The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 303 If the Whitebeard Pirates are dissatisfied, then destroy them

Dragon Palace City.

When Hody Jones arrived, there were already quite a few people in the hall, most of them were some important ministers and generals from Fishman Island, and there was Jinbei who was sitting alone next to Neptune's subordinate.

Hody Jones saw Jinbei at a glance, and didn't show much expression on his face.

The two sides knew long ago that they were not the same people, whether it was beliefs or ways of doing things, they ran counter to each other, and the relationship was neither good nor bad.

In fact, Hody Jones once admired Tiger and Jinbe.

But since joining the Emperor Organization and seeing too many big scenes, his state of mind has undergone tremendous changes. Now he is no longer that frog at the bottom of a well, but the idea and goal of murloc supremacy are as firm as a rock.

It's just that on the way to achieve this goal, he is no longer so radical, but will try to use more means and patience. In short, he is much calmer and his IQ has improved a lot.

Properly reborn.


"Welcome back to Fishman Island, Jones."

Seeing Hody Jones coming, Neptune hurriedly got down from the throne, and personally led Hody Jones to the nearest banquet seat. The world is really unpredictable. The former guard of Dragon Palace City is now a big man who cannot be offended.

Fortunately, it is a murloc.

The broken bones are still connected to the tendons.

"Nepton, you don't have to be hypocritical."

Faced with Neptune's kindness, Hody Jones didn't show any face. Regardless of his strength or status, he could completely ignore Neptune.

He didn't bother to go along with such a hypocritical scene, it might be better to just do it.

What he, Howdy Jones, came out to talk about is a straight-hearted and fierce person, and he will do it if he refuses to accept it.

Neptune's face froze, but he quickly covered it up with an awkward smile. The strong are eclectic, and some have a bad temper, which is understandable, and he doesn't feel ashamed.

Anyway, since he became the king of Fishman Island, he has no face.

Only those murlocs who can understand what he has done will respect him, so for them Neptune often swears that he must do his best to protect the murloc island.

Dignity, face and so on can be ignored.

"Hoddy Jones, you are so rude!"

Jinbe, who had been silent all this time, frowned, because Hody Jones was too disrespectful to Neptune, but he knew Neptune's dedication and hard work over the years.

For Murloc Island, Neptune's contributions are indelible.

It can be said that all murlocs are receiving Neptune's favor, and other people can not show respect to Neptune, except the murlocs.


"Jinbei, take care of yourself!"

Hody Jones disdainfully sat down on his own seat, then looked at Neptune, "Nepton, has Murloc Island been under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates in recent years?"

As soon as Hody Jones entered Murloc Island, he saw the pirate flag of the Whitebeard Pirates in Dragon Palace. In his opinion, it was completely unnecessary because there were better choices.

That is the Emperor Organization.

The Whitebeard Pirates did have a deterrent effect, but they didn't change much the situation of the Murloc Island. Some outsiders should make trouble and catch the Murloc.

Then Murloc Island has to provide protection fees to the Whitebeard Pirates every year.

It didn't do much, but it cost a lot of money.


Neptune raised his eyebrows, probably guessing what Hody Jones meant next, and unconsciously glanced at Jinbe whose expression gradually darkened. He knew that Jinbe had a good relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The Whitebeard Pirates are in decline."

"From tomorrow onwards, the flag of the King Organization will be planted. From now on, I will be covered by Hody Jones on Murloc Island."


Hody Jones uttered wild words, he came back this time not only to come back to take a look, but to implement his plan step by step to make the murlocs stand above other races.

The seabed is by no means the destination of the murlocs.

First of all, the first step is to control the Murloc Island in his own hands, and then rely on the influence of the Emperor Organization to eat it out step by step. He will definitely become the guide of the Murloc Clan.

Needle drop could be heard throughout the hall.

Many ministers and generals swallowed, but Neptune remained calm.

Only Shiping's eyes began to breathe fire.

