The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 311 Need a tough marshal


"It actually let that guy run away, what's the matter with the other party's ability?"

another side.

On a slightly larger fragment of the Golden City, Guyram and Bruno gave up chasing, and could only watch Life disappear into the vast sea with some reluctance.

I have to admit that the opponent is very strong.

Especially the unbelievable ability, which seems to be able to distort the force field and control gravity. This ability is really scary. If it weren't for the two of them working together or the boss hurting each other, they might lose in a single fight.

Sure enough, the strong are among the people.

"The other party escaped?"

Hermes' voice sounded in their ears, Gailam and Bruno nodded, and then said to the air, "I've let the boss down."

"The future admiral of the navy does have a few tricks. If the other party insists on leaving, I may not be able to stay. I still can't underestimate these monsters."

"Come back first, anyway, the main goal of this trip has been won."


Hermes didn't come, but used a thousand-mile sound transmission, as long as it was within the range of all-weather sight and hearing, it could achieve dual frequencies, similar to a telephone.

Not long after, Gailam and Bruno appeared next to Hermes from a different dimension.

Seeing the miserable image of the Golden Emperor who fell into a coma, he was a little curious, "It seems that our future partner is a bit stubborn."

"The opponent is very strong, and he is still a Devil Fruit Awakener. It's a pity that I met the Emperor!"

Hermes signaled Guyram to take out the heart, and it was time for them to leave, but it was impossible to let go of the large amount of gold in the Golden City before that.

After Gailam took out Tezolo's heart, Hermes used his ability to shrink all the gold to the maximum, and prepared to pack it all away.

As for some fragments that have sunk to the bottom of the sea, or have drifted away long ago, they can only be discarded first.

the next day.

The richest man in the world and the golden emperor of the underground world, Gilder Tezzolo was captured by the King of Hunters. The news that the Golden City was destroyed once spread across the sea, causing quite a stir.

"How could the Hunter King attack the Golden Emperor?"

Several kings in the underground world were shocked. This is not good news for them, because the Golden Emperor is very special in the underground world, and everyone's business is more or less involved.

If the Golden Emperor is so cold, their business will definitely suffer a lot.

But it is also a good opportunity, they can completely seize the opportunity to swallow up the Golden Emperor's power, then the problem comes, the Hunter Emperor is to capture the Golden Emperor, not kill him directly.

So is there a possibility that the reason why the Hunter King took action against the Golden Emperor was because of the opponent's huge financial resources or power in the underground world?

If the Hunter Emperor wants to replace him, then they have to worry.

I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep well at night.


"It seems that Tezuolo was also brutally murdered by that beast. Even if he survives, the future life will be difficult."

Doflamingo looked at the newspaper with a bittersweet mood.

He has been plucked by the King of Hunters many times. Before, it was others who saw him as a joke. This time, it was time for him to laugh at others. For some reason, he was still a little happy.

Is this schadenfreude?

"Another big man has fallen into the hands of the Hunter King. Fortunately, Hancock, you walked fast this time, otherwise it is not ruled out that the Hunter King will attack you."

Nine Snake Island.

The mother-in-law looked at the news and expressed her high admiration for Hancock's timely retreat in the top war. Fortunately, there were too many big men at that time, and the King of Hunters had no time to pay attention to Hancock, a small shrimp.

After all, even the Warring States Period was brutally murdered.

And not long after the war on the top, the Hunter Emperor started to make trouble again. The Golden Emperor's crossover will definitely affect many forces, especially the underground world.

It can be said that one hair moves the whole body.


Hancock snorted coldly on the main seat. She was not the first to retreat at the time, but Doflamingo. Combined with Doflamingo being targeted by the Hunter King many times, the situation is probably the same as hers. .

Maybe they can work together based on this, such as dealing with the Hunter King.

The more Hancock thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, anyway, he wouldn't die if he contacted him.

same moment.

Mary Joa.

