The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 520 Find a way to revive Otsutsuki Kaguya


Maitekai's high-spirited and full of fighting spirit roared from high in the sky, and the red boxing channels intertwined, and the figures of the two people could not be seen clearly at all, only the mountains were bombing.

Extreme combat is full of violent aesthetics.

It's just that the reality is too cruel.

No matter how fast Maitekai attacks, Hermes can always catch them easily, and even from the beginning to the end, Hermes just passively receives the moves, with just enough punches and palms.


Concentrating a fist and blasting out, this time the red air channel is thicker than ever before, but the accident did not happen, Hermes followed easily, grabbed Maitekai's fist with his right hand, and pulled it over his knee top.


Blood splattered.

Maitekai bent into a shrimp and vomited blood, and a shock wave rushed from his back to the sky. Hermes raised his left hand and slapped lightly. Maitekai turned into a comet and shot obliquely on a big mountain on the spot. The ground caused the crust to rise continuously for a radius of 10,000 meters.

"How could it be so strong?"

far away.

Medicine Shidou and the others, who were firmly pressed to the ground by gravity, thought that Maitkai would open all the doors of the Eight Dunjia, not to mention killing the God of Creation, no matter what.

The perceived situation is one-sided.

The speed invisible to the naked eye makes it easy for the other party to keep up with it, enough to cause landslides and ground cracks, and the other party can easily follow it, just like a battle between a baby and an adult.

cough cough cough~

Rocks flew down, and cracks spread across the ground.

Maitekai pushed away the gravel and soil on his body, looked up at the figure falling from the sky, blood from all seven orifices and screamed as if dying, "This world will be guarded by me."

"If you want to destroy my homeland, just step over my dead body."


Powerful airflow swept all around.

Maitekai jumped up, put one hand on the ground and began to burn the last life, and the boiling red steam began to change into a dragon shape for a while, causing the surrounding space to twist and ripple.

call out! ! !

Unimaginable speed.

At this moment, Maitkai turned into Jackie Chan, and hysterically tried his best to rush towards Hermes, no matter what, no matter what, he must stop this man.

He said that everything he loves lives in this world, and he must protect it.

Infinite belief gave him stronger strength.

"Jie Jie~"

"Is this your strongest blow?"

"This god appreciates your will, so I will give you the cruelest despair in the world."

Hermes did not dodge, nor did he attack, despite Maitkai's kick hitting his chest heavily, it was like a meteorite hitting the earth at the moment of collision.

The air burst.

Hermes stepped back in the air, and the atmosphere exploded every time he took a step back. He didn't fly backwards, but only took three steps back, and then he was nailed to the spot like a nail.

There was a cracking sound from the chest, but the speed of rupture was not as fast as the healing speed.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The two collided for a minute, and when all the fluctuations subsided, Maitekai's face was bloodshot and his eyes were gloomy. The last blow he paid the price of his life only made the opponent take three steps back.

The slightly sunken chest recovered in an instant.

In the end, not even a drop of God's blood was spilled.


Hitting the ground weakly, Maitekai could feel the breath of death. He should be dying. Will the world really be destroyed next?

If the person in front of him is really the creator god and the lord of the world, then he should have created the world, but why would he destroy it? Destroy the world you created?


A revolving lantern began to appear in front of Maitekai's eyes, and at the moment of final freeze, he saw many, many familiar people waving to him.


There were hoarse voices in the distance, even Yaoshidou, Dashewan and others were complicated in their hearts. It is undeniable that they all began to admire this man at this time.


Hermes stretched out his hand to grab Matkai's body, and a weak soul appeared. At first, the soul was a little confused, but it soon became sober.

"Aren't I dead?"

"Is this my soul?"

Maitekai looked at his own body, his pupils widened in fear.

Don't you even have a chance to go to hell if you die?

"You have something that the god wants, so you won't die for the time being."

Maitekai's soul struggled, but everything was in vain. He was crushed when he was alive, and it was the same after death. In the end, he was caught by Hermes and couldn't move, and he didn't give him a chance to speak. Extract Metkay's memory.

These thousand years are enough for Hermes to develop the soul soul fruit to a certain level.

Retrieving memories is just the simplest small ability.

"It turns out that this is the Eight Door Dunjia."

After absorbing Maitekai's memory, Hermes already had an idea in his mind. If he wanted to research the Eight Dunjia, he had to study Chakra in advance.

It is the cultivation energy of this world.

Although he had never seen Naruto in his previous life, Hermes still knew that the chakra in the Naruto world was created by the villain Kaguya Otsutsuki.

It can be said that Otsutsuki Kaguya is the ancestor of cultivation and the source of everything in the ninja world.

Think about it?

It seems that Otsutsuki Kaguya was sealed on the moon, how did he finally resurrect?

Hermes looked up at the moon. No wonder he felt that something was wrong with the moon when he passed by before. Therefore, the fastest way to understand or learn the Eight Gate Dunjia and Shadow Clone is to study Otsutsuki Kaguya.

It stands to reason that all cultivation energies in the world should lead to the same goal by different routes, such as aura, chakra, domineering, vitality, internal force, immortal qi, fighting qi, etc. are all energies.

It's just that the quality of these energies is different.

Just like wine, once distilled it will be clearer and the degree will be higher, and distilled twice will be clearer and the degree will be higher~

It seems that it really needs to be studied carefully.

So Otsutsuki Kaguya had to be resurrected.


The Genesis Pen appeared in her hand, and Hermes drew quickly. As the last stroke came down, Man Xueli stretched her waist with her eyes open, and then looked around as if she understood something.

"Am I being drawn?"

"Long time no see, Manxueli."

Hermes smiled.

"Boss, have you really found a living planet?"

Man Xueli was slightly curious.

When he saw Guy Ram, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his little face suddenly collapsed. This stupid man didn't draw her first.

"Yes, this is a world where ninjutsu is practiced."

"You revive this person first, and I will dissect and study it later."

With a wave of Hermes' hand, Maitekai's soul re-entered the body. As long as the soul and body are still there, and the death does not exceed a certain period of time, Manshirley can be revived.


"But let me stay longer, and you will be the first to draw me in the future."

Man Xueli pursed her lips, and with a casual move, a bud appeared next to Maitkai's corpse, which quickly grew up and formed a cicada pupa-like plant, wrapped in Maitkai, and diffused a powerful breath of life that revived everything. .

In an instant.

The broken earth with a radius of 10,000 meters turned into a sea of ​​flowers.

This scene made Sasuke and others who were far away widened their eyes. What is this?

Wood escape?

No! ! !

How could Mu Dun have such a strong breath of life, as if taking one breath would ascend to heaven.

same moment.

A strong heartbeat sounded in the cicada pupae, and soon Maitekai opened his eyes again, then tore apart the cicada pupae and stood on the ground. .

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