The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 597: Exploit Frieza to the point where there is no underwear left

"It's been a long time, Frieza."

Hermes looked directly at Frieza, and the planet-destroying bomb in his palm quickly weakened and disappeared, because it was absorbed by Hermes' absorption ability.

"Hermes, I, King Frieza, have returned. Whether it's you, Monkey King, or this planet will be destroyed today."

Frieza stretched out his hand and shook it, his expression extremely rampant and vicious.

But in the face of Frieza's clamor, Hermes ignored it, and turned his attention to the Kurdish king. He can only say that he is worthy of being Lao Tzu, and he is obviously much stronger than Frieza.

But in the future, Frieza can catch up with King Kurd.

"Father, give me a minute."

Seeing Hermes ignoring him, Frieza felt a rush of anger welling up in his chest, and disappeared in place as soon as he said the words, he couldn't wait to tear Hermes to pieces.

The Kurdish king frowned slightly. He felt that Hermes was a bit difficult, but he didn't stop Frieza. With him in Frieza, his life would not be in danger.

In that case, let Frieza play!

"go to hell!"

Unimaginable speed.

Frieza appeared in front of Hermes in the blink of an eye, his right hand clenched with bulging veins, and it could be seen from the gnashing of teeth on his ferocious face that Frieza had used nine percent of his strength.

It wasn't that Frieza looked down on Hermes, but that in his perception, Hermes was only worthy of eight points of his strength, and it was the other party's honor to have an extra point right now.


Facing Frieza's honorable blow, Hermes snapped his fingers lightly with his left hand.

in an instant.

With Hermes at the center, time paused within a radius of three meters, and Frieza was frozen, his fists were very close to Hermes, and then Hermes grabbed Frieza's neck in such a grandiose manner.

boom! ! !

Hermes immediately entered the return of life, and at the same time opened the eight-door Dunjia Formation, using large and small fruits to enlarge, burning colorful flames all over his body.

Only the Super Saiyan Transformation and Kaio Fist remain.

All this happens in a second.

When the time pause lost its effect, Frieza was stunned, feeling suffocated throughout his soul.

What just happened?


Unable to move, his strength was forcibly suppressed, and his energy was constantly being lost, as if he had been absorbed into the opponent's body.

"what did you do to me?"

Frieza panicked.

It was obvious that he was attacking the other party by himself, but he was grabbed by the neck in a blink of an eye.

The failure is unclear.

"It seems that you haven't grown much this year."

Hermes' colorful eyes looked at Frieza, full of indifference. He hadn't transformed into a Super Saiyan, and he hadn't even used the Kaio Fist, so the other party couldn't hold it anymore.

So weak.


Frieza struggled with a contorted face.

Exploding all over his body, he wanted to break free, but Hermes grabbed his neck tightly, and the colorful flames suppressed him even more, and the key energy in his body was being continuously absorbed.

Unbeknownst to Frieza, his abilities are also being replicated by Hermes.

Just one second.

Hermes used the three abilities of time suspension, absorption, and replication.

"What happened just now? Why didn't Frieza move?"

not far away.

In the eyes of Krillin and others, Frieza suddenly stopped moving before, and then Hermes simply reached out and grabbed Frieza's neck, and then the colorful flames burned all over Frieza, covering Frieza, and so on. Frieza fell into Hermes' hands after moving.


What happened to Hermes this year.

How could it become so scary.

"At that moment, time seemed to be suspended."

"That's true. Although it's only a short second, the area centered on Hermes is indeed filled with a powerful force."

Piccolo, Tianjin Fan and the others looked serious.

Regardless of whether it is time-out or not, in short, Hermes can defeat Frieza in seconds, which is enough to show the strength of Hermes.

"So handsome!"

"It can still transform."

And in this serious atmosphere, Bulma's eyes are shining with stars, as if to eat Hermes, in fact, it's no wonder that Bulma is so excited, because Hermes' shape is too cool, too gorgeous, too sacred up.

"Let go of Frieza, I will spare your life."

Seeing that Frieza was defeated in a single face-to-face, the Kurdish king was a little confused.

But he wasn't worried.

Instead, he stood in mid-air and calmly looked at Hermes.

"You are Frieza's father?"

Hermes grabbed Frieza and glanced up and down at the Kurdish king. His aura was stronger than Frieza's, but that's all, it didn't give him any pressure or palpitations.


King Kurd appeared beside Hermes, wanting to save Frieza in one fell swoop, but the next moment he frowned, because Hermes appeared a thousand meters away at some point.

Frieza was losing weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, the energy in his body was quickly absorbed and drained, his whole body seemed to be hollowed out, and he looked like he was dying.

to be honest.

Frieza is now not only panicked, but also scared.

Why can this guy absorb his own energy, but he didn't have this ability when he was on Namek.

He couldn't break free when he was first caught, let alone sucked dry now.


Hermes opened his mouth suddenly, and a large haze of soul began to emerge from Frieza's body. He couldn't eat Frieza's soul when he was on Namek, but now he can eat it.

The question is that the strength has become stronger.


"what did you do to me."


Frieza screamed in horror, his soul seemed to be torn apart.

Kelin and the others not far away were also taken aback.

What kind of unpredictable and evil means is this.


Hermes burped and didn't eat all of Frieza's soul at once, but left a part for Frieza to recover and continue to harvest in the future.

Potential villains like Frieza must be cultivated to cut leeks.

Just like Otsuki Shibai.


Hermes crushed Frieza's neck violently. The latter's head tilted and he lost his voice. The almost transparent soul disappeared out of thin air as soon as it left the body.

Originally, Frieza's soul should be very full, just like when he was alive, but after most of it was eaten by Hermes, there was only such a little soul left.

If I want to restore my soul to a full state, I guess I will be busy in the future.

In Dragon Ball, after a person dies, he will go to the underworld and be judged by Yan Mowang. He will either go to heaven or go to hell. The key is that those souls are the same as when they were alive.

The combat power is the same as when alive.

Hermes did not stop Frieza's soul from leaving. He also thought about sending Frieza into the Dragon Ball universe in Genesis, but he gave up after thinking about it.

Because in Dragon Ball, Frieza will recover faster.

The most important thing is that he is very interested in the underworld of the Dragon Ball world, but there are many powerful souls in it, and these are all his leeks.

In addition, letting Frieza go will not only allow Frieza to recover faster and let him cut leeks, but the main reason is that he wants to use Frieza's soul to teleport to the underworld at a fixed point to prepare for the future.

This is called profit maximization.

As long as Frieza is still valuable, he will exploit Frieza like a capitalist until there is no underwear left, and he will not let him go even if he dies.

This is a qualified and excellent villain. .

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