The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 379 Fire Fist Ace

"Steel Fist."

Facing the surprise attack of the evil government king, the Big Bear King did not panic. While the entire right arm was steeled, it was burned with arrogance as fuel, so that the entire right arm was burning with raging fire, like a red-hot iron blasting towards the evil. political king.

boom! ! !

A billowing heat wave swept through.

The whole tavern house exploded in an instant, but the evil government king attached to it disappeared. For a while, only the big bear king stood alone in the sea of ​​flames.

On the street outside, Sugar Queen and Skunk looked very ugly, because in front of them was a drunk man with a large wine jug, a clown hat, and a big sausage nose.

Big wine Basque Choate.

One of the captains of the fleet under the Four Emperors Marshall Teach.

damn it.

Not only the evil king came to hunt them down, but also a big wine Basque Choate.


Choate gulped down a few gulps of spirits, hiccupped and staggered a few steps, looked at the ugly Queen Sweetheart and Skunk, and said drunkenly, "If you run away again, you will be burned to death."

"Jot, it's a pity to kill such a beauty. What the admiral wants is the steel fruit. As for the completely useless paste fruit, I still need a maid."

The earth trembled.

The surrounding streets began to crack, and a strangely shaped stone giant climbed up from the ground, covered the sun and gave an extremely grim smile.

From the face attached to it, it can be seen that it is the evil king.

"Damn it, is this the ability of the fruit of the island?"

Sugar Queen and Skunk are stressed out.

When they went to challenge the Blackbeard Pirates again, they also did an investigation. At that time, they didn't know the abilities of the Evil King and Big Wine Joate, and they reported it themselves during the battle.

Among them, the evil government king is a superman with the ability of the island fruit. From the name of this devil fruit, it can be seen what ability it has, which is to control the island.

In some respects, it is similar to Pika's stone stone fruit.

However, the evil king can control everything on the island, while Shishiguo can only control stones. The difference is still very big. This means that as long as the evil king is on the island, he is invincible.

Unless the island is destroyed.

And the ability of Dajiu Basque Choate is the superhuman wine fruit, and the ability is related to wine. Currently, Choate rarely fights with people, so the specific ability is not yet known.

"Just the two of you? Don't you look down on me, Big Bear King?"

The figure flashed.

Big Bear King appeared in front of Sweetheart Queen and Skunk with a shaved shave, and looked at the evil government king and big wine Joate with fierce eyes. If there were three fleet captains, he might still weigh it, but if there were only two If so, don't be shy at all.

As a bold new generation, he is still the best among them, possessing six styles and two colors of arrogance, and the devil fruit has also awakened, no matter how you look at it, there is no reason to be afraid.

So Big Bear King is still a little ready to move.

He is confident that he can kill the evil king and the big wine Joate here, just to make the Blackbeard Pirates pay some price.

"Big words are not ashamed meow."

The evil government king opened his bloody mouth, then raised his huge arm, and threw it at the three bear kings like Mount Tai, the simple violence was full of oppression.

Faced with this blow, the Big Bear King snorted coldly, and stomped heavily on the ground with his thick and big feet. In an instant, a radius of several hundred meters began to be steeled, and a steel pillar rose from the ground, entangled with domineering, just so hard to possess the evil king Golem.

The powerful collision kicked up a gust of sand, and Queen Sugar and Skunk backed away, even Choate.

"That's why I hate Devil Fruit Awakeners the most, meow."

Seeing that the big bear king firmly blocked his blow, the evil government king was very upset.

But I have to admit that the new generation in front of me has a few brushes, and he might not be able to handle it alone. Damn, it’s all the fault of the Hunter King. If it weren’t for the Hunter King, these new generation wouldn’t grow up so terrible .

At the same time, Choate also took shots at Sugar Queen and Skunk.

at the same time.

On the sea not far from Jingjing Island, a pirate ship is rapidly approaching Jingjing Island. From the pirate flag hanging there, it can be seen that it is the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Ace, this time to reclaim Jingjing Island, Dad told us to use peaceful means as much as possible. Before this island was under the rule of the Blackbeard Pirates, life was not good."


Bista put on his top hat and said to the man next to him who was eating watermelon.

Compared with the previous Ace, today's Ace is more calm and introverted, the aura on his body can be perfectly hidden, and there is still a faint feeling of ethereal.

Just like the spring breeze of nature.


Ace is already recognized as Whitebeard's successor, and he can even be said to be the deputy captain. He only needs to wait for Whitebeard to die or abdicate, and then he will become the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Don't worry, I know."

Ace patted half of the watermelon for Vista, grinning.

She was still as heartless as ever, but her heart was incomparably stronger.

Just when Vista took the watermelon, Ace's expression froze, he stood up and looked in the direction of Ijima, his eyes gradually became gloomy, and there was still a murderous intent.

"What's wrong?"

Bista was a little taken aback.

"Jingjing Island has been invaded, but it still smells familiar."

"Accelerate forward."

Ace heard the voice from the wind, and the closer he heard it, the clearer he heard it. Since he escaped from the Emperor Organization, he has been practicing hard under the guidance of Raleigh, Jabba and others.

Both the devil fruit and the three-color domineering have ushered in a comprehensive improvement.

Even the overlord's color entanglement is easily learned, and the most improved one is the special knowledge and listening to the voice of all things, which belongs to that man's ability.

When he mastered listening to the voice of all things, he felt that the world was different.

Unprecedented clarity, unprecedented activity, whether it is animals and plants, rocky rivers, or white clouds and clear wind, they all have their own voices.

It was an amazing feeling.

It's like talking to an elf.

"A familiar breath?"

Vista was a little astonished. You must know that there is no shadow of Jingjing Island here at all, and he didn't notice anything when he released his knowledge, but Ace not only sensed Jingjing Island, but also felt the breath of the enemy above.

He is not jealous.

On the contrary, I am happy for Ace. With such a strong sense of knowledge, Ace will be able to advance and retreat in any battle in the future, and will greatly improve his combat effectiveness and survivability.

As expected of the blood of Gol D. Roger.

Like father, like son.

In just half a year, he can catch up with others for several years.

"Evil government king and big wine Joate, Tiqi's men."

Ace closed his eyes, and after feeling it carefully, he opened his eyes and said the evil king and Joate accurately. During the past six months, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates would have small-scale battles from time to time.

The reason why Ace has improved so much is to conduct actual combat under the protection of Rayleigh and others, including members of the Blackbeard Pirates to practice.

Otherwise the progress will not be so fast.

Therefore, he is extremely sensitive to the breath of the Blackbeard Pirates, not to mention that Ace swore in his heart that Tiki will definitely pay the corresponding price, such as killing his companions and betraying his father are unforgivable.

"Are there only two?"

"There is still a strange smell, but it is certain that it is not a member of the Blackbeard Pirates."

Ace also noticed the breath of the Great Bear King, but he didn't know who it was.

"Just to be on the safe side, inform Marco and the others, we will go to the island first."

Vista thought for a moment. If it was just the evil king and Dajiu, they are fully capable of taking it down, but it is better to find some support for safety reasons.

"I think so too."

Ace is not as impulsive and arrogant as before. The lessons he has learned and the price he has paid are too heavy, and he has to mature. .

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