The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 499 Yemengard: After this battle, there will be a wave of cleansing

"How did you do it!"

Crocodile looked heavy, even though he knew he would lose, he remained calm.

But before losing, he wanted to know whether the Emperor Organization could really eat two Devil Fruits, as rumored by the outside world.

"You'll know."

Lu Qi also understood what Crocodile wanted to ask, but he didn't answer, but disappeared without a sound.

Without hesitation.

Crocodile elementalized and disappeared immediately, and at the same time, the surface of a kilometer radius quickly dried up and turned into a desert, and sandstorms and tornadoes strangled indiscriminately.

He couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed, so he could only attack in a large area like this first.

call out! ! !

With a speed multiplied by 50 times, there is no difference between Lu Qi and teleportation. He appeared on the sand dunes 600 meters away in one fell swoop, kicked out to form a violent haze, and cut the desert to form a large crack that spread to the end.

Crocodile had to condense his body on one side, his whole heart was suspended.

This is exaggerated.

There is no need to fight at all, the gap between the two sides is too large.

"Heavy Shalan."

The moment the body was condensed, two tornadoes appeared in Crocodile's hands, destroying everything in the surroundings unscrupulously one after another in an instant.

He hadn't noticed Lu Qi's position until now.

"Hope you don't die!"

"20 times the power."

"Six Types of Mysteries · King's Fist."

A voice without the slightest emotion came out, and an extreme black flame cloud sun rose slowly, and the sky and the ground suddenly became dark. Crocodile opened his mouth wide, and the cigar at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground, looking at the oncoming black sun, Feeling overwhelming for the first time.

"You monsters."

Unwilling to roar and be overwhelmed by the huge roar, a mushroom cloud surrounded by four halos slowly pushed the atmosphere across the sky, tearing the surface and expanding.

After being released from prison.

He, Crocodile, has also received version enhancements, so he is also a famous monster, but compared with the Emperor Organization, his monster is full of moisture.

Because that's a bunch of perverts.

A pervert that is more perverted than a monster.

And it can be confirmed that the Emperor Organization really has the ability to eat two devil fruits. The killing weapon was originally an animal-type leopard-shaped ability, but the ability just displayed is by no means only the leopard-shaped ability.

"Hey Hey hey!"

"This movement."

"It's Lu Qi."

"This black king's fist."

"At least 20 times the power."

In the sky in all directions, Badgers, Manshirley, Polusalino and the others who finished their opponents were shocked when they saw the expanding black halo.

During these five and a half years.

Lu Qi can be said to be making great strides, with the blessing of multiplying fruits, he once became a hexagonal fighter like the boss, and he was also a fighter who could enhance his unilateral abilities at will.

Speed, strength, and defense can all be doubled.

Even BOSS's development of large and small fruits is in line with the multiplication fruit, and has achieved considerable results, unlike them who either focus on strength, speed, or instant kill.

Both BOSS and Lu Qi have their advantages, but they don't have the advantages of BOSS and Lu Qi.

"Can't bear 20 times the force?"

On top of the bottomless tiankeng.

Lu Qi looked down at his feet.

When a dodge appeared, Crocodile had pinched his seven orifices and was bleeding into a coma. It seemed that he had overestimated the other party.

same moment.

On a certain battlefield in the south, Enilu looked away from Lu Qi's direction, and looked at Moria, Weibull, and miss Bajin who were guarding not far away, with a very unhappy expression.

Because these mortals are too weak.

Make him lose any interest.


A large number of electric lights began to dissociate, and Enilo stretched out his right hand to the sky, and the clouds that were originally pushed out by various mushroom clouds began to continuously close together to form an endless vortex.

A black hole is formed at the very center, and plasma is continuously falling down.

boom! ! !

A 50-meter-thick thunderbolt fell from the sky, struck a mountain, and evaporated that mountain on the spot. Moria, Weibull, and miss Bajin, who were still fighting high, felt cold on the spot.

One or two.

More and more thick thunderbolts fell down, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters.

This kind of shocking scene of natural disasters makes people despair just looking at it, let alone dealing with it.

"It's over!"

"Is that human being?"

Miss Bajin was about to cry. Even Weibull, who had some IQ barriers, felt a feeling of fear at this moment. As for Moriah, his hair was blown all over.

Not on the same level.

It is no longer a level at all, and there is no need to fight.

"This god gave you death."

"God's will, Lei Ying."

Enilu's supreme voice came down, and he pressed heavily with his right hand, and saw a super-large black ball-shaped thunder in the endless black hole clouds, covering a large area of ​​the sky and falling rapidly.

The atmosphere shatters along the way.

The diffuse thunder also began to transform into black plasma, and the surrounding force fields were all distorted.


"Are you going to die here?"

Facing the huge and boundless black spherical plasma, the three of Moria were like ants, and finally drowned in the roar of despair, without even a place to hide.

Because the force field in all directions has been distorted.

can be seen.

The black ball of plasma crashed down violently, quickly deep into the ground and fell continuously, until it was completely invisible, and the ground trembled for an unknown amount of time.

A stream of magma sprayed out.

Earthquakes, tsunamis and various natural disasters occurred, and the landforms within a thousand miles were constantly torn and changed. The black spherical plasma penetrated deeper into the ground than imagined.

If it reaches the center of the earth.

It is possible to destroy most of the Pirate World.

This means that Anilo's danger level has risen sharply.


Aini looked down at the constantly rioting land with a blank expression on his face. The aura of the three of Moria has completely disappeared. It seems that only the insiders of the emperor organization want to prove his true strength.

Step back in time a little.

"Jie Jie~"

Barren mountains and valleys stand tall.

Hermes stood on a big mountain with his hands behind his back, looking at the dragon, Barrett, Shaoyao, and Doflamingo that appeared on several nearby mountains, his red-backed white pupils were full of amusement.

Passing through many obstacles, only these four people can stand in front of him in the end.

The rest of the famous ones were either blocked by the archangel, or they were targeted by Badgers and the others. Even Shaoyao and Doflamingo were deliberately let go.

"I'm sure Murray won't lie to me."

"So what trick did you use to trick Morrie?"

The dragon tore off the dark green coat, revealing the red square tattoo on the left face. Because of the lack of eyebrows and the short black hair combed back, the dragon looked extraordinarily ferocious.

At first glance, he is a person who does big things and is not easy to provoke.

Until now, he has never suspected that Morrie betrayed him, so Yermungand must have used some means.

"It's all some tricks that can't be put on the table, but the effect is surprisingly good, and it caught all your fish."

Even now that Hermes is in such a sure-fire situation, he hasn't told the truth, he's just being sloppy. As long as the opponent doesn't know how he did it, then this trick can be used all the time.

Don't forget that there is also a world government.

Maybe it is observing by some means, so some secrets can be kept hidden for as long as they can.

"Despicable as always."

Shao Yao had a gloomy face.

Naked killing intent surrounded Hermes all the time.

"It's useless to show off your tongue!"

Hermes glanced at Shao Yao disdainfully, and then looked at Barrett and Doflamingo, "I just killed the Golden Lion not long ago, so you've come together so soon."

"Looks like the sky is going to kill you legends."

"After this battle, there will be a wave of cleansing."

Before Barrett could answer, Hermes looked at Doflamingo strangely again, "Sassi really doesn't respond, I miss him so much."


Facing Hermes' greeting, Doflamingo's trademark laughter was full of bitterness, and now he can only fight, and he no longer wants to live in the shadow of this bitch.

Too much pain. .

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