It’s over like lightning

Wang also said: “Did you find out? In fact, you have already lost from the very beginning. It’s different from ordinary warlocks who look for good luck and avoid bad luck. In this strange game, I am both a bad and auspicious position.”

“Time, space, and four sets of Sheng KeduI decide. ”

“This…how is it possible, you can even control the time!”

Zhuge Qing is completely convinced, it’s impossible to refuse!

The strange art they learned is not at the same level at all.

He originally thought that the strange skills of their Zhuge family should be the pinnacle of sorcerers, but unexpectedly, he still underestimated the people of the world.

If the Zhuge family’s Qimen technique is an upgraded version of the ordinary Qimen technique, then what Wang Ye used just now is an upgraded version of their Wuhou Qimen technique.

“Defeated, completely defeated…”

Zhuge Qing lowered his head and said unwillingly, “The king is also the Taoist leader, I admit defeat.”

“Wang Ye vs. Zhuge Qing, the winner – Wang Ye!”

With the referee’s shout, the game between the warlocks came to an end.

“Brother Wang Ye, let me ask you something again. What is the name of your technique?”


“Don’t be dissatisfied. I’ve told you enough. If you really want to know, you can do the math yourself. It’s agreed in advance. I won’t bother you this time.”

“No way, brother Wang Ye, you are too hurtful.” Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After Wang Ye walked out of the competition stage, he suddenly shivered. He turned his head and asked Zhuge Qing, “Do you feel cold?”

Zhuge Qing was taken aback for a moment, and was stopped by his question. Fortunately, he was also a professionally trained person, so he immediately said calmly: “How is this possible, we are warlocks, and besides, the sun is so big here, how could it be possible to feel cold.”

“You, it’s probably a side effect of this spell, right?” Zhuge Qing stared at him suspiciously.

“It shouldn’t be! It didn’t happen when I used it before.” Wang was also puzzled, always feeling as if something was staring at him with cold eyes.

Turning her head to look around…

Wang Ye: “…”

Just in time to see Wang Yu expressionless, looking at him with cold eyes.

what’s the situation? Where did I offend him?

“Wang Ye, let’s fight again when I come back.” Wang Yu’s tone was flat, as if greeting people normally.

But these words made the king’s scalp tingle.

Ignoring his reaction, Wang Yu walked straight over.

Because it’s time for him to play.

As for why he said that, it was because he was annoyed with himself.

Wang Yu regretted that he didn’t cut out his ability at the beginning.

But it doesn’t seem too late to make amends now.

Coming to the competition field again, Wang Yu stood there bored, waiting for the referee’s start command.

Looking at Fengshayan in front of him, Wang Yu considered how to bully her.

That’s right, that’s exactly what he was thinking about.

A man of integrity, he still remembers this sentence.


This nasty little black girl is not used to wearing ancient costumes! There are many people in ancient costumes here, and this little black girl seems to be targeting him.

She must be taught a severe lesson.

Spanking, no, it’s a bit cruel.

After all, I’m not very familiar with him. If I fight, I won’t end up with him.

One Xia He made him feel powerless and upset, another one…

just forget it.

Or, kill him… Wait, why did I have this dangerous thought again?

For a moment, Wang Yu had a strange murderous look in his breath, but he didn’t notice it.

“The match begins!” The referee shouted.

“You are very strong.” Feng Shayan was silent for a moment, and then said.

Wang Yu nodded and said, “I know.”

Then, there is no more.

Wang Yu said the words to death all of a sudden, causing Feng Shayan to not know how to speak for a while.

After all, Feng Shayan didn’t say what Feng Zhenghao explained, and said dullly: “Then let’s start the fight.”

“Yes.” Wang Yu said.

Quickly accumulating strength, Feng Shayan punched Wang Yu.

The next moment, a huge force came from Wang Yu’s chest.

Make a muffled sound.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending part of the space shuttle (disabled).”

Her body hasn’t changed at all, not even the clothes on her chest have any wrinkles.

Gently touching the part of his chest that was hit, Wang Yu said with a little admiration, “It’s not bad. A little more force will break my anger.”

