The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 329 Appointment of General and New Shichibukai

"It's unbelievable."

"Just sleep and wake up to find that the sky has changed."

"Are these two news stories true?"

"As expected of Sakaski!"

the next day.

The news of the two spread across the sea, which once caused shock to the whole world.

The new Admiral of the Navy, Sakalski, was so bold that he had just had a fight with Kaido and BIG MOM, the two four emperors, before he went to trouble the Whitebeard Pirates.

And there are substantive photos, Edward Newgate with white beard, who was once the strongest man in the world, was captured alive by the navy.

no doubt.

This is a great boost to the morale of the navy, and it also allows the outside world to see Sakaski's madness again. At the same time, they also admire Sakaski's courage and courage, giving the outside world a feeling that the navy has stood up.

That feeling is completely different from the Warring States Period.

It's like a late old man and a passionate young man. The former lacks aggressiveness, while the latter has high courage. When the gods block and kill the gods and Buddhas block and kill the Buddhas, my life is in a state where I can't help it. It can also be understood as a newborn calf Not afraid of tigers, so the five old stars made a decision to make Sakaski the marshal, and this decision was a success.

It's just that before the navy returned with a big victory, it received a slap in the face after digesting all the benefits that followed, which made everyone twitch and almost foam at the mouth.

The Most Kind Man in the World once again moved the Navy Headquarters to the ground.

This is the second time.

So after Dahai was shocked, he fell into a strange atmosphere.


"Jermengard, that bastard."

San Marie Gioia.

The Five Old Stars can be described as a double sky of fire and ice. When they learned that Sakalski had successfully taken down Whitebeard, the five of them were gratified and happy, but they received the news that the New World Navy Headquarters was killed by the King of Hunters. It blew up.

Oh shit.

How is that bitch everywhere.

"We must find a way to destroy the Emperor Organization, otherwise the world government will not be peaceful."

Sa Tansheng's face was gloomy, and the cerebral thrombosis almost didn't come out.

"The other party is too cunning."

"Two days ago there was news that the Great White Shark Hody Jones and the Blackbeard Pirates clashed in the New World. In addition, the traitor Rob Lucci also came into contact with CP9 on the Great Route. This is very good news."

"In addition, fighting champions also appear in the new world, but they are very careful, and their traces are difficult to detect."

"The Golden Emperor, who is suspected of joining the Emperor Organization, is still in the Golden City."

"No good chance."

The birthmark Wu Laoxing sighed. If there is a good time, they will definitely kill Yermungandr at all costs.

There was a moment of silence.

The blond-haired Wu Laoxing said, "It's the navy's business right now. Even if the headquarters is destroyed, it doesn't matter. Sakaski lived up to expectations and fought a good battle. Whitebeard is now in our hands."

"Yes, the naval reform has been successful."

"It can be seen from the conscription that not only got two powerful seeds, but also many other strong folks."

"After Sakalski's continuous attacks on BIG MOM, Beast Kaido, and capture of Whitebeard, I see who will dare not take the Navy seriously in the future."

No matter what this time, they gained far more than they lost.

It is not the first time that the Navy headquarters has been blown up.

There is nothing in this sea, but there are many people.

As long as the navy has enough prestige and deterrence, people will naturally want to join the navy, instead of becoming a cesspit that everyone avoids like before, and even hunt down and kill sailors.

"Call Sakarski and affirm his job."

"Of course."

However, the five of them were somewhat angry. If it wasn't for Yemengard, they would have won a complete victory this time, and they could completely reverse the current decadent situation of the navy in one fell swoop.


at the same time.

The Navy Headquarters, which had been reduced to scorched earth, managed to find some living quarters after emergency repairs. On the left side of the original headquarters building, in the temporary conference room, a group of naval generals were waiting.

Yi Yi, Huang Mu, and some strong conscripts who survived the catastrophe are also here.

Sakasky is not a procrastination person either. After a short anger, he starts to work. He must restore the Navy to the previous state in the shortest possible time, and then implement the next plan.

So today he will formally appoint two new admirals of the Navy.

The reason why everyone arrived, but he didn't, was because the five old stars called. In addition to affirming Sakaski's work, he also affirmed the two new generals.

In fact, the materials of Yisheng and Huangmu had already been placed on Wu Laoxing's desk.

"Keep everyone waiting for a long time."

Almost three minutes later, Sakarski came in from the outside and sat down directly in the first place.

Look around and it can be said that there is a lot of talent.

But Garp, Zefa, and Crane are no longer present.

Crane is currently in the hospital, and Garp and Zefa went to visit and rested, or they didn't want to participate in this meeting. After all, the people present were all young people, so the three old guys didn't bother to show up.

"Not much nonsense, first of all, this attack on the Four Emperors, we have achieved a complete victory."

Sakaski stopped talking.

All the generals clapped their hands one after another. Everyone could have imagined that from the moment they grabbed White Beard, the navy had already stood up, and the situation would be completely different from before.

"Get to the point, who is Huang Mu and his life."

Sakaski glanced around and looked at the silent Huang Mu and Sheng Sheng.

"Hello everyone."

Huang Mu raised his hands, like a big leader, he was quite familiar with the eyes of the public, and he was not stage fright at all, even though he was under a lot of pressure.

In contrast, Life is much more low-key, just nodding.

"Being the first among thousands of recruits and being recognized by the five old stars shows that the strength of the two of you is recognized, but the ugly thing is that if you are a foreigner, you will not be able to be an admiral .”

Sakaski's momentum began to rise, intending to give the two of them a blow.

It's just that in the face of this momentum, no matter whether it is Huang Mu or his whole life, his expression remains unchanged.

Whether it is a mule or a horse, you can tell at a glance.

"very good!"

"As the admiral of the navy, I officially conveyed the appointment of the five old stars, and Aramu and Yiyi were promoted to the admiral of the navy in an extraordinary way, code-named Green Bull and Fujitora."

Sakaski got up from his seat, took out two appointments, and walked in front of Huang Mu and Yi Yi with a very solemn expression. Gion next to him had already prepared the general's cape.

Huang Mu and Yi Yi also looked serious at this time, got up to accept the letter of appointment from Sakalski, and at the same time lowered their heads slightly to let Sakalski put on the general's cloak.

"General Fujitora!"

"General Green Bull!"

this moment.

All the generals present got up and gave Yi Yi and Huang Mu a military salute, so Polusalino and Kuzan remained unmoved, those who should yawn and those who should sleep should sleep.

"Sit down and continue discussing things!"

Sakaski pointed to the two empty seats next to Kuzan and Polusalino, indicating that Issei and Aramu should change their positions, and then sat on the first seat and looked at Gion.

"Gion, how is the contact with the candidates of the Shichibukai under the king?"

This issue was discussed at the last meeting, and Sakaski asked Gion to arrange contact afterwards.

"Many people are waiting and watching, but this time Marshal, if you grab White Beard, I believe there will be many people who want to become Shichibukai. We have confirmed one candidate."

"Hmph, some clowns who can't get on the stage."

Sakaski sneered and continued, "Who is it?"

"Bucky, King of Clowns."

"The other party founded a company."

Gion put a stack of documents in front of Sakaski, but Sakaski didn't even look at it, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Since this matter is entrusted to you, then you will make all the arrangements."

"If it is confirmed, it will be officially announced to the outside world."


"Continue to the next thing"

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