an instant, the sword aura crossed the sky and rushed directly to Li Kuangtu without any pause.

Sword Qi out of control?

Li Kuangtu was blank for a moment.

In sight, Li Tianlan's figure had already rushed directly to him with his sword energy.


Several sword qi directly merged with Xuanyuanfeng as Li Tianlan raised his sword.

A flash of colorful lightning flashed across the frantic night.

Jianguang is overwhelming.


Li Kuangtu suddenly stretched out his hand.

A piece of black metal slipped out of his cuffs, and his palm slammed, and the black metal stretched momentarily, one meter, two meters, three meters...

In the blink of an eye, a huge black sickle more than three meters long appeared in Li Kuangtu's hand.

The sickle was constantly waving against the wind in the dark night, Li Kuangtu's figure was spinning like the wind, and the hysterical edge continuously slashed on the colorful sword light in front of him.


The sword light was shattered by Shengsheng, and the colorful rays of light circulated everywhere, illuminating the entire Emperor Soldier Mountain.

The shadow on Dibing Mountain was moving.

Li Tianlan stepped forward and appeared directly behind Li Kuangtu.

"Playing Li's sword twenty-four in front of me?"

Li Tianlan's voice was indifferent and gloomy: "You are too far away."

A little yellow light suddenly lit up.

All the sword energy is completely condensed with one point.

Jian Jiu at dusk.

The sky shattered at dusk.

Xuanyuanfeng suddenly collided with the continuously rotating sickle.

Kuangtu Li's body shook sharply. He gritted his teeth, and finally said the first sentence of tonight: "Are you also a member of the Li family? It's just a bastard."

The dragon chants suddenly rose to the sky.

Qinglong arrow, Qinglong cannon, flying dragon in the sky, dragon fighting in the wild...

The violent power and sword aura raged wildly.

Li Tianlan and Li Kuangtu collided countless times instantly.

The same dragon fist.

The same shenfa.

The same way of exerting force.

For hundreds of years, this was almost a civil war of Li's highest level.

Go forward, go forward.

Offense offense offense.

Ruthless and ever-changing, it once again became a cloak that protected Li Tianlan's body.

With his clothes flying, Kuangtu Li was almost completely suppressed in the shortest possible time.

He really has not officially entered the invincible state.

But his shot frequency is faster.

The Shuangfeng Thunder Vessel greatly made up for the lack of strength. The endless vitality of the Dragon Vessel could even allow him to slightly overdraft his body anytime and anywhere. In this state, Li Tianlan has fully qualified to suppress Li Kuangzui positively.

The black thunder swept over again when Li Kuangtu fell into the wind.

Li Tianlan's figure flashed away instantly.


The light exploded at the same time as the sword energy.

Tens of meters away, Li Tianlan had completely smashed Morad out.

Jiang Shangyu turned around suddenly.

Clenched fists advanced from behind.


The silver armguards collided with the fist. In the next second, Xuanyuanfeng brought up sword light from the sky, and smashed the armguards like a violent storm.

When the sparks collapsed and flew out, Li Kuangtu's figure was once again suppressed by Li Tianlan.


The indifferent voice floated in the air, and countless fists and feet broke out in front of Moray without warning.

The infinite pure light collided with the fierce dragon fist, Morad's body flew out, and in the dull voice, the bodies of the two half-step invincible masters below were shattered into one place by huge power. Of minced meat.

The black thunder was raging.

The colorful halo of sword aura revolved crazily, Li Tianlan's body directly smashed the sky full of thunder, the sound of the collision between the armguard and the long sword brought up a piece of lingering sound, and a large amount of snow was already in front of Li Kuangtu.

"Your chance..."

The bodies of the two half-step invincible masters below shattered again.

Morad's breath began to weaken, and he was working hard to move closer to Jiang Shangyu.

Li Tianlan in his sight was still fighting with Moray, his ears were the sound of long swords and arm guards colliding with each other, the violent attack was right in front of him, the night was messy, the sky was full of snow, and the extreme ice cold was shrouded in madness with sword intent. .

"why not……"


The sudden condensed black thunder directly protected Morad.

Li Tianlan's figure appeared in front of Jiang Shangyu.

A small area burst instantly.



The colorful rays of light suddenly burst out, the sword aura was like a rainbow, and it hit the black sickle countless times in an instant.

Blood burst out of the tiger's mouth.

In the clear pain, the sickle that was more than three meters long was directly and completely cut off.

Ruhong's sword light was dazzling and dazzling, flickering crazily, spinning, and the sword energy soared to the sky, majestic and majestic. The endless edge directly shattered the thunder beside Molide, the sword edge tore the domain, and the sword energy cut Mo Ryder's breastplate, Jiang Shangyu's figure suddenly retreated in the sudden attack.

"Where is your pride?"

The sharp and condensed sword aura suddenly burst out on Li Kuangtu's half sickle.

Direct, straightforward, and simple.

Forward stab.

Sword energy shines, breaking mountains and rivers.


The sharp sword aura directly pierced Xuanyuanfeng's huge sword front.

The half sickle was completely shattered.

Blood ran down from Li Tianlan's body, and his breath became more and more terrifying.

"Lei Jicheng lent my sword to Kuangju Li..."


The armor is shattered, the domain is surrounded, and the domain is broken.

Morad's body was shaken by a punch and flew tens of meters away, and a large amount of blood dripped down through the pure light.

The realm of active explosion completely swallowed Li Tianlan.

Swing the sword and sweep.

Like the sky above, like the sea, Li Tianlan's movements are concise to the extreme, with unspeakable tension in every move.

The sword's edge swept across the space, and the shattered domain was swept backwards towards Jiang Shangyu under the drive of sword energy.

Fan Li's figure flickered, and he backed away quickly.

