The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 674 Infinite Super-Light Speed

Not surprisingly.

Son Goku and Vegeta, who successfully transformed into Super Saiyan 4, challenged Hermes one after another, but they failed miserably and were beaten with bruises and bruises.

Beerus kept laughing afterward.

After all, Hermes is now fighting like the God of Destruction. Even when Hermes transformed into Super Saiyan 4 and used various amplification methods, he was still defeated by him.

Son Goku and Vegeta don't have any means of amplification, but they do have a Kaioken, but Son Goku, who has just transformed into Super Saiyan 4, doesn't dare to use it at all.

Because the body will break down.

He doesn't have the ability to return life like Hermes, and his physical strength and endurance are definitely exaggerated.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

This week, Son Goku and Vegeta also let Beerus and Whis see their potential and talents. They adapted to the state of Super Saiyan 4 within a week, and then challenged Hermes very diligently, every time They were both beaten and unable to take care of themselves. Finally, they asked Weiss for help in treating him and he was resurrected with full health.

Hermes would always go to Beerus to quarrel after beating the two of them severely. Due to human nature, Hermes would always lose a move at the last moment.

Even Weiss couldn't see Hermes letting off steam.

Beerus was happy at first. After all, being able to defeat Hermes in one move meant that he might be a little stronger than Xiangpa. However, the challenge for seven consecutive days reminded him of the fear of being disturbed by Hermes before.

Go to bed later than a dog and wake up earlier than a chicken.

However, Sun Wukong and Vegeta were both curled up, which caused Hermes to also start to curl up. In the end, Beerus was dragged into the water. In just seven days, he couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to escape to the earth.


The entire God of Destruction world was bombarded. Beerus, who was sleeping soundly in his pajamas, suddenly straightened up with veins popping out. His face was ferocious, his eyes were red, and his fists were clenched, wishing to destroy the entire universe.

He covered his head and continued to lie down, but the shock was too strong.

No rest at all.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Can't stand it."

"Son Goku, Vegeta, Hermes~"

Hysterical roars erupted from Beerus's mouth, and he disappeared into the cat's nest. When he appeared, he was already outside, and in the sky Goku and Vegeta were teaming up to deal with Hermes.

There is nothing to hesitate about.


Three purple-black energy balls flew into the sky and rushed straight towards the three Hermes. This sudden attack made Sun Wukong and Vegeta panic.

As for Hermes, he simply used his absorption ability to absorb it.

"Lord Beerus."

Earth-shattering evil aura enveloped the world of destruction, and Beerus really had murderous intentions. If this continued, he would become neurasthenic and gloomy. He must destroy these three guys.


"It seems Lord Beerus is very angry!"

Whis appeared out of thin air, looked at Beerus's ferocious face, and waved the omnipotent staff, finally making Beerus regain some consciousness.

"You three come down."

Beerus regained his composure and looked at the three Hermes in the sky.

"what to do?"

"Lord Beerus was so scary just now, as if he wanted to kill me."

"Shut up, you."

Sun Wukong and Vegeta shrank their necks, somewhat in awe of Beerus, but Hermes looked indifferent and flew towards Beerus with his hands on the back of his head.

"Hermes, wait for us."

Sun Wukong and Vegeta followed closely, looking at their positioning to ask Hermes to step up and support the pack.

"Lord Beerus."

"How about a seafood dinner for lunch?"

Hermes smiled. This trick worked many times, and Beerus followed it.

"Don't stay in the God of Destruction world during this time. Go help me fulfill my duties as the God of Destruction and destroy some planets and civilizations!"

The God of Destruction waved his hand. He had just thought of a way, which was to let Hermes go. He could no longer let this guy stay in the God of Destruction world. As for Sun Wukong and Vegeta, he could suppress them easily.

But Hermes is different. If you want to defeat a move, you need to use all your strength.

What's more, as long as Hermes is not around, Sun Wukong and Vegeta will not challenge them, and Hermes will not challenge them. In the end, Hermes is a cancer.

Can't stay.

"Is it so sudden?"

"But I'm just a candidate for the God of Destruction. I still want to stay in the God of Destruction Realm and continue to compete with Lord Beerus!"

Hermes was stunned.

Not a coincidence.

After a while, he planned to resign and implement some plans. Unexpectedly, Beerus kicked him out today and asked him to fulfill his responsibility as the God of Destruction.

"The candidate God of Destruction can already help the God of Destruction, and your abilities are sufficient."

Beerus' heart tightened when he heard that Hermes still wanted to stay in the God of Destruction Realm.

He has a shadow on this guy.

"But I don't have super light speed, so it affects my efficiency too much."

Hermes rolled his eyes and spread his hands to show his unwillingness.


He had his eye on Wes' ability.

Such as super light speed, travel, time reversal, etc.

"Wes, teach him the speed of light quickly."

Beerus now just wants Hermes to leave the God of Destruction. He cannot let this guy stay here no matter what, otherwise he will really collapse.

"But Lord Beerus, it is difficult for the God of Destruction to learn faster than light speed."

strictly speaking.

The God of Destruction actually has very few abilities, just self-destruction. Abilities such as super-light speed, travel, time reversal, etc. are very difficult to learn.

That's why there is a clan of angels to help.

When it comes to learning destruction, the God of Destruction is absolutely unique. He can do it twice as quickly as other creatures and is much more powerful. However, if he learns the control skills of other gods, he will be much slower than other creatures, and may even fail to learn them successfully.

"Hermes is different, let him try it first."

Beerus said firmly.

"All right!"

Seeing Beerus being so serious, Whis nodded indifferently.

At present, Hermes has mastered the unchanging free will and self-will. If he learns super-light speed again, he will be even more limitless than other gods of destruction.

To be honest, he was looking forward to it too.

After all, if Beerus retires in the future, Hermes will definitely be the God of Destruction in Universe 7, and he will definitely be Hermes' partner.

Of course~

Son Goku and Vegeta also have a certain chance of becoming the God of Destruction, but now Hermes has a better chance.

"Lord Beerus, Lord Whis, I will try my best."

Hermes smiled brightly, which annoyed Beerus for a while. He was furious just looking at this guy now.

"Perhaps you will become the first candidate to master the speed of destruction."

Weiss motioned for Hermes to follow him and said as he walked.

It is impossible for him to teach Hermes Super-Light Speed ​​or any kind of god's control skills here. Each one must have a special method. When it comes to being a teacher, Weiss thinks that he is still very powerful.

However, Beerus has failed to live up to expectations and has not learned to be at ease until now.

I hope Hermes can surprise him.

A thousand years passed in the blink of an eye.

A colorful channel was formed, and countless galaxies outside were retreating. Weiss's teaching was to teach Hermes while flying at super-light speed, so that the immersive effect would be better.

"Lord Weiss, this is no longer an ordinary super-light speed!"

Hermes didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but he couldn't stand firmly and held Weiss's waist. It took almost three seconds to straighten up, and then looked at the galaxy group that was retreating crazily outside.

"Well, that's only five times the speed of light."

As soon as Weiss finished speaking, his speed suddenly increased, and then continued, "Strictly speaking, there is no upper limit to the speed of light possessed by angels, and the fastest is about the same as your teleportation.

I can fly to any destination in an instant, but I can't do it yet. "

"That's it!"

"However, Sun Wukong and I's teleportation is not that powerful. We need to sense the breath in advance, otherwise we will not be able to teleport."

"If there is no upper limit to the speed of light, wouldn't it be possible to go back to the past or the future?"

Hermes' eyes flickered.


Weiss answered affirmatively, and then sighed, "Maybe only the great priest father and Lord Quan Wang can do it!!"

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