The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 672 Rubbing all living beings with hands

"It's really upsetting."

Seeing that Beerus attached so much importance to Hermes, it was as if he put all the winning chances on Hermes, and he and Sun Wukong were dispensable. This kind of neglect and indifference made him very unhappy.


He will definitely surpass Hermes, within this ten years.

When the time comes, he will definitely amaze everyone, and he will tell the whole universe who is the real Saiyan prince.

Although Sun Wukong is not as aggressive as Vegeta, he is still stimulated and his blood boils. He is really looking forward to fighting against strong men from other universes.

That night.

Everyone was simmering hot pot on the grass. Starting from tomorrow, everyone will receive special training, but Hermes is no longer included. Now he has mastered the unchangeable state of freedom and self-consciousness. Beerus has nothing Easy to teach.

In the past ten years, it was all up to Hermes to cultivate himself.

The next day.

Sun Wukong and Vegeta got up early in the morning and found Hermes meditating by the lake. Today they were going to ask Hermes how to become Super Saiyan 4.

"You two want to transform into Super Saiyan 4?"

Hermes looked sideways at the two.

"Yes, I planned to ask when I was in Kaiohshin Realm, but at that time you were taken away by Beerus-sama and Whis-sama."

Sun Wukong looked forward to it.

Although Vegeta didn't say anything, he nodded along.

It was still difficult for him to ask for advice like this. Fortunately, Sun Wukong was here. It was most appropriate for Sun Wukong to be in front of him for this kind of matter.

"So, can Hermes teach us two to transform into Super Saiyan 4? Although I can transform into Super Saiyan God on Earth, it always feels a little inferior to Super Saiyan 4."

"Lord Beerus said that you can also transform into Super Saiyan Blue, which is more powerful than Super Saiyan God. Only Super Saiyan Blue can be equal to Super Saiyan 4."

Sun Wukong had a look of hope on his face, and his eyes were filled with requests as he rubbed his hands.

"no problem."

Hermes nodded crisply, which made both Goku and Vegeta a little surprised. They were already prepared to be rejected before asking again.

A flattering plan has been drawn up for this purpose.

For example, helping Hermes wash clothes or something, but I didn't expect Hermes to agree so easily.

"This guy isn't that bad."

Vegeta muttered in his mind.

"Very good!"

Sun Wukong cheered happily, he knew that Hermes was not that stingy guy.

"Actually, it's easy to transform into Super Saiyan 4, but have you reached the full power of Super Saiyan 3 before that?"


Along with two roars, the lake in front of them became turbulent. Both Son Goku and Vegeta entered the Super Saiyan 3 state. The golden waist-length hedgehog heads and the ferocious appearance without eyebrows made people know at a glance that they were not Super Saiyan 3. Good people.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the two of them to reach the full power of Super 3, because Sun Wukong and Vegeta are not like Hermes who pay more attention to physical training. They have life to return, whether it is the ability to withstand or the ability to recover. Proportional to consumption.

But Son Goku and Vegeta are not fools either.

The two of them once asked the Earth Divine Dragon. After learning that they needed to strengthen their bodies, they began to practice physical training during that time. The simplest and most effective way was to flush the body with Qi, or to continuously injure it.

Over time, the physiques of the two of them have been strengthened, and they have continuously exceeded their physical limits, so they can reach Super 3 full power, because their bodies can already withstand the load.

The key is that as the pig's feet and main supporting characters of Dragon Ball, both of them cannot be seen with common sense.

Like Hermes, when did he not practice for hundreds or even thousands of years? If it were Sun Wukong and Vegeta, they might be able to achieve the effect of hundreds or even thousands of years in a month or two.

Fortunately, Hermes kept getting stuck or overtaking in various corners to open up the distance, otherwise it would be hard to say.

"not bad."

"If you want to transform into Super Saiyan 4, there are several conditions that must be met. The first one is that the transformation in the previous stage must reach the limit. Super Saiyan 3 at full power is most suitable. Of course, it does not need to be reached. Full power, but reaching full power makes it easier to succeed.”

"The second one is the tail!"

Hermes said as he looked at Goku and Vegeta's butts, which were very round under the restraints of their training uniforms.


