The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 268 Yemengard: Unexpected

Without waiting for the red hair to guess, Gordon continued in tears.

"Uta, she was taken away by the Hunter Emperor."

for a moment.

The air is quiet.

Beckman stopped smoking, Lagilu stopped eating meaty legs, and the faces of the rest of the people immediately sank, and then their eyes were full of viciousness.

That beast actually made a move on Uta.

Where did you get the news from.

"I see!"

The redhead let out a low voice, unable to tell whether it was anger or annoyance in his tone, "I'll take care of it."

"Must, must protect Uta well."

In Gordon's eyes, Uta is his own child. Although there is some misunderstanding between the two parties, only love and worry are left before his life is in danger.


The red-haired voice was firm, and then hung up the phone, looking up at the sky full of murderous intent.

Jormungandr is courting death.

"What should we do now!"

"We still overestimated the cunning of the Hunter Emperor."

"That vile and shameless fellow."

Everyone is almost gnashing their teeth.

Now that Uta is in the opponent's hands, Rubik's Cube loses its advantage in their hands.

Nothing to say all night.

The calm when the storm came became more and more depressing. Almost half of the world was paying attention to Cocoa Island. Some people hoped that the Emperor Organization and the Red Hair Pirates could fight each other, and it would be best if both of them died in battle.

In short, they are all afraid that the world will not be chaotic.


A new day came, and a ray of sunshine rose from the sea level, gradually illuminating Cocoa Island, but the red-haired pirates waited and waited, but the emperor organization was nowhere to be seen.

Wait and wait.

Another day passed.

The originally vigilant red-haired pirates began to become impatient.

They are all worried about Uta's safety.

"Jie Jie~"

"Boss, there are no other forces around."

in a different space.

Hermes and his party had actually arrived long ago, but they were just checking whether there was an ambush in the surrounding sea area, such as other forces, after all, they had too many enemies.

Originally, the Red Hair Pirates would not have an advantage in numbers. If there are masters from other forces standing guard, then the Emperor Organization will be in danger.

"Do you want to do it?"

Lu Qi was already ready to move.

Looking at the members of the red-haired pirates who were standing or sitting outside, Gailam was tied and fell at the red-haired feet, obviously guarding against Hermes and his group for a sneak attack.

Therefore, it is difficult to rescue Guy Ram without anyone noticing, but with Bruno's ability, no matter how strict, there is always a chance.

"Do you think there is an advantage in having more people?"

"It's IQ that you talk about when you come out, and you need to rely on your brain to fight."

Looking at the red-haired pirates staring outside, Hermes sneered in his heart. He had no intention of confronting the red-haired pirates from the very beginning.

Because no matter how you fight, you will suffer.

There are only a few people on his side, and there are obviously more people on the other side, and all of them are elites. If you want to win, you have to play tricks, otherwise you will suffer a lot.

"Bruno, wait a moment and open a door at the feet of Guy Ram and Red Hair, and quickly pull them into a different space. I want to see how arrogant this idiot is."

Hermes finished speaking.

The surrounding area became dead silent, Lu Qi and the others looked at Hermes in disbelief, all of them couldn't hold back their expressions, and there were estimated to be ten thousand alpacas looking at Nima in their hearts.

Bruno was even more taken aback.

It turns out that my ability can still be used in this way.

As long as the red hair is pulled into the different space, then they will besiege each other. No matter how strong the red hair is, they will have to kneel down. After all, even Kaido has been planted.

"Boss, you are a genius!"


"Boss, I admire you."

"Sneaky, but effective."

Everyone came back to their senses with amazement on their faces.

No one felt despicable. After all, they were not good things. If they could easily turn the battlefield around with tricks and tricks, they would definitely be happy. Only fools would pursue fair battles.

"Knock her out."

In order to avoid any accidents, Hermes also turned around and signaled Lu Qi to stun Uta, who looked shocked and anxious, so that this guy would not make a sound when he opened the door.

boom! ! !

As soon as Hermes finished speaking, Lucci made a move.

In an instant, Uta's eyes went black and he fell on the twisted and rippling different space ground.

"Bruno, you must be fast, I will cooperate with you!"

Bruno went all the way, and finally came to the feet of Red Hair and Guy Ram through the different space.

That's right.

Just underfoot.

Strictly speaking, Hermes and others are underground at the moment. As for why they can still behave like the outside, it is entirely because Bruno has also improved.

You must know that Hermes did not allow Bruno to spend time learning the Fist of the King, but instead focused on developing the door fruit, and also provided a lot of wonderful ideas.

Although Bruno's speed of becoming stronger is not as fast as that of Badgers and Lu Qi, his understanding of the development of Door Fruits must have improved.

As it is now, it is entirely possible to reverse a war.

"It's now."

When everything is ready.

Bruno quickly opened a door, the sudden weightlessness made Hongfa and Guy Ram palpitate. People fell into a different space.

Then Bruno quickly closed the door again.

The sudden movement changed the faces of Beckman and others, but by the time they realized it, the door had been closed, and the red-haired and Rubik's Cube had disappeared.

"not good!"

"Damn it!"

"It's the ability of the door opener."

"Despicable and shameless."

Everyone panicked, and Lagi Road even stepped on the ground, and a ten-meter radius became a pothole, but apart from some gravel and dirt, there were red-haired and Rubik's Cube figures.

Not in a space at all.


"Precautions must be taken. I didn't expect the emperor organization to come up with this trick. According to the investigation, it was found that the person who opened the door ate the door fruit of the Superman family. It can open a door anywhere, and then lead to a mysterious space."

boom! ! !

As soon as Beckman finished speaking, the rest of the people began to release their big moves, maybe that would open the way, but there was still nothing in the air.

It was too late.

At this time different space.

The redhead quickly pulled out the Griffin at the moment of the fall, and then slashed at the hand holding his trouser belt, but it was a pity that he missed it, and when he landed safely on the ground, his face was already gloomy like rain.

As for Guy Ram was taken too.

"Jie Jie~"

"Red hair, we meet again!"

Hermes took the lead, burning with arrogance all over his body. If he hadn't stopped quickly, he would have almost become disabled. However, the red hair has become a catch in a urn, and the victory lies with him.


Red-haired with a cold face, ignored Hermes, but focused on Uta in Lu Qi's hands, shaking his head and seemed to be in a coma.

From the corner of the eye.

I could clearly see Beckman and his party who were in a hurry outside. They were clearly close at hand, but they seemed to be thousands of miles away.

Seeing the red hair ignoring him, Hermes beckoned, Lu Qi handed Uta over, Hermes grabbed it and gave Bruno a wink, signaling to leave here first.

At least stay away from Beckman et al outside.

He does not allow for any accidents.

This time I'm going to take down the redhead in one fell swoop.

"Let's go!"

Bruno opened the way ahead, and Hermes grabbed Uta's neck and shook it in front of the red hair, then turned and left, the red hair was heartbroken at this moment.

But he can only be obedient. .

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