The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 711 Hermes VS Great Priest

Hermes finished.

There was no emotion on the face of the high priest. He was silent for a moment before he said matter-of-factly, "There is only one God of Creation, Lord of All Things, and Supreme God, and that is Lord Quan Wang."

"You're weird!"

Observe for a long time.

The future great priest has lived for so long, and this is the first time he has seen so many contradictory auras in a person. Among them, the transcendental status that stands above the world and the universe is very obscure.

As long as they are creatures in the 18th universe, they will have a special destiny and status imprint in the 18th universe, but this mysterious person does not have it, as if he came from a place outside of nothingness.

But the land of nothingness is dark, and nothing exists.

There are only 18 universes created by King Quan.

In terms of cultivating immortals, it does not exist in this universe, but comes from other universes.

"Nothing surprising."

Hermes knew very well that if he fought with the great priest, he would definitely be exposed. At that time, he would be exposed in the endless time and space of the past, present, and future.

This means breaking the skin.

Confirmed eyes.

He already has the strength to save his life. Even if the king comes, he will not be able to eliminate him. As long as his life is not in danger, there is no need for Hermes to be stubborn.

What the hell.

Dry! ! !

I’ve been holding it in for a long time!


The powerful aura that destroyed the entire universe soared into the sky, and all the surrounding universes flew out, causing ripples in the surrounding void. Super 1-Super 5 shadows around Hermes continued to emerge, accompanied by the movement of a large number of galaxies.

The radiant flames were burning, and a pair of rainbow-colored eyes were full of ferocity.


Appearing in front of the high priest in an instant, Hermes aimed his right hand, and the destruction belonging to the third realm took effect, which made the high priest's originally indifferent expression lose control.

"Self-intention and destruction."

"Who are you to have reached the third realm?"

Time flies.

The omnipotent staff appeared in the high priest's right hand and pressed against Hermes' right hand, absorbing all the damage, but Keren couldn't help but take a step back.

This is the third level of destruction, and the next step is to eliminate it with the highest authority of the King.

same moment.

The angelic halo behind the high priest emits an unprecedented brightness, and the whole person is surrounded by the grainy flames of the ethereal starry sky, and the breath of God ripples like water waves.

The deep level of ultimate freedom is only one step away from reaching the highest authority of the fourth realm.

"Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent!"

The great priest Hermes had already expected that he would be helpless with one blow. His rainbow-colored eyes looked at the omnipotent staff. This was the evolution of the opponent's ability.

Because the Great Priest himself is omniscient and omnipotent, it can be said that the omnipotent staff is the materialization of the Great Priest's ability.

Hermes' final route is also omniscient and omnipotent, but he has cultivated all his abilities, and he is very greedy and wants to reach the highest authority of the fourth realm.

"It's you!"

A blow from each other.

The great priest seemed to have cleared away the clouds and seen the true nature of Hermes. His emotionless nerves began to beat again. He never thought it was Hermes.

The king's friend.

Hermes had a murderous look on his face, and he recognized it as soon as he recognized it. He was already ready to lift the table. He made a fist with his left hand surrounded by the power of time, and punched it out, causing the high priest's pupils to shrink sharply.

Damn it.

The power of time in the third realm.

How can it be.

Under his own eyes, a mere Saiyan not only cultivated destruction to the third level, but also cultivated the power of time to the third level.

And the aura of self-centeredness on his body is just a hair away from his own.


With this punch of Hermes, it seemed that countless timelines were broken, and a large amount of time and space collapsed to create time cracks. The devastation included the past, present and future.

For a while.

The great priests of the past, present, and future all know what happened in this time and space.

As the King of Time and Hermes, who has mastered the power of time and space in the third realm, he only exists in endless time and space, and the past, present and future do not exist.

The Big Bang.

The great priest's mouth bleeds, and a large number of cracks begin to appear on his face. Then he flies out for a moment, millions of light years, and the next moment, it is already hundreds of millions of light years. He is injured.

This is the first time in hundreds of millions of years that I have felt pain since I became a great priest.

no doubt.

The divine control skills in the third realm are enough to compete with the great priest, because the great priest is only in this realm.

At an unknown speed, Hermes appeared above the flying high priest, holding destruction in his right hand and holding the power of time and space in his left hand, shining with infinite light as if the rising universe.

"Destroy AOE·Fist of the King."

"The power of time and space AOE·Fist of the King."

This is a ruthless wave.

Using destruction as energy and the power of time and space as energy, the Fist of the King was born. At that moment, two blazing lights lit up in the boundless land of nothingness, but they soon disappeared.

An unimaginable explosion.

Everything was reduced to ashes.

Hermes stood in the darkness, the flames burning all over his body illuminated an area of ​​hundreds of millions of light years, and there was only one arm holding the omnipotent staff in front of him.

A blink of an eye.

The high priest appeared intact, his face gloomy and his eyes full of destruction, "Lord Quan Wang and I were mistaken. We didn't expect you to be an evil person."

"Jie Jie~"

"In order to have the strength to lift a table, I have been careful and timid for a long time."

"Sure enough, this feeling of being lawless and doing whatever I want suits me."

Hermes stretched, and white flame clouds began to surround his shoulders. The radiant flames on his body gradually turned into eight colors. Endless galaxies and phantoms were filled in the eight-color flames. At the same time, the back of his head also stood up. The eight-color nimbus.

Super Saiyan 6 + Life Return + Eight Gate Armor Formation + Big and Small Fruits + Fifty Times Kaio Fist + Free Ultimate Intention Kung Fu + Self-Ultimate Intention and other amplification methods are all in full force.

An immeasurable breath hit his face.

The great priest's heart sank to the bottom.

The strength displayed by Hermes was beyond his expectation. How did he cultivate it under his eyes?

"This state should be enough to kill you."

Hermes has sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and looks like a wild monkey. His body is full of destruction and holiness. He can be called a combination of gods and devils.


As if across endless time and space, Hermes aimed his right hand at the high priest and launched all his destruction. If he wanted to cause harm to the high priest, he could only use those abilities that reached the third realm.

Only the abilities in this realm are the most lethal.


The great priest was not weak either. He aimed the omnipotent staff in his hand and fired a burst of destruction from the third realm. The two waves of destruction collided and exploded. Even the space in the center turned into purple-black light particles.

A hundred million years in a blink of an eye.

Hermes appeared behind the high priest and swept out with one kick. The space exploded and shattered. The high priest immediately raised his hands to intercept. The powerful force caused the high priest's hands to hit his face, and his whole body flew out again.

This time, before Hermes could pursue him, the great priest appeared as if he had jumped in time, punching Hermes in the abdomen. With an explosion of unimaginable power, Hermes bowed his body.

"Super light speed."

There was no look of pain on Hermes' sharp-toothed face, because his right hand was on his abdomen, just enough to block the high priest's attack, although it was a bit uncomfortable.

He could tell at a glance that the other party had just appeared. He had returned to a certain moment in the past at super-light speed.

Weiss once said.

It is possible to travel back to the past and future at infinite light speed, and it just so happens that the Great Priest and King Quan can do it.

What a coincidence.

He can do this trick, but he prefers the power of time.

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