The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 644 Transformation into Super Saiyan 3

In the Book of Creation.

Frieza and Cell only felt dazed for a moment, and then they appeared in a relatively familiar place, the Grand Square of Egghead. The two of them kept kneeling on their knees.

"You both look very unconvinced."

Hermes was three feet above the ground, his eyes cold.

Frieza and Cell had ferocious faces, with fear and anger in their pupils. They were still struggling until now, but they didn't know what Hermes had done to them, and they couldn't control their bodies.

That kind of suppression is all-encompassing.

It's as if every cell, every muscle, and every bone is not their own, and they are like outsiders unable to control their own destiny.

"What did you do to us."

Frieza's horns were smoothed a lot, and his voice was trembling.

"Damn it, kill me if you can."

Seeing that this time he could stand up and sing as a farmer, but in the end it was all in vain, which made Shahru unable to bear it, causing him to become extremely emotional.

So you have the guts to shout.

"Go enjoy reincarnation."

Hermes ignored the two of them, waved his hand and the two fell into coma. When they appeared, they were already deep in Egghead's research room, where Brynn was already waiting.


Frieza's consciousness has reached a familiar stage, where various old and new tortures are waiting, but Cell has not experienced them yet, and I believe he will become very obedient after this time.

"No, no, I don't want to be here."

Frieza's consciousness roared in the darkness, and the only light was those of the prisoners. Along with the sound of jingling bells, four golden chains shot out of the darkness, wrapped around his limbs and began to shape Frieza into a large font.

As if the instruments of torture were alive, they all started to show vicious and sinister smiles and all stepped forward.

Another space of consciousness.

Shahruh didn't realize the seriousness yet.

outside world.

Sun Wukong, Vegeta and others woke up one after another, and everyone had lingering fears until Kaio told everyone the whole story. When they learned that it was Hermes who defeated Cell and Frieza and rescued them, everyone looked different. .

At the same time, the realm kings also began to doubt Hermes.

It's just that the hell incident needs to be investigated carefully. After all, the person who plundered hell is a woman, and has nothing to do with Hermes. The main reason is that there are too few clues.

And Hermes doesn't seem to be a bad guy, and he hasn't done anything harmful so far. He resisted Frieza on Namek, defeated Cell several times to save the earth, and saved Sun Wukong and others.

None of them have anything to do with evil.

At best, he is just as arrogant as Vegeta.

Sunrise and sunset.

The following time was extremely leisurely, the earth returned to peace, and Cell and Frieza no longer appeared. In order to continue to become stronger, Vegeta went to the planet Adrat and wanted to learn some super powers.

Sun Wukong took the Kaio line and went to the Great Kaio planet to practice, and was practicing with the martial arts masters in heaven.

Sun Wufan began to study and become a talent under Qiqi's suppression.

Piccolo, Tenjin Fan, and Krillin are all practicing on Earth. It is worth mentioning that because of Hermes' intervention, No. 17 and No. 18 have completely merged with Cell, so Krillin lost No. 18 as his wife.

Bulma continues to research technology, taking Trunks along with her.

Of course.

Sun Wukong also successfully planted a seed to make Chi Chi pregnant with a second child, giving birth to the next hybrid Saiyan, named Sun Wutian.

As everyone knows, in the Creation Book, Sun Wukong has thousands of brothers and sisters, and thousands of children. If one day in the future, Sun Wukong and his son, Vegeta and his son learn that they have thousands of children, they don't know what their expressions will be.

The white horse passes through the gap.

Time is the least valuable and the most valuable thing.

Seven years flew by.

In the Book of Creation, more than 2,500 years have passed, which is a long and long time.

"about there."

this day.

In the dark and cold Dragon Ball universe, Hermes appeared out of thin air, his size instantly increased to 100 million kilometers, and various planets surrounded his body.

This huge and boundless body is almost equivalent to 72 suns.

In other words, the sun is insignificant even under the size of Hermes.

But even for the boundless universe, Hermes' size is not impressive enough.


Hermes also noticed quite a change in his appearance. His originally flame-like golden hair grew to his waist like a hedgehog's explosive hair. This was not controlled by Life Return, but grew due to some kind of transformation.

Visible to the naked eye.

The facial features have also undergone a lot of changes, such as the brow bone has been lowered, and the eyebrows have disappeared. Only the white pupils with a red background have not changed. The huge body of 100 million kilometers is surrounded by blazing golden flames, accompanied by dense lightning.

In addition, white steam and fire are also exploding, and the flame clouds surrounding his feet are still fluttering.

no doubt.

Putting aside the huge body of 100 million kilometers, the state is Super Saiyan 3, still with the full power of life return.

For more than two thousand and five hundred years, Hermes has not wasted his time, and his abilities in all aspects have been enhanced to an epic level.

It can be seen from the body of 100 million kilometers that the size of the large and small fruits has been developed to the point of 100 million kilometers, and the natural shrinkage has also gone further.

All the enhancements in abilities are due to the ability to transform into Super Saiyan 3 and the breakthrough in the shadow clone technique. The original ten thousand clones have been cultivated to one hundred thousand clones.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Divided among 100,000 clones, each of the 10,000 clones worked together to cultivate and conquer one ability. In addition, for more than 2,500 years, there were also the cultivation of Bo Lunga's wishes, souls, fruits of the sacred tree, fairy beans, etc. With resource assistance, various card bugs, and overtaking on corners, even a pig can become a fairy.

And this is just beginning.

In fact, the transformation into Super Saiyan 3 was successful more than a thousand years ago. For Hermes, as long as he accumulates enough energy and then uses his emotions to make himself angry, becoming Super Saiyan 3 will be a matter of course.

Then let yourself die a few times, triggering the talent of becoming stronger near death, and soon reached the limit of Super Saiyan 3, and then used the return of life to maintain the normal state of Super Saiyan 3, without any difficulty at all.

"It's time for the three universes to merge."

Surrounded by planets around his body, Hermes opened his arms like a galaxy, grasping the barrier of the universe and shattering them, and the One Piece universe and the Naruto universe began to merge into the Dragon Ball universe.

That moment.

The three universes were created, but time was frozen. All the creatures living on the various life planets could be seen standing still. Only some powerful creatures did not stand still, but the danger they felt was even more terrifying.

Not a moment later.

Hermes and the Book of Creation worked together, and soon the three universes were completely merged.

This will be a broader and boundless universe.

The achievements and potential of various creatures will also be higher.

After doing all this, Hermes returned to his normal body shape, and in a flash he returned to a high mountain with a waterfall in Egghead. He could see sacred trees and fairy beans all over the mountains and plains.

"Super Saiyan 3 has been transformed successfully, it's time to think about the next transformation."

Hermes sat cross-legged.

With a Creation Pen in one hand and a Creation Book in the other, I started writing and drawing on it.

There are many kinds of transformations for Saiyans in Dragon Ball, but generally speaking, there are two transformation routes, one is the original transformation, and the other is the transformation to the realm of gods.

As for which of the two transformation routes is stronger or weaker, it's really hard to estimate.

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