The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 327 In this sea, who else can stop Jormungandr

new world.

Navy Headquarters.

Since Sakarski became the marshal not long ago, he moved the headquarters here, so he must be bold.

However, the effect achieved is remarkable.

It also made the world realize for the first time that the navy has changed dynasties. At present, Sakalski is leading, and the style adopted will also be tough and iron-blooded.

Today's Navy headquarters is very lively.

Because the world has been recruiting troops for a while, many powerful folk monsters have begun to come here one after another, and they will be given high positions.

"This is the headquarters of the new navy?"

coast mouth.

Looking at the heavily fortified fortresses and the sailors performing their duties, Huang Mu sincerely admired Sakalski. Speaking of which, his character and ideas were similar to Sakalski.

Compared with those sailors who lacked blood during the Warring States period, these sailors today are different in spirit and spirit.

"I see the hope of justice, what do you think, a lifetime!"

Huang Mu turned his head to look at the blind guy who came up, it was a lifetime.

They met on the warship.

There is no need to fight, each other knows that the other is strong, and as expected, the two general seats given to the outside world by the navy this time will belong to both of them.

At least in Huang Mu's view, only one life can make him afraid.

As for the other recruits, he didn't feel a sense of crisis at all, and there might be strong ones among them, but it was obviously not enough to look at in a lifetime.


I didn't pay too much attention to Araki in my life, but went to the headquarters building under the leadership of a major general with a stick and knife. I heard that the chief of naval staff, Tsuru, would personally receive them.

"It's so cold!"

Huang Mu was not angry either, he shrugged and followed behind with arrogant steps.


The two came to the meeting room on the first floor of the headquarters building. As soon as they sat on the sofa and picked up the coffee cups, the door was pushed open, and the leader was the white-haired crane.

From this move, it can be seen that Huang Mu and Yisheng have been recognized by the navy in terms of combat power, and the two absent generals will also be two people.

"Welcome both of you."

Crane showed great importance.

Apart from the fact that these two are future admirals of the navy, they also have that terrifying strength, they are completely qualified to secure the seat of admirals, and they have also been recognized by the five old stars.


"Are you the only one who will receive the Navy?"

Huang Mu leaned against the sofa and crossed his legs, looking very impolite.

"For the time being, I will receive the two of you. As for the final appointment, it is up to the marshal, but you need to wait for two or three days, because our marshal is cleaning up the evil."

Crane also sat down on the sofa opposite.

Just when Huang Mu wanted to say something, Yi Sheng who had been quiet all this time suddenly raised his head to look at the ceiling, and soon He and Huang Mu also noticed it, so soon the expressions of the three of them changed drastically.

At this time outside high in the sky.

Hermes came out of the different space, stood out of nowhere and looked down at the Navy headquarters below, his red-backed white pupils were full of smiles, and as expected, Sakaski acted again.

He got the news from Ferrari that Sakaski was taking Garp and the others to attack the Whitebeard Pirates on Foodvalten Island, which was similar to what he had guessed before.

So here he is.

I just hope that Whitebeard doesn't die so easily.

"Come and feel the charm of the explosion together!"

Taking out more than 50 tiny first-generation little boys from his pocket, Hermes sprinkled it towards the naval headquarters below. Not long after he left the palm, the tiny little boys visible to the naked eye began to swell.

For a moment, the sound of breaking through the sky resounded in the sky.

Hermes kicked out right behind him, forming a haze that pierced the sky, chasing after the little boys who continued to grow, and then quickly raised his figure to a certain height, and skillfully took out the video phone bug.

"not good."

"Enemy attack."

Inside the headquarters building.

Crane had an ominous premonition, and this scene seemed familiar.

But it was too late when the three stopped them.

boom! ! !

The incandescent light and heat appeared, then caused a chain reaction, and finally turned into an unrivaled mushroom cloud, surrounded by three rings of light, continuously expanding and expanding.

"what happened."


An unimaginable shock wave fell from the top of the head, and the majestic and magnificent building turned into fly ash in an instant. Some sailors didn't know what happened, and were immediately surrounded by dazzling light.

that moment.

The world lost its voice.

The heavily guarded naval headquarters is gradually disappearing, and the wailing and screaming are all frozen at that moment, everything is distorting and disappearing.


Crane's hysterical voice was drowned out by the explosion.

She didn't expect that Hermes would dare to do this, and at the same time, she would feel the embrace of death again.

"Why does it feel a little dull!"

"Could it be that this kind of immoral thing has been done too much?"

Safe distance.

Hermes was recording with a phone bug, watching the huge mushroom that was expanding and destroying everything, the emptiness in his heart was not filled much.

Maybe it's not the first time!

"Bruno, open the door!"

Make a gesture.

Hermes didn't bother to stay any longer, so he just went into a different space and fled away. He still had to go to Foodvalten Island to see that the Zhenzhen Fruit couldn't be lost.

It stands to reason that the Whitebeard Pirates should be able to last for a day.

At this time, I went over to pick up the leak.

Maybe it can be served in one pot.

Hermes thought it was beautiful, but there were still unexpected events. Who knew that White Beard would sell himself and delay time for Marco and others.

This is destined to end the war soon.

However, in the face of such a strong lineup of the Navy, it is the best way for Whitebeard to do this, which is equivalent to sacrificing him to save all the other Whitebeard Pirates.

It is also the most beneficial to the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, according to the original trajectory, Whitebeard was cool during the top war.

"Cough cough cough~"

"Damn it, is this the Hunter Emperor?"

"Could it be the ancient weapon Pluto?"

Smoke billows wherever it enters the eye.

In a pile of gunpowder ruins, a green shoot burst out of the ground, and quickly grew up to become a human being, which was Huang Mu.

But at this time, Huang Mu was a little terrified.

At first he didn't know who the attacker was, until the last moment Crane spit out.

Oh shit.

When Marin Vanduo was blown up by the King of Hunters, he was still wondering why the navy was unprepared, but now it seems that he can defend against the ghosts, and when he finds out that the attack is already on his head.

He also felt palpitations.

The outside world has been rumoring how arrogant and unfathomable the Hunter King is, and he always has a hint of contempt, that is because the Hunter King has not met him.

But now that he hasn't even met face to face, the other party has left a deep impression on him.

Compared with Huang Mu's mixed flavors, Yi Yi's expression is much more serious.

Because he had fought with the opponent in the Golden City, if the Hunter King hadn't gone to deal with the Golden Emperor, he might have stayed there, and was almost left behind by Rubik's Cube and the door opener.

Fortunately, I ran fast.

I just didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Spitting out the blood in his mouth, he seemed to have suffered some internal injuries, but he managed to protect the crane under him.

The difference from the last time is that this time there is Huangmu and Yisheng, so the pressure on the crane is largely shared, so that the crane will not be blown into a coma for several days and almost died like Hermes destroyed Marlin Vandor.

At that time, Garp, Zefa, and Sengoku were so angry.

Crane was a treasure in their group.

"Staff Crane, are you all right?"

Yi Yi stood up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and looked at the barren scene around him. It was hard to imagine that this place was still a heavily guarded fortress a second ago, but now it has become scorched earth.

Some charred bodies could be seen vaguely.

"I'm fine!"

Crane stood up.

Looking around, she seemed to be more than ten years old, and her old face suddenly withered. At this moment, she became confused again. The previous achievements of Sakaski made her see the hope of the future of the navy.

But now she doesn't know.

In this sea, who else can stop that man? ?

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