The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 323: From now on, this era will definitely be called Sakasky

new world.

foodvalten island.

It is an island under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates. According to the original trajectory, with the death of Whitebeard after the war on the top, it will be invaded by Teabeard.

Then both legs were chopped off by supernova Basil Hawkins.

Recently, the Whitebeard Pirates have been on this island.

"Dad, Kaido and Big Mom have teamed up."

"Sakaski also raided Cake Island."

Bista looked dignified.

Holding the news paper, I came to the white beard who had lost a lot of weight. Now there are more than ten infusion tubes inserted into the white beard, and it seems that the condition is not very good.

It seems that it will return to the west at any time.


Marko, Joz and others who were talking with others not far away came over, and their expressions changed a little.

"Ku La La ~"

Even Whitebeard is a little startled, Kaido and Lingling have formed an alliance? That magma kid Sakaski still sneak attack?

After receiving the news paper, Whitebeard frowned more and more as he watched the reports on it.

"If Kaido and BIG MOM really join forces, the navy should not take much advantage."

After Whitebeard finished watching, Marco, Joz and others took over the look one after another.

What a troubled time.

One is more ferocious than the other.

When will the sea be peaceful.

Either the King of Hunters is making trouble or Sakasky is making trouble. Are they restless or what?

"Dad, I got a message about that guy Ticky."



Upon hearing this name, almost everyone gritted their teeth.

Ever since Blackbeard was beaten up by the King of Hunters on the top of the war, he has disappeared. How could there be another news all of a sudden.

"I heard that the Blackbeard Pirates have been hunting devil fruit users recently. They move very quickly and never stay in one place for more than a day."

"It seems to be afraid of something."

"Be very careful."

When receiving this information, Vista was puzzled.

From the time when Tikki killed his companions to snatch the dark fruit, and then captured Ace and sent it to the navy to provoke the top war, he knew that Tikki was an ambitious guy.

But after the Dingshang War, Tiqi became a little different, no longer as arrogant and arrogant as before.

At the same time, there are also rumors that black beard will replace red hair as the new emperor.

"Are you afraid of Dad?"

A captain spoke up.

Besides Papa, they couldn't think of anyone else that daring guy like Tikki would be afraid of.

"Perhaps the King of Hunters."

Marco shook his head, recalling that the King of Hunters suddenly attacked Tiqi in the top battle, and almost failed to destroy the other party, so what kind of grievances are there between the two?

"Speaking of the Hunter King, what does that bastard want? Why hasn't he let Ace go?"

Qiao Zi groaned, his expression extremely grim.

The top war has been over for so long, but the other party has no intention of making a deal. They have also called many times, but unfortunately they couldn't get through.

"Continue to contact."


Whitebeard is also gloomy.

He had already prepared the things to trade with the Hunter King, but the other party did not show up for a long time, and his original patience was gradually exhausted, and he was wondering whether to publish the original transaction video.

"If you can't contact the Emperor Organization within a week, then let the Hunter Emperor come to me in person!"

Whitebeard lowered his voice.

He made up his mind that if King Hunter didn't make any move after a week, then he would take down the other party's fig leaf. He didn't believe that King Hunter wouldn't come to him.

Really at that time.

He has full confidence to drag the other party to hell together.

Apparently, Whitebeard is also getting ruthless.

at the same time.

On the distant sea level, a camouflaged warship is rapidly approaching Foodvalten Island.

It's the Sakalskis.

After leaving the waters around Totland, they rushed over without stopping.

"Our people sent a message that the Whitebeard Pirates have been on Foodvalten Island for the past few days."

There are a lot of people smoking in the cabin, so there is a bit of fairy air here. The five people, Sakaski and Zefa, are also monsters, and their injuries have all recovered after treatment.

When they arrive at Foodvalten Island, they will be able to display 100% combat power.

"Very well, we must be safe this time."

"As long as the Whitebeard Pirates are taken down, the navy can regain its head."

Sakalski had the chance to win, and his eyes were full of fiery fire.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that he would attack White Beard just after he finished BIG MOM and Beast Kaido, what he played was a surprise.

Compared with Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, who are in their prime, Whitebeard is obviously easier to bully. Although the old guy's fists are very hard, after the battle, I believe the opponent's body is even weaker.

He bullied the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

The key is to only face the Whitebeard Pirates this time, no matter how you look at it, you will not lose.

"Where are the remnants of the Roger Pirates?"

"It is said to have left."

"very good!"

"This opportunity must be seized."

Everyone present in the main battle was a little excited.

It is the eternal pain of the Navy that the white beard was not left during the war, and this time the white beard cannot escape.

"In addition, after we attacked the Big Mom Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the situation of the navy really changed a lot, which shows that our actions are effective."

"I also heard news from my side that the chances of sailors being attacked have become much smaller."

"Sure enough, only killing and strength can maintain justice."

"It's all bullying and fearing hard."

Ghost Spider and the others all grimaced.

In the past, under the leadership of the Warring States Period, the navy was dominated by doves, but now it is dominated by militant hawks like them, and I feel relieved when I think about it.

It was too embarrassing before.

"Hmph! Some clowns."

"Wait until the Whitebeard Pirates are dealt with, and then deal with those so-called navy hunters one by one."

Sakalski was murderous.

In his eyes, no matter whether it is a pirate or a navy hunter, anyone who is hostile to the navy must die.

He wouldn't be imprisoned in the city like in the Warring States Period, or reformed to win over or something, and Zefa's refusal to kill, in his opinion, is extremely stupid.

"Marshal, there is one more thing that needs to be said, and that is the recent rumors in the sea that Marshall Teach, the black beard, will succeed the red hair as the new emperor."


As soon as Gion finished speaking, everyone looked sideways.

"Marshall Teach, what is it?"

Sakasky sneered.

"It seems that this guy has great ambitions."

"That's a troublesome guy. He first replaced Crocodile as Shichibukai, then grabbed Ace the Fire Fist and provoked a war between us and the Whitebeard Pirates. He even invaded Advance City and recruited some vicious thugs."

"I can't bear to attack the throne."

"The red hair has also been dead for a while, there must be a lot of pirates eyeing that position, it shouldn't be easy for Blackbeard to sit on it!"

Kong Ming, Flying Squirrel and others were discussing.

"Recently, the Blackbeard Pirates have been hunting and killing devil fruit users everywhere, and at the same time they are growing their forces, but their trail seems a bit rushed, as if they are avoiding something."

Gion pondered.

When she received the information, she was analyzing it, and the more she felt that Blackbeard seemed to be being hunted down by someone, maybe there was no definite evidence, but the feeling was very strong.

"Mere Blackbeard, after Whitebeard is dealt with, there will be plenty of time to clean up these marine garbage."

Sakalski didn't take it seriously.

In his eyes, there is only one person that he can pay attention to, and he secretly vowed to catch that guy when he was a general. At that time, he would like to have a live broadcast around the world.

It will never be a complete failure like last time.

All shame he will get back.

From now on, this era will definitely be called Sakasky, and it will only be called Sakasky! !

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