"Hody Jones, don't even think about pulling Murloc Island into a place of eternal doom. The Whitebeard Pirates are still one of the most powerful forces in the sea. The reason why Murloc Island has lost so many disasters over the years is because of Daddy's protection. .”

"You will only cause dissatisfaction with the Whitebeard Pirates."

"What's more, everyone in the Emperor's Organization is shouting to fight. If the flag of the Emperor's Organization is planted on Fishman Island, it will definitely be attacked by various forces."

Jinbe couldn't keep calm and stood up with a serious tone.

In his opinion, the Emperor Organization is notorious, even if it has an unsurpassable reputation among the people, but in the eyes of these masters or forces, the Emperor Organization is a shit stick.

Although the sea was in chaos before, it was still in a certain balance, but now, wars are spreading to all corners of the world, and there are a large number of displaced civilians.

Compared with the era of great pirates opened by Roger, it is more chaotic.

But Jinbe didn't look at the problem from the perspective of those civilians. Although the current world is getting more and more chaotic, and there are resistance or war everywhere, this is exactly what they want.

Because they have the ability to resist, the ability to make choices for their own destiny.

Instead of being in a situation of bullying and snatching like before, there is no chance to resist.

"Everyone shouting and beating?"

"You let them try."

Hody Jones had a look of disdain, and his eyes were full of sarcasm.


It is true that other forces can use the Murloc Island to vent their anger, but the consequences are definitely not something everyone can bear. Even if the Murloc Island is destroyed, as long as the King of Hunters or other members do not die, it will be a nuclear bomb-level deterrent.

"As for causing dissatisfaction with the Whitebeard Pirates? Jinpei, don't be funny." Hody Jones seemed to hear some big joke, and then he smiled and said, "Whitebeard Pirates If you are dissatisfied, destroy it."

"Believe me, the Emperor Organization has this ability."

"People who are arrogant will not end well."

Faced with such a presumptuous Hody Jones, Jinbe became a little annoyed, because whether he admitted it or not, the Emperor Organization had already destroyed a Four Emperors before that.

And it's a fact that the old man is old, but the King of Hunters is in his prime, and coupled with the behavior style of the King's organization, no matter how you look at it, the Whitebeard Pirates don't have much chance of winning.

very sad.

But it is true.

If the Emperor Organization now says that it wants to kill another Four Emperors, no one will think that it is talking big, but it really has the ability to do it. It is currently recognized that the Emperor Organization is above the Four Emperors. This is not a joke. .


"It's a pity that no one has made the Emperor Organization suffer so far."

Seeing that Jinbei couldn't refute, Hody Jones smiled even more happily.

Back then, he was still the younger brother, but now he finally became a master with pride.

Grandma is a bear.

This taste is really cool.

The feeling of being unscrupulous and doing whatever you want is too high.

Thanks to the fact that I was smart enough to take it and let it go, otherwise I wouldn't have achieved what I am today.

"Jinbei, you have a good relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, you have a chance to tell Whitebeard about this!"

Neptune is also very bold.

In fact, he had long wanted to borrow the title of the Emperor Organization, but he didn't want to use the promise made by the Hunter Emperor, so he dragged it off until now.

In the past, the Emperor Organization was not that scary. Whitebeard was still the strongest in the world at that time, but it gradually changed. The Hunter King became more and more terrifying.

Even wiped out the red-haired pirates.

And above the four emperors.

Let me be good, no matter how you look at it, the Emperor Organization is the best choice. It is true that the Emperor Organization also has many enemies, but as Hody Jones said, let them try and see how many forces dare to blatantly oppose it. Fishman Island made a move.

Thinking about the fate of the navy and the red-haired pirates, it is estimated that few of them can withstand it.

Risks and opportunities coexist.

In this era of great rise, Neptune feels that he can take a gamble, and there will be no way out if he sticks to the rules and is afraid of this.

"Your Majesty Neptune."

It is even unbelievable that Neptune, who has always been prudent, would take the risk of getting on line with the Emperor Organization. You must know that the enemies of the Emperor Organization are everywhere, and they are really enemies of the world. .

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