The kindest pirate hunter

Chapter 262 Luffy is still a vegetable

"Damn bastard, as vile as ever!"

Cap got up from the ground.

He spitting out the blood with a partial mouth, with a lot of steam coming out of his body, and he was recovering from his injuries quickly. Zefa beside him was similar, and his face improved a lot after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

But some pain is right.

But they have experienced many battles, and it is common for them to be injured.

"Who was that guy just now?"

Zefa scowled.

It was really dangerous in the nick of time just now, thanks to the fact that he is a veteran.

"It's that bastard Jormungandr."

Garp gritted his teeth. He suffered a lot in the capital of seven waters. The most important thing is the latest news from the dragon. Luffy is still a vegetable and has no intention of waking up.

And possibly a lifetime.

This is undoubtedly bad news.

Therefore Garp wished to beat Hermes to death.

"It really shouldn't be underestimated. The ability to appear and disappear should be Bruno, the original CP9's door opener!"

Zefa looked around and saw that a big pit had formed, and the sea water inside was tumbling, and the fluctuation had not completely disappeared. That punch left a deep impression on him.

A momentary ignorance, coupled with a sneak attack, can really make the top players lose, even if they don't, they will lose the opportunity, and they will still fall into the disadvantage in the end, very vicious.

"It's the superhuman-type door door fruit."

"Warring States has a special collection of data."

Cap felt bad for a while.

He was attacked just after he landed on the island, and many of his subordinates who had been with him for many years were all killed. That was a pity, but he couldn't do anything about Ye Mengjia.

That beast was too insidious and cunning.

Running away after a surprise attack, without the demeanor that a strong man should have.

Such a villain's behavior will only make people cast aside.

Just as Karp was cursing, a door appeared again behind the two of them, and Hermes, who was in a different space, was holding Van Gufried tightly with both hands, compressing the ultimate force, which was only about one meter wide. look.

It swung out the moment Bruno opened the door.

that moment.

Garp and Zefa felt cold all over their bodies, and their faces were distorted.

"Jie Jie~"

"I didn't expect that, old thing."

"Elbaf's Spear Overlord."


Karp was hysterical, his grim face was full of murderous intent, this extremely disgusting bitch!

Even Zefa couldn't calm down.

He had never met such a crazy guy.

"Fist bone."

"Crush the Blaster."

The two of them are indeed masters who have experienced many battles. They reacted immediately and launched a terrorist attack together, even forcibly resisting the torrent.

It was just because of the haste that his feet sank into the ground and he couldn't stop backing away.

"Dog day, is it so scary?"

Hermes in the different space looked dignified. It would be fine if he was alone, but he would feel unprecedented pressure if there were two people. If he went out to fight, he would probably feel cold soon.

It is definitely not as simple as 1+1 for two strong players at the top of the pyramid to join forces.


Very decisive.

Hermes stopped attacking, and then Bruno closed the door again. The three of them stared at each other with pity and regret on their faces. Originally, they wanted to make a sneak attack as usual to see if they could hit them hard.

Now I'm afraid it's impossible.

The other party will definitely be on guard and vigilant.

It can be seen from this blow.

"Boss, do you want to leave?"

Bruno looked outside, Garp and Zefa vomited blood one after another, and then stood back to back to guard, knowing that knowledge must have covered all directions.

Maybe wait for Hermes to show his feet, and then fight back.

"There is no chance!"

Hermes squinted his eyes slightly, but the more he looked at Garp, the more unhappy he became, and the more he wanted to make trouble. In short, he couldn't make Garp feel better, but neither King's Fist nor Hegemony could work anymore. Ten gods' close-range attacks are no different from sending them up.

You can throw a few power rocks instead.

It's just that there are not a few of these things left, so there's no need to waste them here, because they might not be able to kill two people, even if they are seriously injured, he can't miss them.

If the two join forces, he can only exchange one for one at most.

Definitely not worth it.

He was still so young, it would be a loss if he traded with any old thing, he had finally crossed a wave, how could he die so easily, he had to live longer than everyone else.

Such as immortality.

"Let's go!"

Thinking about it.

No matter how you look at it, it's not worth it, Hermes can only reluctantly leave.


Garp and Zefa were not sure whether Hermes had left, so they could only continue to be on guard.

And this defense is half an hour.

at the same time.

Marlin Vandeau.

A golden meteor slanted down and hit the headquarters building accurately, causing an explosion. A large number of ruined buildings and walls were scattered, and many admirals looked sideways.

in the office.

Zhan Guo's face was so ugly that he couldn't even believe what he saw. In the ruins, there was a figure covered in bruises, dying and only hanging on his breath.

"It's Jormungandr."

Seeing Sengoku, Polusalino opened his mouth to spit out a stream of old blood, then closed his eyes and passed out.

He was able to insist on rushing to Marin Fando, and his willpower exceeded the standard.

"what happened?"

At this moment, Crane, Red Dog, Aokiji and others rushed over quickly.

With the dust dispersed.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.


"Damn it, didn't Polusalino go to the Chambord Islands to deal with the supernova? Could it be that he confronted the lonely red and the heir of the devil?"

The first thing everyone thought of was Lonely Red and Devil's Heir.

Apart from these two people, I really can't think of anyone else who can beat Polusalino like this. The bloody side waist and broken leg all show that Polusalino is seriously disabled.

In the future, the combat effectiveness may be greatly reduced.

The most important thing is that the war is coming soon. Now that Polusalino has been abolished, it is undoubtedly a bad news and a major blow for the navy to lose a heavyweight player before the start.

"It's that bastard Jormungandr."

Zhan Guo's face was cold, and his blood was surging, and his eyes felt a little dark.


"There's no way that guy could have done that kind of damage to Polusalino."

What a joke.

This is Polusalino.

You said that if Akainu and Aokiji were fucked like this, they would still accept it. After all, neither of them focused on speed, but Polusalino was different. If he wanted to leave, who could stay?

Even if it is injured, it cannot be so serious.

Lost a kidney, broken a leg.

The rest of his body was also bruised and purple, and his viscera were bleeding profusely. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was covered in cuts and bruises. All he needed was another attack, and Polusalino would definitely be done.

"For the specific situation, we can only wait for Garp and Zefa to call back."

Seeing Polusalino being moved out, Sengoku continued with a stern face, "The meeting will be held in half an hour."

this moment.

Everyone's complexion is not very good.

It is so critical.

It is not good news for the Navy that Polusalino went offline early.


The high-level navy held an internal meeting. The whole meeting was extremely depressing and serious. At the same time, there was news from Karp and Zefa. It beeped the dog.

Although he knew the despicableness of the Hunter Emperor, he did not expect it to be this despicable.

Compared to the golden lion, white beard and other principled and arrogant enemies, the Hunter King is simply a rat shit, disgusting to the point of explosion.

The key point is that this beast is still very strong.

If everyone present is facing each other alone, I am afraid that they will either die or be injured.

This threat is too great. .

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