“Tch, there are a few tricks, you deserve my best effort.” Feng Shayan said, and punched the air again.

Afterwards, a loud noise that shook the sky continued to echo in the arena.

Wang Yu didn’t take half a step back, a blue light curtain could be vaguely seen on his body, sticking to his clothes.

It was this light curtain that blocked Feng Shayan’s two attacks.

To say that this light curtain is not something high-end, it’s just that Wang Yu simply forced Qi out of his body to form a simple light shield.

Of course, it can’t compare with the Golden Light Curse of Tianshi Mansion.

It’s not that Wang Yu’s light curtain is not good at defense, if not, it can’t stop Feng Shayan’s two attacks at all.

This has something to do with individuals. For example, if Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu only use the Golden Light Curse to spar, Zhang Lingyu must be the winner.

Whether it’s proficiency or skill, the output of qi, including the strength of qi itself.

Everyone is different.

So the same move, different people use different effects and powers.

“Can’t even break through his defense?”

There was some gloomyness in Fengshayan’s eyes, and her mood suddenly sank to a trough.

Another two punches, apart from brushing his proficiency with him, had no effect at all.

“Bastard, die to me!”

Getting close, Feng Shayan punched with a solid punchCalled in Wang Yu’s face.

Grabbing the wrist, throwing it over the shoulder, all in one go…

Lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky, Fengshayan seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

“I admit defeat.” Feng Shayan said.

Seeing this, the referee announced later, “The winner——Wang Yu!”

“Wait, that’s not right!” Wang Yu’s mind froze for a moment, but he hadn’t reacted yet.

“I haven’t started to abuse you yet, why did you admit defeat?”

Fengshayan: “…”

Once her face was darkened, her already darkened skin became even more frighteningly dark. No wonder he didn’t attack her all this time, it’s his idea.

So you are like this, bah, scumbag.

Just like that, Wang Yu won in a daze.

But he wasn’t happy at all, because the plan didn’t work out.

She has already conceded defeat, and Wang Yu will not abuse her shamelessly again, so he can only look for another chance next time.

Before leaving, Feng Shayan passed by Wang Yu, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up her mind: “I’m sorry.”

Wang Yu stared at her with a strange expression.

Feng Shayan blushed and stammered a little: “You…why are you looking at me like that.”

“It’s okay, I just didn’t expect you, an arrogant little black girl, to apologize.” Wang Yu said thoughtfully.

Fengshayan: “…”

It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have fantasized about such a pious person.

“In the next match, Zhang Lingyu will face Lu Linglong.”

After a while, Lu Linglong, who was dressed in summer clothes, jogged over.

“Brother Heima, you are too good, you have to cheer for me later.” Lu Linglong said with a smile at him.

Wang Yu, who was about to leave and wait for the finals in the afternoon, could only nod helplessly.

Fengshayan sniffed it suddenly, “I seem to smell a little bit of gossip.”

Wang Yu turned his back to her and said calmly, “You think too much, little black girl.”

Feng Shayan clenched her fists, forming a well on her forehead, and shouted, “Don’t call me little black girl!”

“Okay, little black girl.”

“Goodbye, little black girl.”

Wang Yu returned to the auditorium with his hands behind his back.

Seeing Zhuge Qing and Zhuge Bai, but not seeing Wang Ye, he asked, “Where is Wang Ye?”

Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes, and replied: “I’ve already left, I don’t know why, I feel like he left in a hurry.”

“Really?” Wang Yu thought for a while, maybe he was scared away by him.

But he can hide from the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day of the junior high school. Sooner or later, he will have a chance to cut leeks.

“Are you leaving too?” Wang Yu found that Zhuge Bai had an extra small suitcase at some point.

“That’s right! Qing said that staying here is meaningless, we’ll leave immediately.” Zhuge Bai said.

Zhuge Qing cupped his hands to Wang Yu and said, “Brother Wang Yu, look forward to our next reunion.”

“I hope.” Wang Yu nodded, and suddenly took out a fist-sized diary from his body, “By the way, leave a signature.”

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