Sun Wukong and Vegeta frowned. Their tails had been gone for many years. What should they do?

"It doesn't matter, I have a solution."

Hermes snapped his fingers to signal the two of them not to worry, and then a large pair of pliers appeared out of thin air in his right hand. This was the ability to manifest thoughts.

As long as Hermes is willing, everything he thinks can be realized.

Of course.

Not everything can be materialized. At least Hermes cannot yet truly materialize what he thinks, such as life, black holes, planets, galaxies, universes, all living beings, etc.

However, if he wanted to improve the realization of his thoughts regarding the creation of life, he had already thought of a way, which was to catch Kaioshin to copy the other party's creative ability.

Or just eat Kaioshin directly.

In fact, the most direct way is for Hermes to become stronger. As long as it becomes stronger, all abilities will also become stronger, such as time suspension, time regression, mind control, the realization of thoughts, and soul. This is true for all the superpowers of Soul Fruit, Big and Small Fruit, Teleportation Fruit, Five Hormitz, and Adrat Star.

On being powerful.

Hermes is already equal to the God of Destruction, even a little bit stronger. After all, the God of Destruction does not have abilities such as time suspension, devil fruit, free will power, etc. All they have is self-will and destruction.

"Hermes, what do you mean?"

Sun Wukong and Vegeta suddenly felt an ominous feeling when they looked at the giant pliers.

"The tail can be pulled out again. If you grow it yourself, just pretend I didn't tell you."

"You decide!"

"Actually, it's not necessary to go through the original transformation of a Saiyan. Transformation in the realm of gods is also possible."

Hermes shrugged.

"I'll go first."

Vegeta gritted his teeth. Compared with the transformation in the realm of gods, he felt that the original transformation was more suitable for him. Isn't it just pulling out the tail? What kind of world has he, the Saiyan prince, not seen before?

As long as you can become stronger, everything is worth it.


Hermes snapped his fingers again, and a towering tree grew in front of Vegeta. A large number of branches trapped Vegeta tightly like chains, leaving Vegeta no time to react.

I tried to break free, but there was no way.


Vegeta once again felt the power of Hermes.

"It might hurt a little bit. After all, the tail is the Saiyan's weakness, and it's also the Saiyan's advantage in becoming stronger."

Hermes stepped forward, and the training suit on Vegeta's tailbone was automatically shattered, and then a little trace of the tail could be seen. Hermes clamped it without saying a word, and Vegeta gasped on the spot.


The next second, hysterical pig-killing screams resounded through the sky. Sun Wukong subconsciously covered his ears, looking at Vegeta with fear in his eyes as only his head was left struggling outside.

As Hermes continued to exert force, Vegeta's eyes were bulging and bloodshot, his face was ferocious, his mouth was drooling uncontrollably, and his whole body was trembling.


It is countless times stronger than heartbreaking.


"What are you doing?"

Vegeta's numbing screams alerted Whis and the sleeping Beerus. Originally, Beerus was angry and murderous, but when he flew out, he saw Hermes holding pliers with both hands. Gita's tailbone, one foot stepped on Vegeta's back and pulled something out hard.

"Pull out the tail!"

As soon as Hermes finished speaking, he then increased his strength and pulled violently. During Vegeta's final climax, a fluffy tail was pulled out, and Vegeta also rolled his eyes and fainted.

My body was twitching like I was having epilepsy.

It seems to be really painful.

"What are you doing pulling out your tail?"

Beerus and Whis were both curious. They knew that Hermes had a tail, but they couldn't see it usually. According to Hermes, it was retracted into the body, which was a very magical little ability.

However, Son Goku and Vegeta, who are both Saiyans, do not have tails, and they had not noticed before.

"This is a necessary condition for the original transformation of the Saiyans."

"It means transforming into Super Saiyan 4."

Hermes signaled Sun Wukong to come to the towering tree, which made Sun Wukong a little uneasy. After all, even Vegeta, who had such an outrageous self-esteem, could hardly resist.

Gritting his teeth, Sun Wukong also risked his life to become stronger.

Arriving in front of the towering tree, a large number of branches began to be tied together, and finally only one head was left outside. This made Sun Wukong even more uneasy. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva and said, "Hermes, please be gentle."

But Hermes just waved his hand.

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