The King of Special Warfare

Vol 6 Chapter 276: : Tianya·Mingyue·Knife (1)

When the helicopter passed over Shengzhou, the brightly lit floating island city had become very calm.

The lights are shining and the traffic is surging.

Helicopters fly at low altitudes. Every traffic arteries in Saint State are guarded by the elites of the North Navy. The atmosphere may be more tense than in the past, but in general, everything in Saint State still belongs to the flourishing age of the North Sea, singing and dancing. Shengping, the lives of people in Saint State seem to have not been affected at all.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Shangyu's expression became a bit gloomy at this time, no matter how good his heart was.

They set off from Canglan and passed by Queen City and Liuli City. Everything they saw before them could barely be considered as expected. Chaos was spreading, flames were burning, crowds were frightened, gun smoke was everywhere, order collapsed, and a mess.

This is the picture he is looking forward to, and it is in line with the plan.

But when I passed Liuli City and arrived at the floating island, all the painting style suddenly changed.

Liuli City has stabilized.

The North Navy regiment has begun to restore order.

The combatants are withdrawing from the war zone.

Various departments in Beihai are cleaning the scene.

Order in all aspects of the floating island is being restored.

Then they arrived in the Holy State.

It's just that there are more holy states patrolling the martial-war North Navy regiment.

A sacred state with lights shining and dancing.

It's all like nothing happened.

Looking at this picture, Jiang Shangyu couldn't even be sure whether there had been any chaos in Shengzhou before.

He squinted, and his heart became a little irritable.

He was still out of touch with Dong Dao. He didn't have any information. It seemed that everything was beyond his control.

To be sure, Dongdao’s firepower still has not recovered. This action is very important for Hate Wind Yujianliu and Promise Palace. With this opportunity, Dongdao is completely overwhelmed by the future, desperate to leave nothing. There was room for gambling, but in this game, all their hole cards were picked up the first time they sat on the table. The funny thing is that they don't know this.

In the original plan, Zhongzhou had the cooperation of Chen Fangqing, and all the firepower on the East Island would open fire without reservation. If nothing happened, the picture of Queen City should now be the picture of Shengzhou.

Now that there is no strong fire support, let alone what it means specifically, at least, the North Navy regiment in the Holy State has the possibility of supporting the Emperor Bingshan.

Uneasiness brewed in my heart.

Jiang Shangyu actually had some thoughts in his heart, but he couldn't say it, nor did he want to say it.

Right now is indeed the best opportunity.

For the Wang Clan of Beihai and for Li Tianlan, there is indeed an indelible hatred in his heart.

There is ambition along with hatred.

All of this is indeed the best opportunity right now, because with Chen Fangqing, Wang Xiaoyao, and Wang Qinglei, an extremely deep crack has appeared in the indestructible and indestructible Wang Clan of Beihai in the past. If you do not seize this opportunity , Jiang Shangyu is not sure if he will come back in the future.

This is indeed the best opportunity, but it is also the least smooth action.

He has wanted to leave early in this situation more than once. As long as there is no life-threatening situation, then this action cannot be regarded as a failure, but the idea is just an idea after all. He can't express such an idea, let alone make it. .

Liusheng Cangquan is now his disciple. He is cooperating with Shifeng Yujianliu and Wuji Temple, cooperating with Li Kuangtu, cooperating with Sanctuary, and cooperating with Jiang Clan in South America.

This is the first largest operation since the formation of the coalition forces.

The prototype of the dynasty has been built, and Jiang Shangyu can't let it go, and dare not let it go.

He can lose the battle with Li Tianlan, but he cannot retreat at this time. Retreating at this time is not to say that it is equivalent to a formal break with Shifeng Yujianliu and Wuji Palace, and it will also leave a foundation of distrust for other partners. The combined forces of the time, there are many second-level forces that watch the wind from the dark world, Jiang Shangyu retreats at this time, it is almost equivalent to the entire dark world.

