The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 605 The Earth Is Not That Earth Anymore


The endless Gobi Canyon.

Several figures fell not far away, and the atmosphere seemed very depressing.

"Monkey King."

Dr. Gero had a gloomy face, and Sun Wukong's energy data appeared in his eyes, but this thing is useless to Saiyans, because Saiyans can transform.

Not transforming and transforming are completely two concepts.

"Number 19, kill Monkey King."

Nothing to talk about.

Dr. Gero gave the order, and on the 19th, he began to execute the order. He rushed towards Monkey King, shooting out rays of light from his hand, but Monkey King avoided them all.

boom! ! !

In the roars, the golden flames spread all over Sun Wukong's body, and his hair and eyebrows turned golden one after another. The moment he transformed into a Super Saiyan, Dr. Gero's expression changed drastically.

The data in his eyes is soaring crazily.

what's the situation!

Damn it.

Why is Sun Wukong's energy data so against the sky, and what happened.

high in the air.

Sun Wukong turned his head to avoid No. 19's punch, and then punched No. 19's stomach, causing No. 19 to turn into a streamer and run through barren mountains on the spot.

Before No. 19 got up, Sun Wukong appeared and stepped on it, and No. 19 rolled and dodged in a nick of time, and the ground surface with a radius of several thousand meters began to tear apart.

A large number of crusts are lifted and shot.

Although Monkey King controls the energy within a certain range, the damage it can cause is still somewhat unscientific.

Son Goku is now a Super Saiyan.

One version of one generation of gods.

The earth is not what it used to be.

bang bang bang! ! !

Afterimages keep flashing.

The two fought fiercely, and the 19th was suppressed by Monkey King all the time. He had almost no backhand power and could only be beaten passively.


No. 19 is definitely not Monkey King's opponent. He must go back and wake up No. 17 and No. 18.


Which mitigation problem occurred, how did Monkey King suddenly become so powerful, Dr. Gero's face was uncertain, but he has been paying attention to Monkey King and others.

He even secretly collected a lot of cells to make the strongest artificial human Cell, but the growth cycle of Cell is too long, so he will distribute the energy to No. 17 and No. 18, and then hand it over to the computer for manufacturing .


Extreme energy compression.

In mid-air, Sun Wukong's hands were calyx-shaped, and he sprayed out a blue energy bomb with long tail feathers. He wanted to wipe out No. 19 in one fell swoop.

Faced with this powerful blow, No. 19 remained expressionless, opened his right hand as if he didn't know the fear, and a red bead appeared in the palm of his hand. An unimaginable situation happened, and the menacing Kamehae Qigong was absorbed.

A dazzling light flashed.

Piccolo and the others watching the battle froze, all in disbelief.

"It actually blocked it."

"Goku's Kamehae Qigong has been absorbed."

"It seems that androids can absorb energy."

Just now on the 19th, they have been suppressed all the time, and Dr. Gero is also under their surveillance, so everyone's mentality is relatively calm, because they have the advantage.

But on the 19th, it will be different after absorbing Kamehae Qigong.

This means that many of their big moves are restrained, or ineffective, and they can only fight hand-to-hand if they want to kill the opponent. If the artificial man still has hidden means, they are likely to fall into a passive position.

And it can be clearly felt that No. 19 has become stronger after absorbing Kamehae Qigong.


No one present noticed that a figure appeared out of thin air on a raised crust, but this figure was transparent, invisibility, and completely concealed its breath.

It was Hermes.

Invisibility is one of the many superpowers on Yadrat.

What's more, if Hermes wants to avoid being discovered, he can also shrink down to microns. In short, there are plenty of means.

And the concealment of breath is fundamentally concealed, without even a trace of life fluctuation.

Turning his head to look at Dr. Gero, who was watching the battle between Monkey King and No. 19 nervously, Hermes' eyes were filled with admiration. This guy created No. 17, No. 18, Cell and other strong monsters with his mortal body. Or, transform themselves to achieve eternal life.

Even talent is genius.


Sun Wukong slapped and slapped suddenly with a painful expression on his face, sweating profusely as he covered his heart with his left hand, which caused number 19 to gain the upper hand, and the situation was reversed instantly.

"not good."

"Goku has a heart attack."

"Why at this time."

Seeing Sun Wukong being crushed under No. 19, Kelin was worried for a while, and wanted to take action to stop it, because No. 19 had already stretched out his hand to Sun Wukong, wanting to absorb all the energy in Sun Wukong's body.

It's just that all this happened too suddenly, and it was too late for Kelin and others to rescue them.

What's more, Dr. Gero shot a few rays of light at this time, forcibly stopping several people.


"It's really God helping me, don't think about it."

A burst of burning sky exploded into the sky, and Dr. Gero looked at Piccolo and the others with a wild laugh. He really didn't expect Monkey King to have a heart attack and relapse at this time.

Such a powerful person actually got a heart attack, who would believe it?

Sure enough, the transformation is the most perfect.

"Number 19, kill Monkey King."

Seeing that Sun Wukong was about to be murdered, Hermes didn't intend to make a move, because a powerful aura was approaching quickly, just right, as if it was pinched.

I saw Vegeta appearing quickly, kicking No. 19's fat face, causing the whole face of No. 19 to be squeezed together, and then tearing the ground with the sound of breaking through the air, collapsing one after another. The crust disappears in the dust.


on the ground.

Sun Wukong squinted his eyes in pain, watching Vegeta's heart twitch, as if he was twisted together so that he couldn't lift a little strength.

Vegeta, as always, looked at no one in his eyes.

He kicked Sun Wukong towards Kelin and others, and then looked contemptuously at Dr. Gero and No. 19 who got up from the ground with his arms around his shoulders. Before the two parties had a conversation, Dr. Gero was already burning with anger.

"Number 19, kill this guy."

This was the first time he had seen such an arrogant and domineering guy.


Facing No. 19 rushing up, Vegeta smiled contemptuously again, then clenched his fists and let out a roar, golden arrogance spread all over his body, and his flaming black hair and eyebrows turned golden one after another.

An extremely powerful energy storm rolled up the surface, unstoppably blowing towards all directions.

Number 19 was forced to stop.

Krillin and others watching the battle all opened their mouths wide and stared wide-eyed. They didn't expect that Vegeta could also transform into a Super Saiyan, even stronger than Monkey King's first transformation.

"This guy."

Piccolo was a little reconciled.

Only Goku has surpassed him all the time, unexpectedly, even Vegeta is ahead of him.

Transformed into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta stretched out his index finger to check number 19.

Full of provocation.

No. 19's feet exploded, and he appeared in front of Vegeta in one fell swoop, leaving no room for his left fist, but Vegeta easily dodged it with his head down, and at the same time punched deep into No. 19's abdomen.

A powerful force rushed out from the back of No. 19, forming a shock wave that tore out a broad road.


No. 19 hugged his belly with both hands and kept backing away, finally unable to support himself and fell to his knees, with blood-like liquid continuously overflowing from his mouth and nose, his body almost collapsed.


Just one punch knocked No. 19 to the ground. .

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