The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 548 Woman, You Have Something

Pale skin as white as moonlight.

A head of blue and white long hair hangs down on the ground, surpassing the whole body, and the volume of the hair can be described as amazing.

It's just that this woman has no eyebrows, but it still can't hide her delicate and beautiful face, but there are two horns on her head, and the nails on her snow-white hands are a bit long.

Wearing a white dress with a pattern of black hooked jade, her eyes are white, which are called white eyes in the Naruto world, but in fact there is also an unrevealed Samsara Sharingan on her forehead.

Temperament is very cold.

There is a sense of sight of an iceberg that no one should enter.

no doubt.

This woman is the ultimate villain, the ancestor of Chakra, named Otsutsuki Kaguya.

"How did Madara become a woman?"

"what happened?"

"Is that a white eye?"

"This Chakra breath."

"It's not on the same level as Madara."

far away.

Sasuke, Orochimaru and the others looked stunned, and some couldn't understand Kaguya's appearance. If you read correctly, this is Madara's transformation, and the chakra on this woman is like a vast ocean.

Just feeling it made everyone's hairs stand on end and their hearts trembled.

It's even scarier than the Chuangshi God.

Because the power of the Creator God does not come from Chakra, so the feeling is not a specific feeling, but Kaguya is different, it is the ancestor of Chakra, the origin of all power.

Feeling nature is the most profound and clear.

"Could it be?"

"Impossible, this is impossible."

Some people also guessed Kaguya's identity, but that was too shocking.

"I finally rescued you."


Hei Jue watched Hui Ye's resurrection, turned into a black liquid and shot it into Hui Ye's cuff, revealing joy inside and out, a thousand years, a whole thousand years of hard work and planning, finally succeeded.

"Hei Jue, you did a great job!"

Kaguya also affirmed.

Compared with Yuyi Yucun, Heijue is the real filial son, and thinking of this Kaguya is very angry. Thousands of years ago, she was actually sealed by her two sons.


"Jie Jie~"

"I finally felt a little pressure."

"Woman, can you make me happy?"

Hermes appeared out of nowhere, and Kaguya was almost close to sticking together, and they could even feel each other's breath when facing each other, and there was admiration in those red-backed white pupils.

Instead, those white eyes trembled, and Kaguya subconsciously opened the distance, and then looked at Hermes with a cold face.

"He is the god of creation, and he seems to have come from the starry sky. The source of power is not Chakra. A large number of ninjas in this world have been killed by him, and their souls have also been eaten."

"The purpose is to destroy the world."

Heijue will introduce it simply and clearly.

I was also taken aback just now, this Creator God appeared and disappeared without even a trace of movement, and I don't know if Hui Ye noticed it.

"From the stars?"

"Creator God?"

Kaguya was thinking.

There are many living planets in the starry sky of the universe, and there are many planets that cultivate other powers, but those planets are used by their Otsutsuki family to plant sacred trees, and eventually become Death Stars.

Her status in the Otsutsuki clan is not high. Originally, this planet was dedicated to the sacred tree, but she also knew very well that in this cosmic starry sky, the Otsutsuki clan was the most powerful race.

If there are gods in the universe, it must be their Otsutsuki clan.

And this world is her property. After the millennium has passed, Otsutsuki's senior management will definitely send other people to recover the Chakra Fruit, and she must quickly create a large number of Baijue to deal with it.

The world cannot be destroyed.

"Kill the ashes together."

Kaguya was very indifferent.

He didn't pay attention to Hermes at all, just like crushing an ant to death, a gray bone spike appeared in his left palm, stabbing at Hermes as fast as lightning.

This is a kind of ninjutsu that uses its own bones as weapons. The specific principle is to change the composition of the bones. It is defined as a certain killing technique. The body of the person who is stabbed will collapse from the wound, gradually spread to the whole body, and finally Disappeared with the bones.

Even the treatment with the technique of yin and yang escape is useless.

no hindrance.

The sharp bone pierced through Hermes' chest, and the naked eye could see that the bone spurs were at the center, and the flesh and bones quickly disappeared, silently and extremely terrifying.

Hermes frowned.

The opponent took this trick on purpose, felt it and discovered that it belonged to a kind of ability to destroy cells, fundamentally change the constituent elements of cells and bones, and completely kill cells from the source.

Good guy.

It can almost be judged as a genetic weapon.

If people in this world were stabbed, except for a few extremely powerful ninjas, it is estimated that 99.9% of the people would be reduced to ashes.

The kind with no bones left.

It has to be said that this move somewhat restrained him. Hermes' regeneration is based on cells, even if it is a piece of meat, and it is currently impossible to regenerate from a drop of blood.

So if the body is obliterated, it means that Hermes died physically.

It can be regarded as dying once.

"As the ultimate villain, you are indeed much stronger than other trash."

The purple-white gas flame condensed on the chest, forcibly preventing the annihilation of the cells, just like a barrier preventing the destruction of the columbarium from spreading. A gust of wind blew through, and a hole the size of a basketball appeared in Hermes' chest.

From the front you can see the scenery behind.

"It can actually prevent the spread of the co-killing ashes."

Looking at Hermes' empty chest and the burning purple-white flames, Kaguya was a little shocked and surprised. You must know that it is a technique that kills ashes together and cannot be defended directly. As long as it hits, it can absolutely kill the enemy.

Moreover, more than half of his chest was missing, and this person didn't even change his face.

No pain, no death!

Has the level of life surpassed ordinary people?

"The ability to destroy gene cells should be incomprehensible to people in this world, but it is much worse to kill me."

There was an annihilating power at the edge of the empty wound to prevent cell regeneration, and with the strong brush of the purple-white flame, the remaining power was wiped out, and Hermes' chest recovered in a blink of an eye.


Seeing Hermes' chest regenerated and recovered in an instant, other emotions appeared on Kaguya's cold face for the first time.

Is this person like her?

It cannot be killed, it can only be sealed!

"Immortal body? Although it hasn't reached that level yet, it's barely enough!"

Hermes felt that there was nothing wrong with Kaguya's words, because at the end of life return was immortality, but he still had a long way to go to reach that level.

At present, it is only to achieve the regeneration of flesh and blood, and the piece of flesh and blood should not be too small, otherwise it will consume a lot of energy, followed by the regeneration of blood, the regeneration of cells, and so on.

until the end of evolution.

"No, you are not immortal."

"As long as your strength is exhausted, you will still die."

Kaguya watched Hermes very carefully. Even though the two sides cultivated with different energies, she still felt that the other party's aura had dropped, and her life fluctuations also fluctuated.

In fact, just like her, as long as the chakra is exhausted, the damage cannot be recovered quickly, and the man in front of him should be the same. As long as the energy in the body is exhausted, the regeneration and recovery will become slower and slower until it fails completely.

It can be killed by then.

"Woman, you are worthy of being the ancestor of cultivation in this world."

"Although our cultivation strengths are different, we all end up with the same goal in the end."

"You have something."

Hermes was not surprised to be seen through by Kaguya.

Anyway, he is also the ancestor of Chakra. If you don't even have this vision, then you are not the ceiling and the strongest. .

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