The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 713 The only place to escape purge


When the whole king's figure was completely frozen, the bean-sized eyes looked at Hermes sadly. He saw with his own eyes that Hermes ate the great priest.

And the battle between the two has destroyed the entire universe.

Not only this time and space, the past, present, and future have been destroyed, and everything has returned to nothingness. Now both he and Hermes are in a land of nothingness.


"Long time no see, shorty."

Hermes' broken body returned to normal, but his face was very pale and weak. When he looked at King Quan, the corners of his mouth were raised, and there was no respect or sincerity in his rainbow-colored eyes.

There's no need for him to pretend.

"I've always considered you a friend."

Faced with Hermes' rudeness, King Quan's voice instantly turned cold, and his original sad mood disappeared. The speed at which his emotions changed could be described as textbook level.

"Since we are friends, how about letting me eat you."

"I'm going to clear you out."

Learn the true identity of Hermes.

King Quan also showed that ruthless scene, his hands lit up with dazzling white light, and in an instant all matter, all factors, all existence, even time and destiny began to dissolve.

It was an irresistible force.

Universal eraser.

One-touch clear key.

Hermes did not fight hard enough. His life was hanging by a thread in this battle. He was almost exhausted and riddled with holes. No matter how many fairy beans he ate, it was useless.

He had to recover bit by bit.

In other words, it hurts the foundation.

Extremely small.

As the world changed, Hermes came to the quantum realm, became smaller to femtometer, ammi, square meter, and kept getting smaller, and finally came to yaomi, completely passing through the quantum realm and entering an inexplicable space.

Hermes did not know where this place was.

Because there are no substances, no factors, no existence here, only endless blackness, just like the land of nothingness, there is no concept of time and space, and there is no existence of birth and nothingness.

There is a feeling somewhere.

Only by hiding here can we ignore King Quan's purge. Even hiding in the quantum realm is not safe.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Hermes breathed a sigh of relief that he did not disappear.

The bet was right.

Even the king cannot erase it here.

Next, you just need to recover, then completely absorb and digest the great priest, and then practice for a period of time. After you go out, you should be able to fight with the king.

He may still be no match for him, but as long as he can't lose his life, he can spend his whole life fighting the king.

Although there is nothing in this mysterious space, Hermes still has the human body universe, so there is no need to worry about energy supply, not to mention the fairy beans, the fruits of the sacred tree, etc.

This fight.

Hermes used the power of thirty universes, which caused a lot of damage to these thirty universes, so a large number of species became extinct, but as time went by, everything was slowly repaired.

Come to Egghead.

Hermes opened his mouth and inhaled, and in an instant, the infinite high-quality souls and essences of thirty universes entered his mouth, continuously repairing the injuries suffered by Hermes.

This kind of injury cannot even be reversed in time, only high-quality soul and cosmic energy can have an effect.

that's all.

While repairing his injuries, Hermes began to absorb the great priest. The opponent's memories and abilities were digested and possessed by him bit by bit, but the speed was very slow.


Quan Wang looked at the empty land where nothing existed. There was no concept of time here. After playing for a while, his hands once again lit up with dazzling light.

Time begins to exist.

Everything was born crazily. The first universe began to recover, followed by the second, tenth, and eighteenth. When all the universes were restored, Quanwang gasped.

Although everything was restored to its original state, the Great Priest and the King of Time were not resurrected, and other angels or the God of Destruction were restored to their original state.


For some reason, Jeon-oh was unable to restore the Great Priest and the King of Time.

Time flies.

Infinitely small space.

Time does not exist here, but time exists in the inner universe of Hermes.

A trance.

Three hundred and sixty-five hundred years have passed, which to the outside world would be 100 years.

no doubt.

It's been a long, long time.


"It's finally absorbed. It's a great supplement!"


Hermes still looked like he was about to die, but at a certain moment everything returned to the original state. It took him 36500 years to finally absorb the great priest.

As expected.

His strength in all aspects has improved.

After such a long time, the essence of the thirty major universes has also been restored, and the major races are competing for beauty and a hundred schools of thought contend. The level of excitement far exceeds that of the Dragon Ball 18 universe.

And the thirty big universes are all figured out. As long as the strength reaches a certain level, you can go to another universe.

But those who know this secret are the top group of people.


The management system of the thirty major universes has also been improved. After all, Hermes has not been digesting the great priests for 36500 years, but also found time to do other things.

Borrowing the management system from Dragon Ball.

Nature is Hermes at the apex of all living things.

He is called by many gods or powerful men at the top of the food chain: God of Creation, Lord of the World, Master of the Universe, Supreme God, and God of the Beginning of All Things.

No one has higher status and power than Hermes.

He is the only and absolute master of the thirty universes!

Then there is the mysterious creation race, which is also a more mysterious and powerful race among the many gods, because they can be any race or any god, and can be called the incarnation of all living things.

In any time and space, they have their shadow in the birth and genocide of various galaxies, various worlds, various new timelines, from wars between gods to wars between mortals.

It is rumored that the Chuangshi clan is related to the Chuangshi God, and it is even rumored that the Chuangshi God was born from the Chuangshi clan.

to be honest.

The Creation Clan are all clones of Hermes. Apart from causing troubles, they are also involved in the birth and destruction of various cosmic civilizations.

In addition, there are the five creation artifacts.

It is rumored that they are artifacts formed by the creation of the universe. As long as you get one artifact, you can dominate all living things. Unfortunately, no one knows where the five creation artifacts are, what their names are, and what their functions are.

That's right.

I’m talking about the Creation Pen, Creation Book, Creation Number, Creation Plow, and Polunga.

There are also detached scientists such as Dr. Gero and Vegapunk who have special permissions.

Above, the Creation Clan, the Five Creation Artifacts, and Transcendent Scientists belong to the second echelon.

Next is the third echelon, they are the Angel Clan, the Kaiojin Clan, and the God of Destruction Clan.

It is worth mentioning that the angel clan and the God of Destruction clan are very small in number. No more, no less, there is only one in each universe, and their functions are the same as the God of Destruction and Angels in Dragon Ball.

As for Kaiohshin, there are many.

Because Hermes wanted to continuously create the world, the number of the Kaiojin clan became even more than that of the Saiyans due to his deliberate cultivation.

Galaxies or planetary civilizations are being continuously created in thirty large universes, or the galaxy universe is being expanded in other cells of the human body, so the number of Kaioshin clan is very important.

In addition, the life of the God of Destruction is no longer linked to Kaiojin, but the life of the Angel and the God of Destruction are linked. As long as the God of Destruction dies, the Angel will fall into a deep sleep.

In addition, in order for the Kaioshin to be able to work with peace of mind, Hermes gave this race a gift, which provides them with the protection of being inviolable, unkillable, and unsealable.

The effect is very simple, that is, no one can kill them, only Hermes has this power.

There is also a Kaiōshin of Time among the Kaiōshin, but that is himself.

There are also alternate angels, alternate god of destruction, great king of realms, king of realms, and king of hell.

The above is the management system of gods in the thirty great universes.

Finally, there are various powerful races, such as the red background and white pupil clan, the Saiyan clan, the Otsutsuki clan, the frozen demon, Cell, the Naruto race, the Majin race, etc.

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