The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 562 I Will Kill You Three Later

"Is this a sacred tree?"

Come out of the atmosphere.

Tao Shi, Pu Shi, and Jin Shi flew to the top of the sacred tree, looking at the empty buds inside, it was obvious that they had already borne fruit, but they were just picked off.

But there is a question.

That is, can the sacred tree grow so big?

Even if it is impossible to suck up the entire living planet, the three of them have cultivated many sacred trees in the universe, and some planets are even bigger than this planet, but they have never seen a sacred tree grow so big.

It is hard to imagine how high-quality the fruit of this sacred tree is.

Absolutely top grade.

"Is it Kaguya?"

"No, Kaguya has already become a sacrifice."

"One style is also in it."

The three thought it was Kaguya at first, but after feeling it carefully, they found that the energy of Kaguya and Yishiki still remained in the sacred tree, which meant that both of them had been sacrificed.

"It seems that there is a big problem in this area."

Peach eyes are gloomy.

Such a strong sacred tree must produce more fruit than any other sacred tree they have cultivated before. I just hope that they are not too late, and the fruit will not be eaten by other creatures.

"Go down and have a look!"

The words fell.

The three of them fell quickly along the sacred tree like meteors, and soon came to the root of the tree.

Go around.

A large book on the back caught the attention of the three.

same moment.

Inside the Book of Genesis.

In a clearing.

Five thousand Hermes are cultivating around the fruit of the most central sacred tree. Some are concentrating on practicing the six forms, and some are concentrating on practicing life return. fruit.

Every moment, the fruit of the sacred tree overflows with energy and is absorbed by all Hermes in their cultivation.

As Hermes guessed.

Purifying the fruit of the sacred tree to the purest energy can make the practice more effective.

With the addition of 5,000 avatars stacking BUFF cultivation, Hermes's cultivation progress, which was originally like a tortoise, was improved in an instant without any side effects.

However, the fruit of the sacred tree is consumed relatively quickly.

It's only been a hundred years.

It looks like it's going to run out.

"It's finally here."

All the avatars stopped practicing and exploded one after another, turning into cells and merging into Hermes' body. Hermes stretched and felt better than ever.

He had already noticed when the Taoist trio appeared in outer space.

It's really sleepy. I came to send a pillow.

It just so happens that the fruit of the sacred tree is about to be used up, so I just use these three big tubes to find other big tubes in the universe, as well as the old nest of the big tubes.

It is believed that many fruits of the sacred tree will be harvested.

No matter how bad it is, you can cultivate it yourself.

The feeling of becoming stronger through cultivation is really overwhelming for Hermes. It feels like an addiction. The key is that there are no side effects at all. This BUG must continue to be stuck.

"What is this?"

"a book?"

"No, there seems to be a world inside."


Tao Shi, Pu Shi, and Jin Shi looked at the book of Genesis. In the two pages that were opened, there were two worlds, one of which was mostly ocean, and there was a title at the top: One Piece World.

The other is Naruto World.

The two worlds seem to be evolving themselves.

But how is it possible.

The world actually exists in the book.

Among them, Naruto World made the three of them unbelievable, because they saw Ichishiki and Kaguya, and that was the scene when the two had just arrived on a planet.

Then Yishi was attacked by Kaguya, and then ate the fruit of the sacred tree.

Put down the war on the planet.

Give birth to two animal sons.

Then it was sealed by two sons.

The three watched as the Naruto world evolved rapidly, followed by the first ninja war, the fourth ninja war, Kaguya was resurrected, and then sealed by two ninjas.

One scene after another is extraordinarily real.

It is indeed true.

If Tao Shi and the three enter it, they will find that all the lives inside are alive and have independent consciousness, and the stories in the book will evolve by themselves.

"What exactly is this?"

Tao Shi muttered to himself.

Could it be that his group encountered a peerless artifact?

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


A figure strolled from the book, getting closer and clearer, and finally stepped out into the real world, three feet above the ground with a smile on his face.


The peach-style trio immediately burst into hairs.

A person came out of this book.

They didn't have any breath on their bodies, but it made them feel numb. The suffocation caused their adrenal hormones to spread wildly, and their muscles subconsciously tensed and trembled.


Extremely dangerous.

Everything in front of me was too weird.

"People waiting for you, don't be so nervous!"

"You're all going to die anyway."

Hermes looked at the three of them with a smile. There was nothing wrong with the previous sentence, but the latter sentence couldn't stop the heartbeat of the Tao Shi trio.

"Well, these are the two worlds I created."

"You can change the story line at will, and let them evolve on their own."

"Use it well, you can deduce the skills, deduce the future and so on."

"Ah~ I'm sorry, I haven't talked to strangers for almost seven or eight hundred years, so I'm a little excited to see the three of you. After all, I'm going to kill you three later, so I cherish this little time for talking."

Hermes seems like a nervous chatterbox.

Some words are not amazing and endless.

The first few sentences were normal, but something went wrong while I was talking.

Kill all three of them?

Can you say this casually?

visible to the naked eye.

The expressions of Tao Shi and the other three became gloomy. This psychopath is obviously an enemy.

"Jin Shi, kill him."

Seeing that Hermes was still going crazy, Tao Shi gave the order.

Although he was afraid of the other party, he believed in himself more.

"God chasing."

Almost as soon as Tao Shi finished speaking, Jin Shi turned into a purple lightning and slammed into Hermes, fully explaining what speed means power.

boom! ! !

The explosion of landslides and ground cracks shrouded it.

Gullies were torn from the ground around them, but after the dust cleared, Tao Shi and Pu Shi's expressions froze, only to see Jin Shi's head being held up by a big hand, as light as if he had no strength at all.

But no matter how hard Jin Shi tried, he couldn't move forward.

From the beginning to the end, Hermes did not move three feet from the ground.

"God Poway."

Jin Shi waved.

There is a red circle behind it, which is a unique weapon inherited from other Otsutsuki ancestors, from which Chakra can be used to create various weapons, each of which has the power to open up the world.

Well used.

It is not a dream to create high-tech weapons such as Big Boy and Star Destroyer.


Kinshiki did not create other weapons, but instead created a Taidao, holding it in his hand and sweeping towards Hermes in one fell swoop, the huge sword energy generated seemed to tear apart the space.

Ding! ! !

The sound of Jin Ge and iron horse exploded.

Gently clamping the two purplish-white flame fingers, the sword that swept away thousands of troops would be difficult to advance an inch. Jin Shi was stunned, but he quickly realized that pink flames burned from the tip of his left finger, forming sharp claws that quickly moved towards Hermes scratched.

"Ka mallet."

This tactic called the golden style very loudly.

He didn't believe that the person in front of him could stop him.

Instant brilliance.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and it was just a little bit short, but the ferocious aura on Jin Shi's body suddenly disappeared, and then Xiami slowly knelt on the ground after finishing.

Those white eyes barely popped out of their sockets.


The golden style seven orifices began to bleed, and it felt like the body was paralyzed, and the internal organs were all shattered.

what's going on~

Why did he suddenly fall down? Did the other party fight back?

no! !

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