The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 686 Are you serious about coming as soon as you come up?

"Hermes, are you serious about coming as soon as you come up?"

Sun Wukong was still frightened, and after comforting Qiqi, he looked at Hermes with a complicated expression.

Good guy.

He was instantly killed in one encounter.

"I always fight first. If you don't listen to me when I tell you to go all out, you can't blame me!"

Hermes spread his hands.


Beerus touched his long ears, looked at Sun Wukong and said bluntly, "Son Wukong, you are no match for Hermes, he can rival the God of Destruction."

"If you want to fight, choose someone else!"

"But Lord Beerus, I didn't use my full strength just now, I just did it accidentally."

Sun Wukong was a little unwilling and wanted to give it a try. After all, it was too difficult to see Hermes. When he thought of this, he felt a little regretful. If he had known that he would have gone all out just now.

"Sun Wukong, this is your bad habit. No matter who you fight, you always test them first."

Vegeta snorted from the side. Sometimes Sun Wukong's arrogance was even more outrageous than his own, and the battles tended to drag on, causing the enemy to come back several times in the end.


Whis also nodded in agreement, because it was the same when training with Vegeta. If he encountered an enemy like Hermes, he would be a king at first sight, and Sun Wukong was still testing, so there was no need to think about the outcome. What is it.

I can only say that Sun Wukong is really lucky.

Haven't gotten away with it so far.

Wow! ! !

Just when Sun Wukong was about to refute, a burst of light lit up in the air, and then an arrogant voice came. It was the Gods of Destruction of the Sixth Universe, Xiangpa and Bados.

“It’s so lively!”

"Beerus, after ten years, it's time to compete!"

Xiangpa glanced at everyone present, and then looked down at Beerus condescendingly.

He has been fully prepared in the past ten years.

He will definitely win the game.

"Elephant handkerchief."

Beerus curled his lips and looked at Xiangpa with a trace of pity. Their lineup was invincible. It should be said that Hermes could crush everyone by himself.

That's a combat power comparable to that of the God of Destruction.

"It's really strange that Lord Time Kaio Kami has also come to Earth."

Bados landed and looked at Chronoa in surprise.

"Yo, Bardos!"

Chronoa seemed to know all the angels.

"So where is this game going to be held?"

Beerus looked at Xiangpa. This guy was already tasting the delicacies on the table. He looked like he hadn't eaten in eight lifetimes, which really made him pity him.

No matter how.

Neither Hermes nor the Earth could yield to the other.

"It's still a place of nothingness."

Xiangpa muttered, thinking that he must win away Hermes and the Earth no matter what.

"Then let's go!"

"Are you in such a hurry?"

"I've been waiting for ten years, and I can't wait to see Beerus' ugly face after losing."

"Humph, I have no objection."

"Then let's set off together!"

Bardos and Weiss grasped the universal staff at the same time, and the next second everyone present disappeared in place, traveling through the seventh universe at super-light speed. It took almost ten minutes for everyone to arrive in the land of nothingness.

There was nothing here, but with a wave of Weiss' omnipotent staff, a huge and boundless planet appeared. However, with a wave of Bardos, a huge energy shield appeared with plenty of air inside.

"There must be a stage."

"There is also a viewing platform."


A smooth and white arena appeared, surrounded by comfortable sofas floating in the air, with many snacks and other things on them. This method of changing the world and creating things out of thin air shocked many people.

"The contestants from Universe 6 make a grand appearance."

Xiangpa stood on the viewing platform, Bados waved the universal scepter, and then figures began to walk out of the competition candidate area, and they were the six contestants from the sixth universe.

"Beerus, you will lose this time."

"These six people are among the strongest in the Sixth Universe. They were even trained by me for five or six years."

Looking at the six contestants who came out one after another, Xiangpa looked at Beerus who was not far away and gave a sinister smile.

In order to win this game, he spent a lot of time and effort.

"Next, let me introduce the contestants from Universe 6 and Universe 7."

In the arena.

A referee appears out of nowhere.

"The contestants from Universe Six are Hit, Gabby, Walter Maggot, Frost, Bodamo, and Perakna."

"The contestants from Universe 7 are Hermes, Son Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu."

I don’t know where the referees got the list from, so I looked at it and introduced them one by one.

"That guy looks similar to Frieza."

Son Goku lowered his head and muttered, because among the contestants in Universe 6, there was a guy who was almost exactly like Frieza.

"It seems to be called Frost."

"Maybe it's because the Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe are mirror universes, so some things are the same."

"Then there are Saiyans in the sixth universe?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

A group of people were whispering and observing each other.

Until the elephant handkerchief flicked with one finger, the gong hanging in the air made a loud sound, which represented the beginning of the battle.

"I went first."

Sun Wukong was the first to rush forward. He was very enthusiastic about this kind of fighting, especially competing against strong men from other universes. Thinking about it made him excited.

He had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

"This idiot."

Vegeta cursed silently.

Hermes was sitting on the sofa, his head resting on his hands behind his back. Among the players from Universe 6 facing him, Hit was probably the only one with some strength, but the others were too weak.

As Sun Wukong appeared on the playing field, a person also appeared in the Sixth Universe.

"Look, it's Frieza."

"That's not Frieza, being called Frost."

Bulma and the others subconsciously looked at the expressionless Frieza on the contestant stage, then turned to correct Chichi's words.


Frieza snorted coldly, then narrowed his eyes and looked at Frost on the playing field, feeling very strange. After all, that guy looked exactly like him.

"The rules of the competition are static air combat. It ends as long as one party falls off the platform, is seriously injured and falls into coma, or admits defeat."

The referee read out the rules.

Originally, in the original work, everyone had to compete in a competition, and the rules were changed again and again during the battle, but now it is not much different, at least the competition speed can be faster.

"You and Frieza look really alike. It's been a long time since I fought that guy."

Sun Wukong looked at Frost, with a hint of fighting intent in his eyes.

"Are you talking about that person?"

"Frieza, that's a great name."

Frost looked away from Frieza and looked at Sun Wukong's tail swaying back and forth. He then bent over and made a gentleman's salute, which seemed very polite.

"Then let me introduce myself again. I am Frost, a contestant from the Sixth Universe."

"I am Sun Wukong, a contestant from Universe 7, and I want to defeat you all."

After saying hello to each other, the two people immediately distanced themselves, and powerful auras began to rise from each of them.

A moment.

The two disappeared and appeared in the west corner of the playing field. After a collision, they turned into afterimages and continued to collide. As arrogant as ever, Sun Wukong did not transform into Super Saiyan 1.

He just kept testing Frost.

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