The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 354 Whitebeard Pirates + Roger Pirates Remnants

Chambord Islands.

The tavern opened by Shao Qi.

"Our chance has come."

After reading the information in his hand, Shaoqi passed it to Leili, Jabba, Marco and others. Since Marco and others came to ask for help last time, they have been staying here waiting for the opportunity.

Heaven pays off.

Just now she received the news that the four admirals of the Navy appeared in the new world and were attacking the Four Emperors and Hundred Beasts Pirates. This is a good opportunity, which means that the city of advancement is empty.

As long as they do it quickly, Whitebeard can be rescued before the navy sends support.

"Some time ago, Kaido was severely injured by Ye Mengjia, and he must be weak now. Sakaski will really seize the opportunity."

After everyone read the information, they all lamented that the navy is really a king and a courtier. In the Warring States period, it would never have been so decisive, and sent four generals at once.

This is determined to kill the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

"Facing the four generals, the Hundred Beasts Pirates will definitely be unstoppable, so Kaido is very wise. He gave up the base camp of Onijima and went to Ten Thousand Kingdoms. If the BIG MOM Pirates are added, they can stop them."

Shao Qi exhaled smoke rings.

The news that the Beasts Pirates and the BIG MOM Pirates joined forces is no longer a secret. He admires Kaido's hero for not taking immediate losses and not fighting the Navy for the sake of face.

"It's not too late, let's take action!"

"Rescue Newgate, and then find a way to rescue Ace from Yemengard."


Marko, Joz and the others were very excited, finally waiting for the chance to rescue their father.

Immediately, a group of people rushed towards Xinjin City quickly. Magellan alone could not stop them, but they had to move quickly to avoid accidents.

new world.

ghost island.

Polusalino, Issei, and Aramu took a large number of sailors to occupy Onigishima, but everyone was not very happy, because when they came, the Hundred Beasts Pirates were already empty.

After receiving the news, he went to Totland of All Nations.

"Hmph, Kaido is not the Kaido he used to be."

Sakaski's disdainful voice came from the phone bug in Polusalino's hand. When he learned that the Beast Pirates didn't even want the base camp, Sakaski, who was far away in the Navy headquarters, was a little surprised.

This is very unkaido.

In the past, he would definitely have to die, even if he would pay a heavy price, but now he has escaped.

The human setup is completely broken.

Sure enough, the times are different, plus he was beaten several times by the society, and his temper was abruptly smoothed out, but he didn't know that Kaido was not a fool from beginning to end.

"Currently Kaido is going to Totland, do I need to chase it?"

"No need!"

Sakaski thought for a moment, but decided to give up. Now that Ghost Island has been occupied, I believe that after the news spreads, the Navy will definitely usher in another wave of prestige.

If they catch up, they will have to face the forces of the two Four Emperors at the same time, which will still put pressure on Polusalino and others.

It is not easy to take risks without absolute certainty.

If the battle situation is delayed, it will make the navy passive.

"That's fine!"

Polusalino shrugged, indicating that he could finally take a good rest.

the next day.

The navy ran away Kaido, and the news of the occupation of Ghost Island was reported in the big newspapers, which caused quite a stir for a time, which made Kaido and others angry.

But soon the current world news came.

The remnants of the Roger Pirates and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates raided New Advance City and rescued Whitebeard Edward Newgate. Magellan, who had made a stunning appearance in the top war, was directly seriously injured.

The world no longer knows how many times Jinjin City has been harmed.


"It turned out to be at this time."

in the office.

Sakalski can be said to be burning with anger. He was in a comfortable mood one second, but he was blocked the next second, going up and down like bungee jumping.

"Pluto Rayleigh, Phoenix and others are very good at finding opportunities, but we missed it."

Gion frowned.

She should have thought a long time ago that if the navy's top combat power is in the New World, then the rear must be empty, and it is because she is inexperienced and not comprehensive enough to think.

I don't know when I will be able to plan everything like my sister.

"Since I can catch Whitebeard once, I can catch the second time."

"What's more, with Whitebeard's current situation, what can he do even if he is rescued?"

Sakaski sneered, not paying attention to Whitebeard at all.

From his point of view, White Beard is already in decline, and even now one-on-one, he is absolutely sure that he can win the other party. After the last wave of tossing, White Beard is already strong on the outside and dry on the inside.

As Sakalski thought.

Whitebeard is no longer the whitebeard before the top war, and his health is deteriorating. It is unknown how much of his current combat power will be left, and it is also unknown how long he can live.

Like a candle in the wind, it will go out at any time.

"Ku La La ~"

"See you again, Raleigh, Jabba!"

A certain sea area.

Whitebeard was even older than before, as if he would die at any moment, which made Marco and the others very worried. Even Raleigh and Jabba sighed deeply.

It is really that Whitebeard's current physical condition is too bad.

Whether he can live for two or three years is a question.

"You're in a bad situation."

Jabba took a sip of wine, and Whitebeard wanted to drink too, but Marco forcibly snatched it away, and his eyes were filled with tears. Whitebeard looked at the very haggard Marco, Joz and the others, and fell silent in a rare way.

"A lot has happened at sea since you were caught by the Navy."

"Because of losing your deterrence, the Beast Pirates, Big Mom Pirates, Navy, Blackbeard Pirates and other forces are all vying for your original territory.

And Blackbeard has become the Four Emperors, but was hunted down by the Hunter Emperor"

The next step is to explain the current situation to White Beard.

During the period, White Beard listened carefully, but afterward, it can be said that he had mixed feelings.

The territory was robbed, Marco and others were hunted down, Blackbeard became the Four Emperors, his ass was packed and taken away by the Hunter King before his ass was hot, and now Kaido was forced by the navy to give up the base camp Onishima.

Each pile can be said to be a big event.

"Rayleigh, Jabba, I need the help of your Roger Pirates. I want to train Ace to be the next generation of One Piece."

Whitebeard is very aware of his physical condition, and he is no longer able to fight fiercely.

If the Whitebeard Pirates and the remnants of the Roger Pirates join forces, they will definitely become a force that no one can ignore. With their escort, Ace will have enough time to grow up.

"Even if you don't mention it, I will bring it up. If it is Ace, he will definitely be able to restore the order of the sea and kill that black sheep, Yemengard."

In fact, Raleigh had thought about the idea of ​​joining forces a long time ago, and had discussed it with the rest of the Roger Pirates. They all wanted to train Ace.

He no longer has the ability to kill Yemengard, so he can only pin his hopes on Ace.

"It seems that our group of old guys will compete with today's new generation."

Jabba took a puff from his pipe, a smile on his old face.

He never doubted Ace's talent, just because it was the captain's blood.

It's a pity that the boy Shanks was killed by Ye Mengjiad. Otherwise, if he joins forces with the Red Hair Pirates, Ace will definitely be the next One Piece, and he will be fearless in the face of any force.

"Then let's discuss it!"

"Ace is still in the hands of Yemengard, we must rescue it."

"But before that, we need to regain the previous territory."

"It should be easy."

"Let's set sail then!!"

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