The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 702: Packaging yourself and packaging your character

"Even though I know I'm no match for you, I won't sit still and wait for death!"

Jiren shouted loudly.

He rushed towards Hermes without hesitation, he would try no matter what, even if he knew he would lose.

A moment.

Time seemed to slow down. Jiren appeared in front of Hermes and punched out. However, Hermes turned his head calmly to avoid it, and at the same time, he punched deep into Jiren's abdomen.

Jiren Yingying was aware of the trajectory of Hermes' attack, but he could not avoid it.

The moment the bright red fist penetrated deep into his abdomen, Jilian felt his body go into shock. He retreated uncontrollably, twisting and retching, and slowly his seven orifices began to bleed.

One punch.

Jiren couldn't bear just one punch.

No warning.

Hermes appeared in front of Jiren, and gently aimed his right hand at Jiren. The latter raised his head with difficulty with bulging veins. He wanted to resist, but every part of his body refused to obey his orders.

boom! ! !

Invisible power swept across, Jiren turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the unfathomable realm of nothingness, completely beyond the sky realm created by the great priest, and then appeared in the audience seat of Universe 11 in an instant.

"Universe 11 is out."

The high priest pronounced the verdict.

Then without any hesitation, Quan Wang's right hand lit up with a blazing white light, and then Universe 11 began to disappear. The God of Destruction sighed as he was dying of deliciousness, and finally turned into a point of light and quickly disappeared.

Eventually only the angel Marcarita remained.

Like Bardos, Markarita is a female angel, characterized by a double ponytail hairstyle and a pair of sash on her forehead. She is tall and beautiful, but she is also sighing slightly at this moment.

In the arena.

After Hermes dealt with Jiren, he came to Hit in an instant. The latter had a bitter look on his face and indescribable regret in his eyes.

"Since I lost last time, I have continued to practice and grow. I thought I could beat you in this game, but now it seems there is no hope."

"Hermes, you are indeed very strong."

Hit was not frightened by the fact that he was about to die, but was only regretful that he could not surpass Hermes.

"We will meet again."

Hermes smiled lightly.

"There is no hope, but if I lose, I will lose in the battle."

"So I'm going to attack."


Hit didn't understand what Hermes meant, but he risked everything and used the most powerful attack, forming a frame with his hands in an attempt to take away Hermes' time.

With this move, if the opponent is weaker than Hit, he will be completely immobilized. If he is stronger than Hit, the opponent will be slowed down. Not to mention that Hermes is much stronger than Hit at this time. It only affects time. In terms of the control and use of power, the two sides are not on the same dimension.

Not surprisingly.

Hermes had no impact at all, and Hit looked bitter, eventually exiting and appearing in the audience.

"It's a pity that I can no longer eat delicious food, and I can no longer beat this guy like you."

Xiangpa's ears were soft, and he looked at Hit appearing on the sofa. He turned to look at Beerus and showed a bitter smile. Beerus opened his mouth and clenched his fists tightly.

After a burst of white light.

The sixth universe also completely disappeared.

At this point, the Tournament of Power involving eight universes came to an end. The seventh universe survived in the end, and only Hermes and Sun Wukong were left on the fragments of the arena.

Including the four universes 1, 5, 8, and 12 that are exempt from the competition, as well as the seventh universe that won this competition, there are only five universes left in total.

The reality is so cruel.

There were originally a total of 18 universes, 6 of which were eliminated because they angered the King of All. In this Tournament of Power, 7 more universes were eliminated, which is scary to think about.

There is no telling how much life and civilization exists in the 13 universes that have been cleared.

"It is officially announced that the final winner of the Tournament of Power is Universe 7."

"You will receive the Super Dragon Balls."

The high priest waved.

Seven super dragon balls appeared in the realm of nothingness, floating around like bright suns.

Hermes frowned slightly. Logically speaking, the Super Dragon Ball should be cooling down. After all, he had used it more than three hundred times, covering a period of more than three hundred years.

But then I thought about it, this is not a difficult task for the great priest. At worst, he can go to the future more than three hundred years ago and bring back the super dragon balls that are still usable at that time.

Or maybe create a new timeline. Anyway, there are many ways.

"so big."

"Is this the Super Dragon Ball? It's bigger than the Earth Dragon Ball and the Namek Dragon Ball."

"The Namek Dragon Balls you are talking about were made from some powder scraped from the Super Dragon Balls by the Namek ancestors at that time."


Klin and others suddenly realized that this is how the Namekian Dragon Balls were formed. Aren't the Earth Dragon Balls the powder scraped from the Namekian Dragon Balls?

"The best player in this game is Hermes, I believe no one will object!"

The high priest smiled.

For a moment, everyone else looked at Hermes, and they were all curious about what Hermes would wish for, including the king and the great priest.

"Let me come?"

Hermes looked a little surprised.

"Of course, if it weren't for you, Universe 7 might be in danger."

Beerus nodded naturally, but he hesitated in the end.

"We all have no problem with that."

"I'm really curious about what you would wish for?"


Everyone in Universe 7 had no objection. After all, if it weren't for Hermes, they would all have died.

"That's it, let me think about it."

Hermes pretended to think, but he knew there was a trap here.

In the original work, the Great Priest revealed that King Quan actually considered before the game that the warrior who could stay until the end would have concerns about the benevolence of other universes.

But if the winner finally makes a selfish wish, it will eliminate everything.

From this we can see that King Quan is moody and his will is absolute. He is not a simple child at all, so Hermes has to continue to maintain his righteous character.

"Lord Quan Wang, I'm sorry."

"I think other universes are all innocent. There may be some evil and rude people, but there are also some kind and upright people. The key is that there are many strong people. In the future, I would like to go to other universes to experience their customs. .

I even hope to fight Jiren and Hit again.

The most important thing is that Master Xiangpa has disappeared, and Master Beerus seems to be very sad, so my wish is to restore all the disappeared universes to their original state. "

Hermes first bowed to the king, then scratched his head with an embarrassed look on his face, and finally looked at Beerus, who was in a trance, with a smile.

The whole audience could hear the needle drop.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Hermes in disbelief.

Beerus was the first to react. He jumped up and grabbed Hermes by the collar. His voice was choked and overwhelmed, and he shouted, "Who said I'm sad? The disappearance of that guy Xiangpa won't affect me." .

Hermes you bastard, thank you. "

At this time, Beerus was in a complicated and excited mood, and he looked at Hermes very seriously as he spoke.

He just wanted to ask Hermes if he could make a wish to resurrect Xiangpa, but he didn't expect that Hermes not only wanted to resurrect Xiangpa, but also planned to resurrect the entire universe.

"are you sure?"

The high priest and King Quan looked at each other, and both of them were very satisfied.


"So please, Lord Quan Wang, give all universes another chance."

Hermes nodded, taking into account the authority and feelings of the king as much as possible.


"You're fine, then let's restore all the universes!"

King Quan nodded happily, very satisfied with Hermes' wishes and attitude. He was a very kind man.

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