The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 503 The Dawn of Eating the Third Devil Fruit

Aghard's lab.

Hermes was discussing something with Vegapunk. On the operating table not far away, Blackbeard had already healed, and he didn't look like his life was hanging by a thread.

He was being tied up on the operating table by a lot of bandages.

This scene is very familiar.

After all, it wasn't the first time lying on it.

Not for a while.

Caesar, Quinn, and Gage are also here, and they are going to study whether they can eat the third devil fruit together, so Tezolo's ton of fruits must be deprived later.

"Look at his memory first."

Hermes signaled Brin to do it.

There is Luo next to him, who can dissect Blackbeard's body at any time.

"Don't come here, get out!"

"Jehmengard, you have something to say."

Lying on the operating table, Blackbeard looked at Brin who was coming over, struggling and howling, this time was no better than last time, he could feel the real danger.


Brin didn't give Blackbeard a chance to continue begging, he reached into his head with his right hand and grabbed it, a piece of memory film began to appear outside, and Blackbeard fell into a coma with the whites of his eyes.

Then Brin copied a few minutes of the memory film and injected them into the brains of Hermes and Vegapunk respectively. With the injection of memory, everyone seemed to have experienced Blackbeard's life.

Some mysteries naturally become clear.


After absorbing all the memories, Vegapunk's eyes were filled with admiration.

The world is full of wonders, and it seems that my scientific journey has just begun.


"With this memory, it is completely possible to research and eat the third devil fruit."

"Boss, just give us a month."

Caesar, Quinn, Gage, and Vegapunk are all very confident that the existence of Blackbeard is a key, and they only need to use this key to open the door.

A month is still conservative.

Going well can totally cut the time in half.

It's a pity that there was no Brin in the first research on Blackbeard, otherwise eating the third devil fruit would have been researched long ago.

"I'll leave it to you guys to use the human cloning experiment to succeed as soon as possible."

Hermes is now also a top scientist. Before that, he not only absorbed the memories of Vegapunk, Caesar, Quinn, and Gage, but also digested the memories of thousands of other scientists in the institute.

As long as it is not to the limit.

He is also planning to absorb the memories of other scientists on the sea, and in the future, he will be able to repair and manufacture the spacecraft by himself if there is any problem with the spaceship.

There is also biology, physics, cell biology, neurology, molecular biology, etc., he must absorb and touch, and try his best to become an omniscient and omnipotent god.

After all, after digesting this knowledge, it is his own knowledge.

"no problem."

The four of Caesar are guaranteeing tickets.

In a blink of an eye.

Hermes and Brin disappeared, and they came to the prison and began to explore the memories of Shao Yao and others. He wanted to clean up the God Extermination Alliance.

It is worth mentioning that Enilo and Polusalino are also in prison. They don't know when they came here. They should be picking their second devil fruit.

Get the information you want.

Hermes disappeared with a teleportation, and did not give these opportunities to others, because they were too slow.

He wants the world to understand what thunder means is, and the will of God.

A few breaths.

Hermes appeared out of thin air outside the windless belt, and he could see the sea area without the slightest ripple. From time to time, a huge monster would emerge from the bottom of the sea.

Some are comparable to an island.

"found it!"

According to Shaoyao's memory, all-weather knowledge and information are accurate to determine the location of Nine Snakes Island, and in a flash, they come to the sky above Nine Snakes Island, which is isolated from the world.

There are quite a few Amazons on it.

And all of them are domineering.

"The world in the palm of your hand."

The light dimmed.

This time, Hermes did not become huge, but stretched out his right hand to grab the entire Hydra Island, and then the unpredictable picture appeared, and the entire Hydra Island began to shrink, including the Amazon female warrior living on it.

"It's the king of hunters."

"Master Shaoyao, did they lose?"


In the screams of panic and wailing, the entire Nine Snake Island became the size of a marble, and everything on it was infinitely reduced, and then moved out of thin air into Hermes' hands.

Sky Island will add another island, and the people on it have only two fates, either become slaves or become guinea pigs.


The kingdoms of Tantalus, Sisyphus, Semele, Sarpedon, and Priam in the New World were all uprooted, and this phenomenon has been seen by many people.

Such a large kingdom was shrunk right in front of his eyes, and then was grabbed by a big purple-white flaming hand.

For a while, the news that the Hunter King appeared to clean up the God-killing Alliance spread like wildfire.

That kind of god's method also completely confirms that Hermes is the title of the creator god.

No matter how you look at it, chasing the stars, grasping the moon, and holding the world in your palm are not something that ordinary people can do. Only gods can do it.

"The country of Wano."

A few breaths.

Hermes has come to the sky above the island of Wano country, but because of the last battle with Garp, Wano country has already existed in name only, and the entire island has been divided into island groups.

There are very few people living on it.

However, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. In the end, Wano country also disappeared in its original position.

Another few breaths.

Hermes appeared out of nowhere in front of a gigantic giant elephant walking in the sea. On the back of this thousand-year-old giant elephant, there was a country, that is the country of Zowu of the fur clan.


The appearance of Hermes stopped the giant elephant.

A pair of eyes appeared in the originally empty eyes, and one could see horror and disbelief from inside, because the life energy possessed by the human being in front of him was too powerful.

It is the scariest human being it has seen for thousands of years.

Looking at this gigantic beast, Hermes suddenly had an idea, what would happen if he ate the Human Fruit? Too bad it's too old.

And as long as he is willing, he can make Hei Daoya and Van Gufried into full animalization, and then use the large and small fruits to maximize their abilities, and then they will be idol mounts.

The only fly in the ointment is not being able to get as big as this giant elephant.

However, as the fruit size continues to deepen, these can be easily done.

"The world in the palm of your hand."

Facing Zou's Kingdom from the air, the relic buildings on it shrank rapidly, and there were many fearful sounds of fur tribes in it. Unfortunately, any resistance was like a mantis' arm.

"Human, what are you going to do to the fur tribe?"

A pair of pupils full of vicissitudes looked at Hermes, especially when he saw the kingdom of Zou in Hermes' hands that had become the size of a marble, the giant elephant was shocked.

What kind of means is this?

"Erasure their existence."

Hermes was not surprised that he and the giant elephant had wisdom, but the conversation should be in the aspect of the mind, not like direct communication. At least it is a living body that has lived for thousands of years, and some strange and small abilities are not surprising.


"They shouldn't offend a transcendent power like you."

The giant elephant was puzzled.

The fur tribe has lived on its back for almost generations, at least eight or nine hundred or even thousands of years, and they have always been isolated from the world. How could they provoke such an existence in front of them.

"This god doesn't need a reason to erase them."

"If you are tired of living, I can send you to see them."

Hermes is domineering.

He doesn't need to explain, and doesn't have to.

This time the giant was silent.

The human being in front of him is fully capable of killing him, and the feeling of palpitations cannot be wrong.

He will continue to fulfill the agreement.

Hermes disappeared.

Colossus is very sensible.

He didn't do it either. There are many such life forms in the Pirate World, especially in the deep sea. Strictly speaking, giant elephants are also a type of super-large sea king, but they are just big. .

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