The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 298 Hermes Takes Advantage

"We haven't lost yet!"

Sakaski has already killed the red-eyed, unwilling to accept the fact of failure, and still bears the brunt of killing the Whitebeard Pirates, selectively ignoring the orders of the five old stars.

How can you just retreat.

Warring States died, Fire Fist Ace was rescued, and some not very important people died on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, and even the captains of the main ship were all intact.

Can't bear to compare.

In any case, he had to keep someone, preferably Whitebeard, if not, choose someone else, and kill whoever stood in his way.

"Yes, we haven't lost yet."

There are also other hawks who are unwilling to accept the facts and choose to go all the way with Sakalski. It doesn't matter if they are held accountable afterwards, and their lives have already been left behind by now.

Some just avenge their friends and fight for justice.

"Kill kill kill!"

Encouraged by Sakalski's fearlessness, some sailors who were dying of broken legs and hands also struggled to get up one after another, just to keep one more pirate.

Sa Tansheng watched all this with a serious expression.

This is not the time to hold Sakaski accountable, because more and more sailors are full of fighting spirit, and the aura of dying together deeply shocked him.

There's no denying that Sakalski can't sacrifice just yet.

In addition, it also showed him that there is still hope for the navy. As they expected, the navy needs to change its thinking, and that is to let the hawks headed by Sakalski take the lead.

Perhaps a tougher navy could change the situation.

"Asshole Sakalski."

"are you crazy?"

There are also some weak navies. In their opinion, instead of making fearless sacrifices, it is better to stop the war and recuperate as much as possible. After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they have been defeated.

And can't leave the Whitebeard Pirates.

"These lunatics."

On the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco vomited blood and looked at Sakaski and the others who were chasing up, and his expression suddenly tightened. In fact, they were not feeling well.

If it weren't for the Roger Pirates, the Revolutionary Army, and the criminals in Advance City, their Whitebeard Pirates would have been wiped out long ago, so in a sense, the Navy has won.

It's just that they have more allies.

"As expected of Sakalski."

in a different space.

Hermes looked at Sakaski, who looked murderous like a mad dog, with admiration in his red-backed and white pupils. Sure enough, only Sakaski was promoted in the top battle.

However, there are too many emergencies.

Who would have thought that the Whitebeard Pirates had so many foreign aids.

In his opinion, Sa Tansheng's decision is not wrong. The best way is to end the war, and then retain the vitality of the navy, recuperate and wait for the opportunity.

"Jee hahaha~"

"Kong, I won't play with you anymore, let me fall!"


The wild laughter of the golden lion came from high in the sky, and then the end of the world began to appear, the atmosphere was shaken and rumbled, and one island after another turned into meteors and whizzed past.

"Damn golden lion."

All the people present looked up at the sky, their faces changed drastically and they cursed loudly.

The attack is indiscriminate.

"Return to defense."

Facing the shit-stirring stick of the Golden Lion, Sa Tansheng issued an order again. This is no longer the time to hunt down the Whitebeard Pirates, but to find ways to keep more marines alive.

The Whitebeard Pirates were also shocked.

The golden lion is not so kind. This time he came to Marin Fando to join in the fun and tell the world that the golden lion is not dead yet, and his power is still the same as before.

As for the Hunter Emperor, that guy was timid, and couldn't catch it for a while.

So those islands are also going to the Whitebeard Pirates, it can be said that everyone present has a share and treats them equally.

But even this is beneficial to the Whitebeard Pirates, which just makes the navy overwhelmed and greatly increases the chance of escaping.

"What a terrifying ability."

Gailam looked at the golden lion that gradually disappeared into the sky. The old guy ran away after the release, and he had a sense of the imperial organization.

"This war is finally over!"


The Whitebeard Pirates had been fleeing farther and farther, and Sakaski could only give up returning to defense in the end, and spread all his anger on the fallen island, because it was useless for him to catch up, and the people behind him could no longer keep up.

He alone is hard to support.


Hermes is still thinking about a sneak attack, but he hasn't figured out who to attack, because there are too many people who want to kill, and the navy has Karp, Sakaski, Kuzan, and Polu Salino, Wulaoxing and others.

Including Doflamingo and Boya Hancock of Shichibukai.

It is worth mentioning that in the blink of an eye, Doflamingo, Moria, Hancock, and Mihawk have all disappeared, and it is not known when they left Marlin Vanduo.

It should be when Sa Tansheng gave the order for the first time.

In fact, Doflamingo and Hancock are also afraid that Hermes will suddenly appear in front of them and give them a round of love. At that time, it will really make every day unbearable.

Then there are Rayleigh, Long and others.

"Boss, shall we leave too?"

Seeing that Hermes was about to move, Bruno asked.

"Forget it, our goal has been achieved, there is no need to continue to take risks, and there will be plenty of time to clean up one by one in the future."

Hermes still stopped the restlessness in his heart.

When the little boy is created, or after he successfully eats the Zhenzhen Fruit, he can kill whoever he wants, and he can push as much as he wants. The thought of this makes him extremely excited.


Hermes and the others also left.

What's interesting is that Wulaoxing and others are still on guard. With the hunter's emperor's despicable and shameless character, it is inevitable to continue to ambush and sneak attacks, and anything impossible is possible.

It wasn't until the island left behind by the golden lion was dealt with that everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they found that the Hunter King hadn't appeared yet. If the Hunter King hadn't done anything with such a good chance before, it meant he had left.

Because the other party can't be stupid enough to do it now.

As long as they dare to fight, they will be beaten by the group, even if they are all injured, but joining forces is definitely not something the Hunter King can handle, so the best opportunity to attack has passed.

The Whitebeard Pirates also breathed a sigh of relief.

All have a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Long talked to Whitebeard for a few words, and then left with his people. He didn't intend to go with the Whitebeard Pirates. This time, he came to support with the idea of ​​weakening the power of the World Government.

So helping the Whitebeard Pirates is also helping the Revolutionary Army. By the way, selling personal favors, there may be cooperation in the future, multiple friends and multiple paths.

Of course there is also the relationship between Sabo and Luffy.

Then there was the Roger Pirates. Everyone didn't leave. They all wanted to wait until they saw Ace, and some of them wanted to train and train Ace, and wanted to restore the glory of the Roger Pirates.

As for the criminals who escaped from Advance City, almost all of them have left.

For example, Ivankov left with the dragon, and Crocodile, Dazbonis, and Bucky all left one after another. Only Shipin stayed on the Whitebeard Pirates ship.

You must know that Murloc Island is now protected by the Whitebeard Pirates.

In addition, Jinbe still has friendship with Ace, and wants to leave after making sure Ace is safe.

But it will be difficult in the future.

His Shichibukai title will definitely be deprived, and then he will be rewarded and hunted down again by the navy. He only hopes that Murloc Island will not be implicated. The only consolation is that Murloc Island is still protected by the Whitebeard Pirates.

The key point is that Whitebeard is not dead yet.

In summary.

No one took advantage of this war, only Hermes took advantage. Not only did he kill the life-and-death enemy Sengoku, but he also held Fire Fist Ace in his hands. From now on, there will be more space operations. .

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