So even if he can survive, at the end of the decisive battle, Donghuanggong and Beihai Wangshi

How could you miss this opportunity?

By then, the Jiang family was even more miserable than the Jiang family he remembered.

"We will reach Emperor Bingshan in fifteen minutes."

Thinking silently, Jiang Shangyu spoke blankly: "Everyone, is there anything else you want to say?"

Inside the cabin, Moray looked at his watch subconsciously.

In the snowy North Sea, it was five thirty in the morning.

The night is still deep, as if swallowing everything.

"Dongdao's professionalism in cyber security is really impressive."

In the corner, Wang Xiaoyao glanced at Liu Shengcangquan and Tianhai Wuji, his voice was cold.

"Are you sure it's our problem?"

Liu Sheng Cangquan did not speak, but Tian Hai Wuji looked directly into Wang Xiaoyao's eyes with sharp eyes.

"Otherwise? Isn’t the current situation telling everything? There has been no way to restore communication for so long, and even the control of weapons has been lost. Whether you win or lose in this decisive battle, you will all become the laughing stock of the world. If If you didn't pull your legs back, the current situation is 10,000 times better."

Wang Xiaoyao ridiculed relentlessly.

He and Shifeng Yujianliu and Wuji Palace are indeed allies at this time.

But this cooperation plan does not mean that Wang Xiaoyao will like it.

Once the current Emperor Bingshan is completely destroyed, Wang Xiaoyao will become the new patriarch of the Wang Clan in the North Sea. As a condition, half of the three cities in the southern part of the North Sea will return to the East Island. Wang Xiaoyao certainly does not want to see this scene. Happened, but it is not unacceptable.

The **** decides the head.

Therefore, once he takes the position of the new patriarch of the North Sea Wang family, the cooperation at this time is equivalent to automatic termination. After Wang Xiaoyao gets the position he wants, he will desperately retake nearly half of the land taken by Dongdao. come back.

At that time, the two sides will become enemies from allies.

Everyone knows this well, so there is nothing to be polite at this time.

But no matter what happens in the future, as far as tonight, the goals of the two parties are the same. The operation of Dongdao and the joint force trial is really eye-catching. Starting from Canglan, no one takes seriously. Everyone thinks that Dongdao will soon resume communication and regain the authority to control weapons, but until now, they are about to reach Dibing Mountain, but they and Dongdao are still in a state of disconnection, Shengzhou and Liuli are already calm, and Dongdao is actually Still not aware of it?

What are they doing?

Even if someone replaces communication with virtual intelligence, it is unlikely that there is no loophole at all. Are those people really not aware of it?

Wang Xiaoyao took a serious look at Tianhai Wuji and Liu Shengcangquan.

At the beginning, he even thought that Dong Dao was going to play him in this decisive battle, but now, it turns out Dong Dao is a **** real dish.

Are their technicians all stupid?


Jiang Shangyu suddenly said, "Now it doesn't make sense to say this. We have reached this point, and we have no turning back."

"Go forward, step on the Emperor Soldier Mountain, or we will be crushed by the Emperor Soldier Hill. This is our only choice now."

"But we don't have strong fire support now."

Jiang Guochu's tone is a bit complicated.

In terms of personal force, they are undoubtedly a few people standing at the peak of the dark world, but the peak of personal force does not mean that it is omnipotent. When countless modern weapons exceed a certain scale, they will be fired in an instant, even if it is an individual force. The peak can't be held.

The loss of contact with Dong Dao means that they have lost half of their power.

Jiang Guochu has always been a little uneasy, and he even wanted to leave early.

But the South American Jiang has already paid too much for this decisive battle. At this time, he left the field and lost his money. He would also cut off the connection with Jiang Shangyu. Then the North Sea coalition forces were previously eliminated to help him control the Americas. Naturally, it will fall into the water.

Among the several Invincible Realms, his mind is undoubtedly the most volatile.

