The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 670 Find a way to kidnap someone away

Destroy the temple.

There was a long conference table, with Beerus and Xiangpa sitting at both ends. Next to them, Hermes was being pestered by Sun Wukong and Vegeta. Weiss and Bados stood together and talked about something.

The battle is over.

The result this time was unexpected. Hermes not only managed to survive for a minute, but also fought against Xiangpa. He could even defeat Xiangpa if he continued to fight.

But Hermes knew how to deal with the world, so everyone looked good-looking.

"So why did you come to me this time?"

Beerus put his hands on the back of his head and looked at Xiangpa with a look of contempt on his face. Xiangpa gritted his teeth and waited for his eyes, but because he had just lost the bet, he could only swallow his anger for the time being.

"Hmph, this is the delicacy I found in the sixth universe. You can try it first."



Under Xiangpa's instructions, Bados stopped talking with Weiss and waved the universal staff in his hand, and several large eggs appeared on the conference table.

"I tell you, this is the most delicious food in the world. It is guaranteed to be the most delicious food you have ever experienced."

Xiangpa is very confident about these large eggs. He came here just to show off this delicacy. After all, the two brothers have been famous in the universe for falling in love and killing each other for a long time.

It's a pity that the gods of destruction can't fight with all their strength, otherwise the universe between the two sides will be destroyed, so if you want to decide the winner, you have to use other methods.

For example, guessing games and food contests.

In short, everything has to be fought, and every time whoever wins has to laugh at the other party for hundreds of years, which may seem boring to outsiders, but for the God of Destruction's long lifespan, this is a good pastime.

"Isn't this an egg?"

Sun Wukong stepped forward and flashed his eyes.

"I think I want ostrich eggs more."

Vegeta also complained, is the sixth universe so poor? Consider ostrich eggs a delicacy? Looking at Xiang Pana's triumphant look, it looks like a peerless treasure.

"What do you two know? Come on, come on, Hermes, give it a try. You will definitely fall in love with it after eating it. Then come back to the sixth universe with me and you can eat as much as you want."

Elephant handkerchiefs are like living treasures, and they have not given up poaching yet, trying to abduct Hermes away with delicious food, so they are kind enough to let Hermes have a taste.

As for Son Goku and Vegeta, they were simply ignored.


"Food? Is it as delicious as Hermes's cooking? Is there as much food as there is on Earth?"

Beerus said disdainfully, he has seen the world.

It is no longer the frog in the food well that it used to be, but my body is still very familiar with it and starts to peel the shell and eat it. What I taste after one bite is indeed the taste of eggs.

Whis, Hermes, Sun Wukong, and Vegeta all tasted it one after another.

"How about it? Have you never tasted something so delicious?"

Xiangpa looked forward to it, really wanting to see the shock on the faces of Beerus and others, but unfortunately some of them were just mediocre.

"It's really an egg."

Sun Wukong and Vegeta murmured, not saying that it is 100% similar to eggs, but it is still 70 or 80% there. What kind of peerless delicacy is this?

"Wes, let this frog in the well taste what real food is."

Beerus was no longer too lazy to argue with Xiangpa.

"Yo ho ho~"

Weiss chuckled and waved the universal staff in his hand, and several buckets of instant noodles appeared out of thin air on the conference table, one for each person, almost three minutes later.

After eating Xiangpa, not even the soup was left, and the whole person was silent and doubtful about life.

"What is this? It tastes so delicious when soaked in boiling water."

Bados was also surprised.

I don’t know how many years I have lived, but this is the first time I have tasted this kind of delicacy.

"This is called instant noodles, also called ramen. It is a delicacy on earth."

Weiss chewed a mouthful.

"Hmph, the earth has more than just instant noodles, it also has ice cream, pizza and other delicacies, plus the Hermes Society's oriental delicacies like hot pot, Malatang, Sichuan cuisine, and Cantonese cuisine."

"You can't eat them all."

Beerus shaved his teeth and had never felt so beautiful in his life.

This is real living.

“I know about hot pot, especially the mutton shabu-shabu and hairy tripe.”

Sun Wukong seemed to remember something, swallowing his saliva and missing the delicious food Hermes made when he went to the planet Adrat.

"Have you eaten it too?"

Beerus' eyes widened slightly.

"Well, back then~"

Sun Wukong nodded, then explained, and then looked at Hermes expectantly, "Hermes, let's have hot pot tonight! I want the extra spicy one, and also have cold beer and peanuts."

"I think Maotai is also very delicious, as well as the stir-fried pork belly."

"Yes, yes, the seafood soup in Cantonese cuisine is also very delicious."

While talking, Beerus and Sun Wukong began to discuss, casually talking about more than ten kinds of delicacies that Xiangpa, Bados, and Vegeta had never heard of.

Dishes such as ants climbing a tree, almond bergamot, stir-fried frog, two dragons playing with pearls and so on.

Good guy.

Just hearing the names of the dishes, Xiangpa couldn't help but swallow his saliva. The instant noodles he had just eaten had already conquered him.

Oh shit.

Hermes has already been abducted, but what about the earth?

"Bados, the sixth universe should also have an earth. Check it out."

The Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe are mirror universes, so generally the Sixth Universe that the Seventh Universe has should also have it, so this planet called Earth should also have it in the Sixth Universe.


Bados also has some expectations.

The omnipotent staff in his hand glowed, and the entire universe was reflected in it.

"Sister, that's a galaxy called the solar system. It's on the edge. Yes, it's right here."

At Weiss's suggestion, Bados quickly found the Earth in the Milky Way, but at this time the Earth was riddled with holes and destroyed. Bados went back in time and discovered that it was destroyed by humans themselves.


The earth in the sixth universe is gone.

Xiangpa's face was ugly, and he cursed stupid humans, and then looked at Hermes with a stern look on his face, who had no idea what he was thinking.

As long as Hermes is kidnapped, there will still be endless oriental delicacies.

But how to abduct him?

That guy Beerus is not going to sit idly by.

Xiangpa racked his brains for a while.


With a flash of inspiration, Xiangpa coughed and sat on the chair pretending to be calm, with his hands on his shoulders and his ears straight looking at Beerus, "Beerus, in this food competition, your instant noodles are really good."

But I'll bet you one more time. "

As if he had made some great determination, Xiangpa suddenly stood up and put his hands on the conference table, "Both of us will find a few strong people in our respective universes and let them compete.

If you win, I will declare to the universe that I am inferior to you! "

"Lord Xiangpa."


"Are you serious?"

Bados, Whis, and Beerus were all shocked. Ever since they became the God of Destruction, the twin brothers had been fighting endlessly. Generally speaking, neither of them accepted the other, and they were very competitive and wanted to overwhelm the other.

Under normal circumstances, even if they die, these two people will not admit that they are inferior to each other.


"If you win, will you let me announce it to the whole universe?"

Beerus looked solemn.

This is no joke.

At their level, there are only two goals they pursue, one is good food and the other is face.

Because eternal life and strength are already available.

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