The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 375 Do Large and Small Fruits Have This Ability?

"Could it be that a year has passed, and that guy has grown again?"

Cap thought.

Strictly speaking, he never really fought against Ye Mengjia. He couldn't fight with all his strength because he had to protect Luffy in the capital of seven waters, and the other few times were just simple collisions.

It is undeniable that the guy is really strong.

He still has a scar on his face, which was left by Yermungandr when he was in the capital of seven waters.

But as Green Bull said, the opponent's speed is like teleportation, and it's still a super long-distance leap, which is a bit abnormal, because in Garp's view, Hermes' explosive power is enough, but Speed ​​is not that strong.

At least I can keep up with it.

"You and I know very well that after reaching a certain level, it is very difficult to become stronger, but Yemengjia is different. Some unbelievable things can always happen to this guy."

"The ultra-long-distance teleportation speed, coupled with the terrifying explosive power, I am afraid that no one in the sea can threaten Yemengard."

Crane sighed.

Never thought it would be so difficult to deal with a person.

"Is it possible that it is the ability of the devil fruit? That guy has a trick to achieve fast movement by shrinking the terrain."

Garp recalled some of Hermes' abilities, and he had suffered at the beginning.

"Afterwards, I analyzed it. That trick was flawed. It could only reduce the range to a certain extent, and it couldn't reach the level of super long-distance."

Crane has studied Hermes more than once, just to find out some weaknesses and countermeasures, but unfortunately, he still has no clue.

"Cut me in, what exactly is that guy's devil fruit?"

The green bull sat in a wheelchair, twisting his body to change the angle.

So far.

It seems to be vague about the Devil Fruit ability of the King of Hunters.

If you know the specific devil fruit of the other party, combined with some former ability users in history, you may be able to find some way to restrain it, no matter how bad it is, you can better defend against it.

"Superman Mini Fruit, Expansion Fruit, Momo Fruit, Big and Small Fruit, and Ruyi Fruit are all somewhat similar to the other party's abilities. After so many years of gradual screening, it can be confirmed that it is a big and small fruit that hasn't appeared in a hundred years."

Crane said the names of several devil fruits.

At first she thought it was a mini fruit, but recently she received news that the mini fruit was eaten by a giant and became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Why He is so clear, because this matter involves Zefa, and she has been paying attention to Zefa since he left the navy.

In addition, the expansion fruit was eaten by San Juan Wolf of the Blackbeard Pirates. The Momo fruit has always been the ability of the world destroyer Walder, and now Walder is not dead.

A year ago, he was still eyeing Boa Hancock, the Seventh Martial Art of the King. If Raleigh hadn't intervened, Hancock would be in danger.

In addition, there are large and small fruits and wishful fruits.

Big and small fruits can be said to be the high-ranking fruits of miniature fruits and expanded fruits. It has not appeared in the sea for a hundred years. A hundred years ago, there was a person with the ability of large and small fruits. So scary.

After death, the big and small fruits disappeared.

The reason why Crane excludes Ruyi Fruit is that Ruyi Fruit can be enlarged and reduced to a certain extent, but its main ability is to become any non-living and living body, rather than focusing on the word "size".

And the wish-fulfilling fruit has not appeared for three hundred years.

There are only a few introductions in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book.

"Is it a big or small fruit?"

"Being able to become bigger and smaller fits well with Yemengard's ability."

Both Garp and Green Bull have heard of this devil fruit. Although there are no identical devil fruits in the sea, there are many similar or overlapping devil fruits.

There are also upper and lower positions.

For example, snowy fruit and frozen fruit, fluttering fruit and crushing fruit, weapon fruit and fast cutting fruit, etc.

Like mini fruit and expanded fruit, one is to become smaller, and the other is to become larger through expansion, and the size of the fruit can be innately enlarged and reduced, and it can be developed at both ends.

"I was lucky enough to see the devil fruit illustrated book. If I remember correctly, large and small fruits can only make you bigger and smaller, but the ability displayed by Yemengarde is not only bigger and smaller, but also affects the landscape environment, and even A move that shrinks the wound."

"So he's a genius!"

Crane sighed.

Who would have thought that an ordinary fruit of such a size could enlarge the enemy's wounds and shrink one's own wounds, let alone bless Lan's feet.

"I saw with my own eyes that guy shrunk down a big mountain, and then instantly appeared on my head when I threw it away. Not only did it return to its normal size, but it also became four or five times bigger.

I understand how to make a mountain bigger and smaller, but how did he manage to make that mountain appear on my head in an instant? You must know that I was tens of thousands of meters away from him at that time. "

The green bull had a gloomy face.

The more I recall the battle on Babaka Island, the more unscientific it is, damn it, it scared me to death.

"you sure?"

Garp and Crane's eyes changed.

It is not surprising for the two of them to zoom in and zoom out on a mountain, because no one is more terrifying than the Golden Lion when it comes to losing mountains and islands. As long as Karp is willing, he can also move a mountain to smash people. They were shocked It was the mountain that the green cow said appeared above the head across a distance of 10,000 meters in an instant.

This problem is not as serious as usual.

"I am very sure."

"It just appeared on my head across a distance of 10,000 meters in an instant."

"How did he do that."

The three fell into deep thought.

Do large and small fruits have this ability?

It seems to be irrelevant!

It's outrageous.

"I'm afraid only Jormungandr himself knows."

Crane rubbed his temples, a little exhausted, "This information is very precious, I have a feeling that if you don't figure out this matter, it will be as difficult as heaven to catch Ye Mengjiad."

"Actually, it's very easy to catch me."

Just as the crane finished speaking, a teasing voice sounded.

Karp, Crane, and Luniu turned their heads immediately, and then their faces changed drastically. Ten meters away from them, a figure was leaning against a cherry blossom tree with his hands folded, his flaming white hair swaying in the breeze, red The bottom white pupil is full of smiles.


"When did it appear?"

Perhaps it was because the three of them were too focused on the discussion, or because this was the headquarters, they were completely relaxed, so that Hermes didn't notice it at such a close distance.

"Saxi ignores it, Garp, Crane, and Huangmu!"

Hermes stepped forward, put his right hand into his pocket and took it out, constantly throwing more than ten small things, if you look with a magnifying glass, you will find that they are all little boys.

"This is the headquarters."


Garp shouted loudly, and the terrifying aura pierced through the clouds like a rainbow, causing the atmosphere to buzz.

With Karp's explosion.

Sakaski, who was handling government affairs in the headquarters building, noticed it immediately, and at the same time, other generals also looked at this side.


The ground shattered and turned upside down. Garp appeared in front of Hermes, and punched out a shock wave. He was quick and precise, but it was a pity that only the afterimage of Hermes was hit.

I saw that the shock wave of the punch continued unabated, passing through the mountains and spreading to the sea, causing a large explosion.


The crane's scalp exploded, because Hermes appeared in front of the green bull in an instant, and the green bull had no ability to dodge at this time, and could only watch Hermes attack him.

In fact, the speed of the crane is fast enough.

But Hermes was faster, and the crane's attack also failed without any accident. It was only in a trance that Hermes pinched the green bull's neck, and the purple-white gas flame washed over the green bull's body and appeared a big one hundred meters away. tree.

boom! ! !

Karp's feet exploded, and he rushed towards Hermes immediately, but his pupils shrank halfway, because Hermes spilled more than ten small oval-shaped things with a wave of his hand.

Then it becomes hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

Nima is all little boys.

Or the enlarged version. .

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