The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 656 I want to get the Super Dragon Ball

Whoosh! ! !

The disappearing figure flickered, Beerus jumped up, and Hermes leaned back to dodge, as if he was measuring it with a ruler. It was still no more, no less, just dodging Beerus's sweep.

At that second, Hermes was like a feather, and Beerus' attack was like a storm. No matter how destructive the storm was, Hermes used that power to drift with the flow.

"Weird guy."

"Why are they so similar?"

Beerus kept attacking with his hands and feet, but Hermes was always able to dodge.


Beerus' attack speed is getting faster and faster, and his intensity has increased to nine points. At this stage, Hermes can still deal with it, but he can only dodge.

As for the attack, it has no effect on Beerus.

"How can it be."

"It's not like being at your best, but I want to be at your best."

Kaioshin Realm.

Weiss had stood up at some point, staring closely at the battle scene projected on the staff. He could see that Beerus had already exerted nine percent of his strength.

Under such high intensity, it stands to reason that Hermes would be unable to resist.

Seeing Hermes evading Beerus's attacks time and time again, he immediately thought of the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, but upon closer inspection, it was not the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu.

Because Hermes does not have the breath of God in him.

But the more he observed Weiss, the more unbelievable it became, and there was even a look of admiration in his eyes.

"The body has been cultivated to such an extent and is still separated from the consciousness. In a way, it is an alternative form of ultimate self-consciousness. If one can possess the power of God, then the ultimate self-consciousness will be at your fingertips."

"Is this a fighting nation?"

"The talent is so high."

There was a hint of shock in Weiss's heart. He had already seen Hermes's ultimate freedom of intention. It was not the true freedom of ultimate intention, but it was only one step away from the freedom of ultimate intention.

As one of God's control skills.

If you want to successfully practice the Self-Extreme Intention Kung Fu, you must meet two requirements. One is to separate the body and consciousness, and the other is to master the power of God.

This means that Hermes only needs to master the power of God to truly master the ultimate freedom of mind. It is still very easy, because compared to cultivating the power of God, the separation of consciousness and body is the most difficult. of.

In the original work, Sun Wukong first transformed into Super Saiyan God and Super Blue to master the power of God. After practicing for a long time, he coincidentally separated his consciousness from his body and mastered the ultimate power of freedom.

And Hermes has successfully practiced the most difficult part, which is equivalent to a 100-point paper. The most difficult 80-point is already a full score, and the remaining 20 points are just the difficulty of 1+1.

What's more important is that the Self-Extreme Intention Skill, which is a divine control skill, has higher potential and difficulty than the destructive skill, which is also a divine control skill.


There was a roar.

When Beerus used all his strength without reservation, Hermes was already unable to resist. Originally, he could dodge all ten attacks, but when Beerus used nine points of strength, Hermes could only do so ten times. Dodge seven or eight times.

But when Beerus shows his full strength, Hermes only has half the success rate of avoiding it.

The key is that Beerus' fists are very hard.

After one punch, the body was overloaded.


Hermes' initial ease became precarious. His breathing became heavier and heavier, and his body collapsed faster and faster. Finally, after a minute, Hermes couldn't bear it and was knocked back to his original shape, falling to the ground dying.

He has the means to recover instantly.

And that's not even using mini mode.

But it’s no longer necessary.

Beerus with all his strength is too terrifying. Even in mini mode, he can only cause some trouble to the opponent, or to protect himself.

As for abilities like mind control, time suspension, and time reversal, they have no effect on the opponent at all. The gap between the two sides is too huge.

He has won this battle, successfully achieved his goal, and knows his current strength.

"You surprised me."

"I can actually hold on for a minute."

Beerus moved sideways in front of Hermes, looking at Hermes who was no longer able to fight. The hairless muscle cat's face was full of recognition, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

Just a mortal.

With his own strength, he could sustain it for one minute with all his strength, which was very rare in the entire universe.

Of course.

The premise is that he did not use the God's control skill of destruction, otherwise it would only take one move to make the opponent completely disappear.

"I don't know if you are mocking me or praising me."

Hermes twitched his mouth, tried to stand up, and looked at Beerus with burning eyes, "Is the previous bet still worth it?"


"you win."

Beerus snorted coldly, crossed his shoulders with his hands and raised his chin. He didn't mean to lose. On the contrary, he was very magnanimous.

Maybe other Gods of Destruction would lose and fall out, but he wouldn't.

If you lose, you lose.

The most basic integrity must be observed, and his pride and pride will not allow him to go back on his word.

"Go back first, I'll probably be laughed at by Weiss."

As soon as the words fell.

Beerus disappeared on the spot, and then Hermes also disappeared. The next moment, the two of them appeared in Kaioshin Realm. Whis was holding a staff and laughing. Behind him, Kaioshin, Sun Wukong and others were silent. He spoke, but there was something wrong with the way he looked at Hermes.


"Beerus, you actually lost and you tried your best."

No surprises.

Whis opened his mouth to cleanse Beerus. It is estimated that Whis was the only one in the universe who dared to have such courage.

"Damn Weiss."

"Although I lost, I had a lot of fun this time."

Beerus' ears perked up and he glanced at Whis fiercely. This time he came to Kaiohshin Realm was not in vain. If he gave Hermes some time, he might be able to have a real battle.

That kind of free-flowing, passionate battle.


Whis smiled and said nothing. He could see Beerus's thoughts and plans at a glance. This guy always respected the strong and was eager to fight against them.

Compared to the Gods of Destruction in other universes, Beerus only has two major pursuits, one is delicious food, and the other is fighting strong men.


Hermes has this potential.

"Hermes, how did you develop the ability you finally displayed?"


Beerus asked what he wanted to ask. You must know that he has also practiced the Ultimate Intention Kung Fu, but it is too difficult and he has not learned it yet, but Hermes has the conditions to succeed in it.

This is one of the reasons why he recognized it.

"I don't know. I learned this during the battle."

Hermes shook his head, but the words he said made Beerus twitch, and he understood during the battle? Then why can't he understand? Does it mean that you are inferior?


Hermes pretended to be a B.

Hermes didn't want to continue on this matter, so he immediately changed the subject, "Before, you said that as long as I forced you to take a step back, you would agree to a condition."

"you say!"

Beerus and Whis were also curious about what conditions Hermes would propose.

"I want to get the Super Dragon Balls."

Without a trace of hesitation, Hermes stated the conditions he had already thought of.

The air fell silent.

Beerus and Whis' expressions froze slightly, and then they looked at Hermes in silence, because this condition was a bit difficult.

Each of the Super Dragon Balls is as big as a planet. There are seven in total. The key points are scattered in Universe 6 and Universe 7. As long as they are collected together, a wish can be realized.

And the range of wishes fulfilled by the Super Dragon Balls covers 12 universes, and they were created by the Dragon God Salama.

In the original work.

The summoned Super Dragon Ball has no fear even when facing the King and the Great Priest, and can instantly restore the universe that was cleared by the King. These two points alone are enough to show the power and specialness of the Super Dragon Ball.

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