Some Tianlong people saw the news and couldn't help cursing. You must know that the Golden Emperor gives them a lot of heavenly gold every year. Losing the Golden Emperor is equivalent to losing a continuous cash machine. The loss is as big as a heartache.

It can be called the revenge of killing the father.

Similarly, Wulaoxing also had a gloomy face when he heard the news, especially Samurai Sword Wulaoxing and Sa Tansheng. Their end in this battle did not play a big role.

It can be said that I lost all face.

"The Emperor of Hunters is too cunning and has already become a climate. It may not be easy to solve him."

Sa Tansheng casually threw the newspaper on the coffee table, leaned against the sofa and frowned. It was fine not to have contact with the Hunter Emperor, but only after contact did he realize how difficult it was.

It's no wonder that the Navy was messed up by the other side.

"The Golden Emperor is captured, and the underground world will definitely lose control. The key is the Tianlong people, who are expected to come to us soon. The most important thing is that Mr. Im asked us to kill the Hunter Emperor. Originally, there was a chance to go to war. Yes, but now not only the Warring States was killed, the navy lost the war, but also let the Hunter Emperor get the limelight.

When Lord Im wakes up, the five of us may not be able to escape punishment. "

Wulaoxing with blond hair had a gloomy face and a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Is that guy really difficult to deal with?"

With a Mediterranean birthmark Wulaoxing, looking at Sa Tan Sheng and Samurai Sword Wulaoxing, it stands to reason that two of them should have a chance to win, but the final result is completely opposite to the expected result.

"That man is very cunning. He has been cooperating with the door fruit ability user. It is difficult to catch him without complete preparation."

The katana five old star sighed.

Unless the ability of the door fruit is broken, it is impossible to catch the hunter emperor. That ability is really disgusting.

"Door fruit?"

"Being able to open a door to a different space anywhere is equivalent to being related to space. I didn't expect it to be this devil fruit. It's no wonder."

The five old stars with long straight hair rubbed their foreheads.

In the long history of more than 800 years, the fruit of the door has appeared, some people used it to steal chickens and dogs, and some people used it to assassinate, and they were famous for a while, but they were not as disgusting as they are now.

"If I remember correctly, this devil fruit was once in the hands of CP9."

Sa Tansheng's insidious opening made the other four five old stars pause.

"Damn it, why didn't you report it."

"What's Spandam for?"

Thinking of the fruit of the door was in front of him, and thinking of the troubles caused now, if the five people hadn't been well-preserved, they would have started yelling.

"Things have already happened, let's discuss the navy's affairs!"

Calm down a little.

Sa Tansheng brought the four of them back to their thoughts.

"Let's have a world conscription, even if the world isn't so keen to be a navy anymore."

"That's the only way to do it."

"What do you think of the next Admiral of the Navy?"

The five old stars with long straight hair pointed to the three-point information on the coffee table, namely Sakaski, Polusalino and Kuzan, each with their own advantages.

"Porusalino is not suitable."

The Mediterranean bald five old stars were the first to veto Polusalino.

"I feel so too."

"Then it seems that the only choice is between Sakalski and Kuzan."


"The navy needs to change its style. In today's era, if the navy continues to be moderate, it will definitely be eliminated. The navy needs a tough and iron-blooded marshal."

"In order to achieve the goal, even the means are not compromised."

Samurai Sword Wu Laoxing and Sa Tan Sheng glanced at each other one after another. Sakaski's performance in the top war was obvious to all, and the other party's character was almost the opposite of Sengoku.

As for Kuzan, it is somewhat similar to the style of the Warring States Period.

The Navy cannot afford to repeat its mistakes.

"In addition, one general needs to be added. The three can cope with the previous era, but now the era is out of control, we must have enough power to deter."

"Then take this opportunity to reform!"

Wu Laoxing was also forced to rush.

This decision is undoubtedly risky, but combined with the increasing power at sea, if the navy wants to continue to maintain an absolute right to speak, it must have enough strength.

If it weren't for fear of losing control.

They even want to increase the number of generals to five. .

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