Wang Xiaoyao made it clear that he wanted the position of the head of the patriarch. At this time, he had no choice but to stand with the coalition forces. He had to move forward anyway.

Otherwise, it will end with nothing.

Needless to say, the two of Dong Dao left the field at this time, their ending is worse than Wang Xiaoyao.

As for Morad, this is completely a loyal dog by Jiang Shangyu, and he doesn't have that messy thoughts at all.

In addition, there is also a Li Kuangpu who is not on the plane now.

No one knew where he was, even Jiang Shangyu didn't know where he was.

"Accidents are always out of control."

Jiang Shangyu shook his head. He looked at Wang Xiaoyao: "What do you want to add?"

Wang Xiaoyao glanced at Tian Hai Wuji who had been staring at him, shook his head slightly, and wrote lightly, "It's okay."

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Shangyu squinted his eyes, and tentatively said, "Dibingshan?"

"It's okay."

Wang Xiaoyao repeated one more sentence.

Jiang Shangyu laughed: "This is really a surprise."

"Surprises are mutual."

Wang Xiaoyao said in a flat voice: "They can give us a surprise, and I can naturally give them a surprise."

What is a surprise?

what! Call fuck! Surprise!

Wang Xiaoyao's voice was very soft, but with his voice, everyone's eyes lit up.

Jiang Shangyu looked ahead.

In the night, the sky was full of wind and snow, and the outline of Dibing Mountain was looming.


Jiang Shangyu let out a long sigh with pride: "Today, we will..."


His voice hadn't fallen yet, the wind and snow all over the sky suddenly condensed.

Far away, the sharp sword light that seemed to tear everything suddenly gleamed in the night sky, piercing the helicopter where the rain was on the river.

Jiang Shangyu raised his eyebrows, and the realm bloomed instantly, and the extremely condensed realm completely blocked the sword light.

The helicopter moved forward slowly.

Another helicopter appeared in the distance in the realization.

One from south to north, and one from north to south.

At a distant moment, the surge of sword light lit up.

The helicopter door on the opposite side opened.

A woman who looked extremely stiff walked out of the cabin slowly.

Her body paused in the air for a moment.

In an instant, the woman's breath began to soar, breaking through the invincible realm in the blink of an eye. The powerful breath became more and more terrifying. The woman's long hair was fluttering in the wind and snow. She stood in the sky, above and below, and there were swords everywhere. Light.

In the dark world, Morad, who is now the closest to the peak of invincibility, immediately turned his face and became extremely solemn.

Everyone recognized this woman.

This woman who should have appeared in Emperor Bing Mountain at this time passed by Emperor Bing Mountain and appeared here and stopped several invincible masters.

Queen of Darkness.

Burning fire.

Lord of Reincarnation Palace.

Mochizuki Song.

Vaguely, the Emperor Soldier Mountain in the distance was shaking slowly.

A few kilometers away from Dibing Mountain, Wangyue Xiange stood in the air with a mighty sword light.

"Your Majesty, you go to Emperor Soldier Mountain, I will solve the trick..."

Moray spoke slowly, his voice extremely dry.

Everyone can hear the guilty conscience in his tone.

Jiang Shangyu squinted his eyes. He was about to face Li Tianlan, and even Li Kuangjue. It was really not suitable for him to take action at this time. He must ensure that he was always at his peak to face the strongest enemy.

But more...

He looked at Mochizuki Xiange and shook his head subconsciously.

"Let me do it."

A steady voice suddenly sounded, flat and flat.

Wang Xiaoyao stood up from his seat with a calm expression: "Go to Dibing Mountain, and she will give it to me."

Everyone raised their heads subconsciously and looked at Wang Xiaoyao.

Jiang Shangyu turned around and stared deeply at Wang Xiaoyao's face. After a while, he opened his mouth and laughed: "Heh..."

He shook his head vigorously, and whispered, "Wang of Beihai..."

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