The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 654: Fighting Beerus, the God of Destruction

"It seems it worked."

All riots disappeared.

Hermes was three feet above the ground and looked down at his new form. He clenched his hands full of explosive power. He had simulated it many times in the Creation Book for more than a thousand years, and the success rate was very high.

It was not originally planned to be tested at this time.

Unexpectedly, Beerus would show up early, so he could only take a gamble.

"This is this!"

"How can it be."

Sun Wukong and Vegeta's eyes widened, and their whole bodies began to tremble. They thought of a possibility in their minds, but this possibility was really unacceptable.

I thought I was only one step away from Hermes, but now...

“An unexpected surprise.”

Beerus and Whis were also shocked. What kind of race is this? It turned out to be extremely powerful after just one transformation. It's really amazing!

Wherever the eye catches.

Hermes' appearance has undergone a huge change. The original golden waist-length hedgehog head disappeared, leaving behind a head of fluffy, slightly messy, thick black hair with many shadows.

The muscular chest and palms were covered with a large amount of red body hair. There was a circle of red eye shadow outside the golden pupils, and a red tail swayed back and forth at the tail vertebrae.

The physique is strong and firm, and the whole body is full of primitive wildness.

Compared with the ferocious feeling given by Super Saiyan 3, at this time, Hermes gives people the feeling of not only the ferocious feeling, but also a kind of arrogant and domineering indifference.

It seems that it has transcended dimensions, and the level of life is at the apex.

"Your transformation is interesting."

"Is this a talent unique to your race?"

Beerus's attitude has changed, from contempt to recognition. He is very happy to meet an opponent with unlimited potential like this. Perhaps training and training can make him less boring in the long years.

"Of course~"

"The evolutionary transformation of the unique fighting nation Saiyans."

"This stage is Super Saiyan 4."

Hermes twisted his neck, his red tail swinging back and forth subconsciously. His blood was gradually boiling, and the explosive energy in his body was stirring.


"Super Saiyan 4?"

"I remember!"

far away.

When Hermes said Super Saiyan 4, Son Goku and Vegeta had uncertain expressions on their faces. Sure enough, there is 2 on top of Super Saiyan 1, and there is 3 on top of 2, and on top of 3 There are 4 more.

They are already far behind.


Vegeta clenched his teeth like a wounded beast. Who is the Saiyan prince?

He should be the one who is far ahead.

Time and time again, the first time he was surpassed by Sun Wukong, the second, third, and fourth time he was overwhelmingly surpassed by Hermes. The feeling was too uncomfortable.

Damn it.

I am only in Super Saiyan 2 now, and I was thinking about transforming into Super Saiyan 3 in the shortest time after this time. As a result, Hermes turned into Super Saiyan 4.

How to pursue this?

At this moment Vegeta broke through his defense.

Even Sun Wukong is like this.

Majin Buu, Hermes, and the God of Destruction are each more outrageous and exaggerated than the last.

"bring it on!"

"Let me feel how powerful you are."

Beerus curled his fingers. Although he already agreed with Hermes in his heart, he still didn't think Hermes could force him back.

"Then try your limit."

"The Eight Door Dunjia Formation is opening!"

"Twenty times the Kaio Fist."


Just when everyone, including Beerus and Whis, thought that Hermes was at his strongest at this moment, Hermes suddenly activated all means of increasing his power based on Super Saiyan 4.

this moment.

The universe is quiet.

Beerus's expectant expression gradually changed, and shock and disbelief could be seen in those unruly eyes. Even Weiss frowned slightly.

boom! ! !

Unimaginable speed.

Before he could see what was going on, Beerus turned into a stream of light and flew out, flying all the way along the surface of Kaioshin Realm, leaving behind a huge road and canyon, and then flew across the universe and disappeared.

Don't talk about taking a step back, this is directly being knocked away.

"It's actually possible to do this."

Whis was really surprised. The staff in his hand lit up, and the scene of Hermes and Beerus began to be reported in real time in mid-air.

Sounds of bombings filled the galaxy.

The planet exploded wherever Beerus went. He couldn't remember how many years he had felt the pain. It turned out that the feeling was so wonderful that even his blood began to boil.

A moment of brilliance.

Hermes appeared out of thin air above Beerus, and stepped down with an earth-shattering kick. Beerus's face showed excitement, and he crossed his hands to resist. As a circular shock wave spread, everything with a diameter of five hundred thousand light years quickly disappear.

Beerus also changed direction and fell.


"You gave me so many surprises."

Shaking off the numbness in his hands, Beerus blocked the left side with his elbow. The next second, Hermes appeared and punched out. In an instant, the two of them appeared tens of thousands of light years away. Their knees collided and then disappeared. .

Beerus became more energetic as he fought.

Hermes did not answer. He just seriously enjoyed the state of Super Saiyan 4. When all the enhancements were turned on, such a powerful opponent would definitely allow him to get used to Super Saiyan 4 in the shortest time.

He can even reach the full power of Super Saiyan 4.

Worlds collide.

As if the world reopened, Hermes hunched over with a ferocious look on his face. He endured the pain and hit Beerus with a right uppercut on the face. On the spot, Beerus' eyes bulged and a big mouthful spurted out. saliva.

Also accompanied by a tooth.

But in a second thought, Beerus appeared behind Hermes, and his kick almost broke Hermes' spine. He flew for an unknown number of kilometers, and after piercing a star, his face changed drastically. He didn't even think about it. Lean back.

Beerus flashed and swept with a kick. Hermes disappeared and appeared on Beerus' head. Destructive energy condensed in his right hand, and it was like a million suns exploding.

At that second, the dark universe ushered in light.

Puff puff puff~

The ultimate battle was dazzling. Hermes' eyes turned white and he raised his head high. Blood mixed with his teeth spurted out. When Beerus continued to attack, Hermes flashed a knee and hit Beerus hard on the waist.

The two of them groaned and screamed, just like two lights pulling away from each other, but they were stuck together in the blink of an eye.

"Ahhh~ stop!"

Beerus fluttered violently, and saw that Hermes, who was not a martial artist, bit Beerus's long ears with his mouth, causing Beerus to become hysterical in pain.

With a fierce attack, Beerus also opened his fangs and sharp mouth and bit Hermes' chest.

Because of their height, the posture the two held was a bit difficult to describe.


"Loose your mouth, loose your mouth."

This time it was Hermes' turn to take a breath of cold air, but no one would let go. With each other biting each other, their hands and feet continued to collide.

Every time the two collide, the impact can easily destroy a galaxy.


"AOE·Fist of the King."

No one obeys anyone.

The competition is about who is ruthless!

Following the big explosion of the universe at close range, Hermes and Beerus opened their mouths and spurted blood one after another. Each of them turned into a rainbow at a speed exceeding the speed of light, tearing apart more than a dozen galaxy groups and then smashed into a certain star.

"Cough cough cough~"

Flying out of the core of the planet, Hermes coughed and the blood on his body flowed back, and all wounds disappeared. Beerus on the other side also supported his body from the ruins of the planet.

The two of them smiled evilly at the same time, and in a blink of an eye they were fighting together again. .

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