The voice followed like a shadow.

"Did you die in Mormans? Your pride, dignity, what is left?"


The colorful sword light shattered the sword energy around Li Kuangtu.

The huge sword slashed against Li Kuangtu's chest.

The void is shattered, and the night is boiling.

Li Tianlan stopped, quietly looking at Li Kuangju who had withdrawn, calmly said: "What are you insisting on again?"


The realm condenses crazily, and the black thunder is densely packed, entwining the entire realm.

Morad, Jiang Shangyu, and Li Kuangtu finally converged and stood together.

Li Tianlan let out a long sigh and moved his body slightly. His face was pale, his body was bleeding everywhere, and the faint white mist enveloped him. He looked at the opponent in front of him with sharper eyes.

The three Jiang Shangyu made the same action almost simultaneously.

The three super masters who now represent the peak combat power of the dark world shook their heads at the same time.


Li Tianlan is alone.

But in less than a few seconds, the three seemed to be facing Li Tianlan at the same time.


Incredibly fast.

It is also incredibly weird.

The Shadow Word Jue was completely used in Li Tianlan's hands to the extent that even the original creator of Jie could not perform it.

More than twenty shadows kept flickering.

At the most extreme speed, Li Tianlan's figure can appear anywhere he wants. His speed is too fast, even exceeding the reaction speed of Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu, so that the three of them were there in just a few seconds. Time was almost facing three Li Tianlan at the same time.

Not to mention Moray, whose breath began to decline, at this moment, even Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu had a numb scalp.

This is like an exaggerated and somewhat weird personal show. Li Tianlan's figure flickers crazily, and the absolute speed even allows his body to appear in different places at the same time. The instantaneous change makes the three of them even fight back. There is no room for it.

Li Tianlan also suffered injuries.

But the vast white mist enveloped his body, and his injury was recovering almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Cough...cough cough...cough cough cough cough cough cough..."

The pale-faced Morad coughed violently, blood pouring out of his mouth, and his voice was hoarse and strenuous: "Your Majesty... he consumes a lot of physical strength. Even if he can recover from his injury, his physical strength will never recover, we Can consume..."


Jiang Shangyu murmured to himself.

Just a few seconds ago, both he and Li Kuangtu had injuries. Although the injuries were not serious, the situation was extremely disturbing. Li Tianlan's fighting method was undoubtedly extremely heavy. , The most important thing is that although his combat power surpassed the peak invincibility, he was only one step or even half a step away from the real supreme state, but in the final analysis, Li Tianlan's body is directly invincible by half a step, and his physical strength is absolutely impossible to support. He spent a long time. If it weren’t like that, he didn’t need to stop at all. With the suppressing power he showed just now, it only takes five or six seconds at most. More than a dozen half-step invincibles on the ground and Morad are destined to fall. In the next ten seconds, he and Li Kuangtu will be seriously injured.

But Li Tianlan stopped.

Obviously, his physical strength has begun to decline, and if it continues, flaws may be revealed.

Li Tianlan couldn't handle such consumption.

But can the three of them really be able to handle it?

Jiang Shangyu took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Go together."

No longer scattered.

The three are closely connected.

Go together.


Li Tianlan smiled blankly.

"Did you forget something?"

He said lightly.

Jiang Shangyu frowned.

Another voice came from the other direction, calmly, but with doubts.

"Since when, in Dibing Mountain, someone dared to ignore the patriarch of the Beihai Wang clan?"

In an instant, the faces of Li Kuangtu and Jiang Shangyu changed drastically.

They looked at Wang Shengxiao who had landed on the synagogue stage.

In the dark, a piece of sword energy that can crush almost everything has begun to gradually take shape in the silent expression.

Under the syndicate stage, only the remaining reserve forces of the heavenly troops began to gather quickly.

Li Tianlan's figure flickered suddenly and appeared behind Jiang Shangyu and Li Kuangtu.

"You will die here."

Wang Shengxiao's calm and indifferent voice continued to echo in the night sky.

The sword energy that seemed to be able to suppress everything gathered in a very remote place, and it seemed to have a touch with Wang Shengxiao.

"The Eastern Palace is just our ally..."

Wang Shengxiao whispered: "Your opponent is the King of Beihai, the invincible King of Beihai."

The snow drifted away.

A faint morning light appeared between the sky and the earth.

The inner anxiety burst out suddenly.

Jiang Shangyu pointed at Wang Shengxiao without hesitation, and roared, "Kill him!"

Moled did not hesitate, his whole body pulled out a blazing white light in the air, and rushed to Wang Shengxiao fiercely.

Wang Shengxiao raised her head and watched Moled's figure getting closer.

"After two years... the dark world, the dark world should be seen again..."

He said softly: "Look at Beihai's sword."

Morad's figure shuttled through the air.

The strong breath almost made Wang Shengxiao breathless.

Under the tremendous pressure, Wang Shengxiao straightened up suddenly.

His voice resounded throughout the world, every word, surging!

"Beihai Wangs!!!"

With the wind and snow, with the dawn, with the tide.

His voice oscillated with alternate days and nights, hoarse and swallowed thousands of miles.

"Draw the sword!!!"


The majestic sword energy instantly flooded the entire Emperor Soldier Mountain.

All the people of the heavens.

Together with Wang Shengxiao.

Everyone draws their swords at the same time.

The Jian Qi that suddenly gathered together was like an extremely clear coordinate.

In an instant, the surface of the distant North Sea completely boiled.

Alternate day and night.

When the dawn was approaching, a piece of incomparably clear and cold silver spattered on the Emperor Bing Mountain.

In everyone's sight, on the boiling sea in the distance.

The majestic sword air roared into the sky.

Under the snow, above the sea.

A huge bright moon slowly rises in the sea, as if occupying all the light in the world for an instant.

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