The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 616 Sun Wukong digs a hole for Hermes

"Sun Wukong, although I don't know what you did, but you can't last long in this state!"

"The physical load is too great."


The pressure on number 17 is gradually weakening, and he is no longer as passive as when Monkey King first opened the Kaiwang Fist, with almost no backhand power.

as time flows.

He has been able to resist slowly, and even counterattack from time to time.


"If you can't defeat you with Kaiwangquan, then I can only admit defeat."

Sun Wukong was breathing heavily, and his energy was running low.

My body couldn't hold it anymore.

So he wants to make a quick decision.

Atmospheric roar.

The two knees collided, Sun Wukong and No. 17 stepped back and stood in the air, and then Sun Wukong put his hands in the shape of calyx on his waist, and several blue rays of light began to illuminate the sky.

On the opposite side, No. 17 also stretched out his hands, and a qigong wave appeared in front of him.

"Kame Pai Qigong."

"Large qigong wave."

in an instant.

The world loses its voice.

The two comets tore apart the heavens and the earth and collided together, and the destructive force produced could easily destroy a planet. Both Monkey King and No. 17 were roaring.


Blue veins protruded from Sun Wukong's neck and forehead, and his body began to retreat uncontrollably.

Watching from the ground, you will find that the blue meteor is being suppressed, and the golden lightning comet is getting bigger and bigger. Previously, Sun Wukong consumed too much physical strength and energy.

"Monkey King, you lost!"

Facing the wave for a full minute.

Number 17 stands proudly, and the blue meteor is rapidly retracting.

Phew! ! !

Like a cosmic celestial body exploding, the golden lightning comet completely submerged the blue meteor, unabated and rushed to the clouds, and finally broke through the atmosphere and disappeared into the dark space.

In the nick of time.

Sun Wukong used teleportation to appear in front of Piccolo and the others. He couldn't help but kneel down on one knee and spit out a mouthful of blood. The red arrogance on his body disappeared, and at the same time, the transformation of the Super Saiyan couldn't maintain and return to normal.

If it wasn't for teleportation, he might have died just now.

He lost this battle.

He lost to No. 17's permanent energy furnace. Unless he defeated No. 17 from the very beginning, the longer the battle, the more unfavorable he was. Right now, he has no strength to fight anymore.

"Wukong, are you okay!"

Krillin squatted down and looked at Wukong, who was pale and sweating profusely.

"It's okay, it's just too much physical exertion."


Monkey King shook his head, allowing Gohan to help him up.

"What should we do now? Together, we are not opponents of each other. At most, we can delay for some time."

Piccolo looked ugly.

At first he didn't think number 17 was strong, but after watching the battle just now, he didn't think so.

What's more, there is a No. 18, and the seemingly unfathomable No. 16. Vegeta, the top fighter on their side, has already been beaten to doubt his life, and Goku is also exhausted and unable to fight again.

How many are he, Kelin, Tianjin Fan, and Gohan?

Stop it.

Going up is only to be beaten.

Although No. 17 looked very embarrassed, he didn't look tired at all, which was outrageous.

"I'll go up and negotiate!"

Sun Wukong hesitated for a moment, and could only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

There was a way.

For example, find Hermes, but that guy has never been seen since the last time I saw him. The whole earth is devoid of him, and he may have left the earth.

"You are delusional."

Piccolo was startled at first, and then he was speechless.

This guy is still so naive.

"But there is no other way right now."

"Then try, if there is no chance, I will hold them back, try to give you a chance to leave, and then you go to the spiritual time room in the heavens to practice for a period of time, and try your best to cultivate your Super Saiyan with full power. "

Piccolo was ready to sacrifice.

And he thought of a way for Monkey King.

There is a time difference in the spiritual time room in the heaven, and a day outside is a year inside.


Monkey King nodded solemnly, and then flew towards No. 17.

At the same time, Piccolo, Kling, and Tianjin Fan behind him were all prepared. Anyway, even if they died, they could be resurrected with Dragon Balls, so they were not afraid of the death.

"Monkey King, you are no longer my opponent."

No. 17 landed next to No. 18. Seeing that Monkey King who flew over had lost interest, he was going to finish off the opponent completely, and there were a few guys not far away.

"You are too strong, even if I try my best, I will not be an opponent."

"But there is one person who can."

Monkey King scratched his head, ready to dig a hole to delay the time.

Just had a flash of inspiration.


No. 17, No. 18, and No. 16 are a little curious. After all, in their system, only Monkey King is the most powerful, and it turns out that is indeed the case.

Neither Vegeta, that Trunks, nor Piccolo not far away are their opponents.

Only these people are more powerful on the entire earth.

But now Monkey King actually said that someone could be their opponent, and from a side view, he was stronger than Monkey King himself, which successfully aroused the interest of the three man-made humans.

"His name is Hermes."

"Much stronger than me."

Sun Wukong said Hermes' name without hesitation.


"never heard of that?"

Number 18 searched the memory, but did not find the name.

The 16th and 17th also did not.

"You don't want to delay time, do you? It's pointless."

At the beginning, No. 17 thought that Monkey King was talking nonsense. There might not be such a person on the earth, but then he thought that Monkey King didn't have to do this.

Because no one on earth can stop them.

So the character Hermes is real?

"Where is he?"

"have no idea."

Seeing the question on the 17th, Sun Wukong spread his hands and continued, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Monkey King, are you playing tricks on us?"

No. 18's icy and pretty face froze.

"No no no~"

"That guy is elusive, the key is aliens, maybe he has left the earth and gone to the universe."

Sun Wukong quickly waved his hand, then coughed and said solemnly, "Give me three days, and we will fight again in three days. If you win, you can destroy the earth in any way you want. If I win, you will give up destroying the earth."


"Sun Wukong, you are so naive, why should we promise you?"

Number 18 finds it funny.

She could kill these people right now, and destroy the planet.

"Because you will lose in three days."

Monkey King has a serious face, and he is serious about every word.

No. 17 clasped his hands on his shoulders, patted his shoulders rhythmically with his fingers, and suddenly smiled lightly after a moment of contemplation, "Then I'll give you this chance."

"Thank you!"

Sun Wukong waved his hand to say hello, and then flew towards Piccolo and others.

"Number 17, why did you give Sun Wukong three days?"

No. 16 didn't understand, but No. 18 rolled his eyes.

"Because it will be boring after killing Sun Wukong and others, and I'm looking forward to that guy named Hermes."

"Not to mention it's only been three days."

No. 17 doesn't think Sun Wukong and others have a chance to come back.

"Then look forward to it!"

"Until then I'm going to go shopping."

On the 18th, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Sun Wukong and others are just toys for them to pass the time. If there are any surprises, they can still wait for these three days.

"Wukong, they agreed?"

Seeing Monkey King flying back, Kelin and the others were very surprised, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, those three guys aren't too bad, but we only have three days."

"Go back first."


Both sides disappeared into the sky. .

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