At this moment, Olga was just like Torrega before, feeling her soul was drenched. Why did this man know what she was thinking?

Think carefully and fear.

"Joermungandr, that's not someone you can touch."

The Needlemen were on full alert, and the look under the mask was extremely tense. The strange appearance of the Hunter King put them under great pressure. It seemed that the opponent's target was still Olga.

This is not good news.


Afterimage flashed.

Everyone at the scene didn't know what happened. They saw that the Needle Man and the Bone Man were hit hard, and immediately opened their mouths to spurt blood and smashed into the wall.

For a while, there were yelling and shouting everywhere.

"what happened?"

"not good!"

The green bull and Ceratosaurus CP0, who were walking towards this side, immediately changed their expressions. They disappeared one after the other and then appeared on the street. Looking at the two people who were lying in the ruins and constantly vomiting blood, their expressions were a little cautious. .

"Where's Olga?"

"Jemgard has appeared."

In a burst of coughing up blood, the skeleton man and the needle man got up and looked at the hotel with a big hole, and could vaguely see the purple-white flame light ball.

"That man's boss."

Green Bull is in a complicated mood.

Before he became a general, he had fought against a fighting champion. That time he underestimated the enemy and was almost killed, which was always a shame to him. He never expected to meet the boss of a fighting champion here.

If we get rid of the Hunter King here

The green bull is a little ready to move.

As the admiral of the navy and the top power in the sea, Green Bull feels that he has the responsibility to clean up this cancer for the world, just to test whether the King of Hunters is really as strong as the rumors say.

As long as he doesn't want to die, no one can kill him.

This is the confidence of the green bull.

"Notify Mary Gioia that we need support."

There were crackling sounds from the chests of the Skeleton Man and the Needle Man. Under the effect of the return of life, the broken bones were healing. They hadn't seen how the Hunter King made a move just now.

This puts a lot of pressure on them.

Combined with the rumors about the King of Hunters, both of them felt that it was not safe even with the green bull.

"Just a hunter king, a general plus the three of us, we are fully capable of taking it down."

The body of the Ceratosaurus began to change. The cloak and mask covering the body were removed, and the top was frozen in a human-beast shape, and the tyrannical aura spread throughout the audience.

"I don't need the three of you to take action, I can solve it by myself."

Green Bull is full of confidence.

As soon as the words fell, they disappeared in place, and the arrogance was extremely eye-catching, making the skeleton man and the needle man uncertain, and they thought so before they collided.

But I don't know how they flew out just now.

"Blue, blue."

The skeleton man was very cautious, so he took out his phone and dialed.

In the hotel at this time.

Hermes held Olga in one hand and kept shaking it. The little guy was only wearing a dress, but with just such a shake, a lot of things dropped to the ground with a crackling sound.

There are daggers, hairpins, and coins

There are still a lot of messes, and I don't know how to hide them.

It's amazing.

"Let go of me, rogue."

Olga's face was flushed, and she covered the hem of her skirt with both hands, feeling that the bear's underpants were exposed.

Too much deception.

Hermes was unmoved, frowned and glanced at the things on the ground, there was no shadow of pure gold, but soon the ring worn by Olga caught his attention.

"Give it back to me, it's mine."

Olga felt her finger was empty, and then saw the ring appear on Hermes' hand.

"Jie Jie~"

Hermes threw Olga on the sofa casually, pinched the ordinary ring back and forth, and faintly saw a golden light in the inner gap, there was something inside.

It should be pure gold if it is close to ten.

call out! ! !

No sign.

A vine shot out like a poisonous snake, tearing through the eardrums and heading straight for Hermes' neck. It was so tricky and fierce that people couldn't react, but this was a sure-fire blow, and it stopped abruptly when it touched the purple-white flame.

"As expected of the most kind man in the world, he can use his armed colors to such an extent."

Broken walls outside.

The green bull stood on a huge vine, his face full of surprise.

The purple-white arrogance burning on the surface of the Hunter Emperor's body turned out to be a substantial armed domineering arrogance, including the high temperature generated by the return of life.

This defensive move is outrageous.

You must know that domineering will be consumed, but the domineering of the King of Hunters seems to be free of money, and it is so extravagant to use it to burn and act aggressively, which has to be mentioned very compelling.

"Green Bull, this should be our first meeting."

Hermes put away the ring, and did not take it apart immediately, but turned to look at the green bull outside. All the generals of the navy were fortunate to have been favored by him, but this man did not.

It seems that Badgers once had a decisive battle with this man, and his strength is just like that.

"It's indeed the first time we've met."

The green bull raised his eyebrows, and the cloak of justice on his back was windless and automatic. He grabbed the ground with his right hand, and then the whole city began to shake, and a large number of vegetation broke through the ground and spread wildly.

In just a few breaths, the previously prosperous city began to hide in the dense virgin forest. The hotel where Hermes was in was entwined with huge vines, and the giant trees in all directions began to anthropomorphize. The wooden thorns aimed at Hermes without any dead ends.

With every gesture, the landform changes.

"Are you kidding me?"

Torrega and Olga's faces turned pale with fright. One second, it was still a bustling city, but the next second the city disappeared and turned into an ancient forest. The huge and fierce treants outside were even more terrifying.

"This is the strength of the general."

Even the three CP0s were filled with dreadful waves.

Whoosh! ! !

Just when Torrega and Olga were terrified, the scene changed drastically in a trance. They were no longer in the hotel, but appeared on the beach on the other side of the island.

At the same time, Hermes' voice sounded in the ears of the bewildered Torreca, "Look at her."

Come back to God.

Torreja's heart has been surrounded by shock and airtight. How did he leave the hotel and appear here in an instant? The distance is at least 100 kilometers.

Unpredictable means.

When the scene returned to the hotel, Araki frowned. He didn't see how Torrega and Olga disappeared, but his intuition told him that it was related to the man in front of him.

"Forbidden to hate."

Avoid long nights and dreams.

Huang Mu started to attack, and he went all out when he came up. It can be seen from turning the city into a forest. He despises Hermes on the surface, but he attaches great importance to it in his heart.

for a while.

Many towering giants raised their fists, like meteorites swarming towards Hermes, and in a burst of landslides and earth-shattering explosions, billowing smoke rose from the ground.

"Did you make it?"

The three CP0s not far away had no intention of joining the battle, but chose to wait and see first. The strength shown by the green bull gave them a lot of confidence.

As the highest combat power of the navy, even if the Hunter Emperor is the strongest in the world, he should be able to deal with it.

But all three are ready to support.

If he can catch the Hunter Emperor, it must be a great achievement.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to deal with."

No sense.

The green bull immediately looked up to the sky to the left. Hermes was standing there looking down at him. His high posture made people very uncomfortable. How did the other party move?

Recall just that moment.

The other party seemed to disappear in place in an instant, and then appeared in mid-air, even if it was shaved, it was impossible to be so fast. Even if it was so fast, his knowledgeable color should be able to detect the trajectory. .

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