The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 705 Maybe Hermes is stronger than imagined

However, this state is very taxing on the body and mind. At first, Hermes can only maintain it for one minute, and then it takes a long time to maintain full power.

The moment he transformed into Super Saiyan 6, Hermes began to think about Super Saiyan 7.

No matter what.

Hermes must be the first Saiyan in history to go through his own transformation. In terms of cultivation, he has gone out of his own way. Therefore, with the experience of Super Saiyan 6, Hermes continues to think about theology and science to achieve How to transform into Super 7.

Don't tell me yet.

He also thought of a way combined with fantasy cultivation. There are still two ways, one is the original transformation route, and the other is the divine realm route.

The first is the original transformation route, which is to continue cultivating and transplanting S cells. When reaching the massive amount of Super Saiyan 5, continue to compress into S cell nuclei, and then combine with the first S cell nucleus to continue combining and compressing. If it is not enough, continue practicing like this. Transplant the S cells, compress them into a third S cell nucleus, and then put the three S cell nuclei together and compress them into one.

If it continues to be compressed in this way, it will definitely change when it reaches a limit, and it may be the so-called Super Saiyan 7.

The second route to the realm of God is to open up more universes in the body, striving to open up a universe for all the 40-60 trillion cells in the human body.

At that time, directly use the power of the universe.

Nowadays, Hermes has two universes, one is the universe of the Book of Creation, and the other is the universe within the body. Hermes has the highest authority over these two universes.

If you want to clear it, clear it, just like Quan Wang.

This idea was somewhat unrealistic at first, but when Hermes became smaller and entered the quantum realm, he knew that it was feasible to open up a cellular universe.

that's all.

Everyone has been in the quantum field for a hundred years, but only one second has passed outside. The time difference inside is even more incredible. The key point is that Dr. Gro, Vegapunk and others became interested in the quantum field, and then began to study quantum mechanics. .

But Hermes is not interested, he is also very busy now.

While continuing to practice and transplant S cells, when the amount reaches over 5, it begins to be compressed into S cell nuclei, and then the compressed S cell nuclei are added together and compressed into a whole, looking forward to one day undergoing a qualitative change and transforming into Super Saiyan 7. .

The other is to start developing the cellular universe.

I'm afraid there's a long way to go to make further progress in a short period of time.

In a daze, another ten years have passed.

On this day, the mind body of the Book of Creation appeared in front of Hermes, wagging its tail and eyes bent into crescents, as if wanting to praise, which made Hermes, who was practicing, a little curious.

"Father God, because you transformed into Super Saiyan 6, I have also become stronger. Now the time ratio is no longer 1 day: 100 years, but 1 day: 10,000 years."

"So are we."

"And I also became stronger."


The Creation Pen, Creation Plow, Creation Number, and Polunga all appeared one after another, all looking like they were begging for praise. Because they are Hermes Homitz, they have many ways to become stronger.

One of the ways to become stronger while lying down is for Hermes to become stronger, and they will also become stronger.

The other is to eat souls.

There is another who practices by himself, but the speed is the slowest.

Before the Tournament of Power ended, the Genesis Book digested the souls from hell and the reason why Hermes could transform into Super Saiyan 5, so the Genesis Book also became stronger. The original day: 10 years The time ratio suddenly increased to 1 day:100 years.

This time, Hermes further transformed into Super Saiyan 6. In addition, the Genesis Book consumed some leek souls not long ago, and the time ratio was suddenly raised from 1 day: 100 years to the present. 1 day: 10,000 years.

That's right.

It’s not 1,000 years, but it’s skyrocketed to 10,000 years.

This was no longer a leap of progress, but an outrageous progress. The 1000-year unit in the middle was simply omitted, so Hermes was stunned.

But when you think about how exaggerated every transformation of a Super Saiyan is, it’s easy to accept it, not to mention that there are no Super 5 or 6 in the original work.

And he himself is outrageous.

Therefore, some outrageous things about him do not seem outrageous.

Nothing wrong.

"Not bad."

"You five are all awesome!"

Hermes smiled and patted the five Homiz's little heads, and then grabbed it with his right hand from the air. In an instant, hundreds of millions of souls appeared in his hand, including some Super Saiyan 3 Saiyan souls, High-quality souls of powerful people such as the red-backed white-eyed clan, the Otsutsuki clan, the frozen demon clan, the Cell clan, the Majin Buu clan, the Naruto clan, etc.

These are all self-generated souls of the universe in the Creation Book and the universe within the body.

Speaking of these high-quality souls, Hermes also plans to go out and harvest a large number of cells, such as the cells of the God of Destruction, Angel, Jiren, Hit, and those candidates for the Tournament of Power.

It is easy to use to cultivate the corresponding race.

"One for each person."

Hundreds of millions of souls were compressed into five marbles in the miserable wailing, lying in the palm of Hermes, and each of the five Homies in the Book of Genesis took one.

It will probably take some time for it to be fully absorbed and digested.

Get rewarded.

The five Homiz left happily. Now, whether it is the universe of the Creation Book or the universe in the body, there is a legend that the world was created by the Lord of all things, the supreme and eternal god, the Creator God, and the Creator God There are five great creation artifacts. As long as you get one, you can transcend, and even be on an equal footing with the creation god.

Of course.

Many people do not believe in this long-standing legend. Only some great supernatural beings, the most powerful, and a small group of people at the top of the two great universes are researching and investigating.

Some people even spend their whole lives studying whether there is a God of Creation and whether there are five creation artifacts. In short, it is still an unsolved mystery.

No need to guess.

This is the news spread by the Creation Clan. In order to seek authenticity, some clues are also recorded in some rare planets or ruins in the two universes.

As for the Creation race, they are one of the most powerful races in the two big universes. To put it bluntly, they are the shadow clones of Hermes. They are afraid that the two big universes will be too peaceful, so they often make trouble in secret.

Nowadays, the fierce battles and revenge that can be seen everywhere in the two big universes are caused by this race.

There were even powerful ones fighting and destroying countless planets and galaxies. However, this was just a drizzle to the two big universes, because there were too many galaxies in the two big universes to count.


There is also the red background and white pupil race, which is also one of the most powerful races. To put it bluntly, it is a race that evolved from Hermes cells. They are born with various innate abilities.

All abilities, soul abilities, teleportation abilities, creative abilities, destructive abilities, telekinesis, etc. are all weakened versions, but if you continue to practice, you can reach the level of Hermes.

This race is also called the Celestial Clan, and is known as the darling of heaven and earth, born and raised by earth.

In addition, the Saiyan race, the Otsutsuki clan, etc. are also one of the most powerful races. More races will grow in the future, so the scale and excitement of the Genesis Book Universe and the Human Body Universe are completely different. Lost the 18th universe of Dragon Ball.

After the five Homitz left, Hermes continued to practice.

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