The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 412 They all look like hell

empty island.

On this day, the people who lived on it suddenly found that the sky was dark, and they saw a huge and boundless figure slowly straightened up on the island of gods shrouded in clouds and mist, standing upright like a god of creation.

Huge size, blowing the face is infinite shock.

"That's where God lives."

"What happened to the island of the gods?"


The residents of the empty island swallowed, and sat down on the ground in shock.

They all know that it is the place where God lives, but few people see it.

But in the next moment.

The Island of Gods and the giant disappeared out of thin air. A few minutes later, the Island of Gods reappeared out of thin air, fully doubling in size, almost covering half of the empty island.

The unpredictable means made them unable to think.

"Jie Jie~"

"Sure enough, the feeling is coming, and the water is gathering."

At this time, on the large square in front of the Golden Palace on the Island of Gods, the corners of Hermes' mouth turned up, obviously he was in a good mood. Before, he had a feeling that he could make the fruits of the big and small go further.

So retreat now.

After studying it carefully for a few days, I really made progress.

"Boss, what happened just now."

At this time, the three Caesars appeared, thinking about what happened just now, they panicked for a while, and then calmed down because they thought of a possibility.

It was working fine.

Suddenly the world spun, and then everyone shrunk countless times, becoming almost like ants. At that moment, both the island of gods and the life forms became extremely miniature, and they found a pair of huge eyes in the sky, observing like gods. watching them.

A closer look reveals a pair of white pupils with a red background, like stars.

"Don't panic, it's just that I'm testing my ability."

Hermes stretched his waist, then yawned and said, "Gay Ram called before, I'm afraid we're going to fight with Big Mom, Kaido, and the navy. I'll go to support, and you continue to work."

Before Caesar could reply, Hermes disappeared out of thin air.

"It seems that the BOSS's devil fruit ability has developed a new move."

"I didn't feel wrong before, we have indeed become smaller."

"So the BOSS can already affect the living body?"

Just as Gage and Quinn muttered, after a few days of retreat, Hermes has made new progress in the size of the fruit. Before, it was impossible to enlarge or reduce life forms other than itself, but now it is different.

The huge size seen by the residents of Sky Island is at least 500 meters, which means that Hermes has grown to 500 meters. What is the concept of 500 meters?

Shining Dijia's height is 120 meters, which is almost 4 times more.

And the reduction has officially come to 1 mm.

at the same time.

The battle in the New World has come to a fever pitch. Not only are the two Pluto warships facing each other, but Kaido, Big Mom, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polusalino are all fighting.

But this time Katakuri also ended up playing against Polusalino.

The knowledgeable color who can predict the future, Tenkpolusalino.

With Katakuri holding back the toughest Polusalino, BIG MOM will be able to fight against Sakalski without any scruples. As for the seriously injured Kaido, he can hold Kuzan in a short time .

What's more, the previous two Pluto warships confronted each other, leaving him plenty of time to rest. Now, not to mention the recovery to the heyday, there are still some sevens and eights.

This is the horror of the animal department.

It is not in vain to fight a war of attrition.

In addition, Cracker, Becky, Ulki, Smoothie and others also fought with Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Virgo and others, but the battlefield was far from the center.

It can be regarded as back and forth.

According to this situation, it will not end without a few days and nights.

bang bang bang! ! !

The lightsaber and the trident collided back and forth, and Polusalino's face was as ugly as possible. Every time he attacked, he would be dodged or blocked by the opponent.

The speed advantage is completely lost.

"Troublesome future foreknowledge."

"That's why I hate fighting you monsters the most."

After colliding and blowing away, Polusalino's face was full of unhappiness.

On the opposite side, Katakuri's face was expressionless, but his eyes were constantly flashing red, and he was always predicting Polusalino's next move, which was very reckless.

"You have no chance of winning today!"

Katakuri calmly spoke as the river bed under the sea in all directions turned into glutinous rice.

There was a wave of tsunami that flowed back before, but it was frozen by Kuzan's ability, so that the entire battlefield could be seen outside the entire battlefield. The guarded iceberg canyon, this is a battle field that has been opened up in the sea.

Climb to look out.

The battle between the two sides is like going on in a huge and boundless hole, and it is shocking and unimaginable everywhere.


Polusalino thought about it seriously. If there is no external force to intervene, they may not necessarily win. Even if they win in the end, they will still win. If BIG MOM did not create the Pluto battleship, and there is still a lifetime, then this operation It must be a 100% victory.

But the reality is a bit cruel.


Just as Polusalino and Katakuri were chattering nonsense, an arrogant and domineering laughter burst out from the sky of lightning and thunder, which made all the fighting people in the center stop.

"This laughter!"

"Could it be."

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Looking up with a pair of eyes, I saw two meteors falling rapidly in the sky, unscrupulously releasing their own aura, with no intention of hiding at all, on the contrary, as high-profile as possible, I am afraid that the two sides will not find it.


"Fighting Champion, Rubik's Cube."

BIG MOM's face was covered with blood, standing on Zeus and holding Napoleon obliquely, her hair was burning violently, and her body became very thin.

Sakaski on the opposite side also had a murderous look on his face, but it wasn't for Big Mom, but for the two people who fell from the sky.

"Emperor Organization."

Kaido also gritted his teeth, his eyes were red.

Ever since Yamato, Jhin and others were captured by the Emperor Organization, he has been looking for people from the Emperor Organization, but those guys are hiding like sewer rats.

As a result, he had no chance of revenge for so long.

The backlog of hatred in my heart is unprecedented.

boom! ! !

A large piece of dirt and gravel that had not seen the sun for many years was splashed, and Badgers and Guyram stepped out of the dust, burning with high-temperature steam and sparks all over their bodies.

Badgers walked with an unrecognizable pace, laughing wildly while embroidering his biceps.

Guy Ram was carrying a sledgehammer, looking at the big figures coming from all directions, he seemed to have a headache, it seemed that they had aroused public anger.

one appears.

BIG MOM, Kaido, Sakaski, and Polusalino stopped fighting, and they almost spit out real knives from their eyes to cut them into pieces.

Guy Ram felt the pressure.

"Fighting champion, where is Yemengard?"

The ferocious aura came with lightning, and Kaido maintained a human-beast form, with a bloody face and a ferocious face, holding a mace in both hands with black and red lightning floating on it.

A face-to-face is the most violent attack.

A strong killing intent cannot be dispelled.


"You are not qualified to be my opponent when you are injured, Kaido!"

"Boundless Power · Air Shock Boxing."

Badgers was full of fighting spirit, clenched his fists and began to appear a white air pressure mask, and then punched the atmosphere in front of him, accompanied by the overwhelming sound of cracks, Kaido's face was full of disbelief.

BIG MOM, Sakaski and others who were watching around also looked like hell.


Endless destructive power surged in, and Kaido opened his mouth to spurt blood the first time, feeling that the sky was overwhelming and he couldn't resist, and he flew out with insufficient control after only a moment of stalemate.

Come as fast as you go.

After passing through the upturned crust and lying in the ruins, Kaido was stunned. He would never be wrong, that ability is...

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