Wang Yu Full of Evil Interests

“Hehe… old lady, do you regret it now? I didn’t expect him to be so attractive to women.” Feng Xingtong squeezed his eyes at Feng Shayan and said with a smile.

Feng Shayan glared at him fiercely, “Are you owed a beating again?”

Feng Xingtong: “…”

Asking for help online, what should I do if there is a violent old lady?

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing didn’t know what to say in a corner.

Zhang Chulan: “Damn it, why is he so popular?”

Just when Zhang Chulan was extremely upset, a bottle of beer was handed over.

Zhang Chulan turned her head and saw that it was the little fat man Hidden Dragon.


“Stop talking, I understand.” Tears rolled in Hidden Dragon’s eyes, staring at Lu Linglong beside Wang Yu, he almost burst into tears.

“We are both hard-working people!”

Picking up the wine bottle, Hidden Dragon gulped down.

Zhang Chulan looked at the beer in her hand with complicated eyes.

For Grandpa’s secret and for Sister Bao’er’s background, the past few months have been the most fulfilling moments in his life.

Ever since his grandfather died and his father disappeared, he has been very lonely.

But these are nothing compared to Sister Bao’er. Therefore, no matter what this time, he must win the right to inherit the Heavenly Master!

After taking a big gulp, Zhang Chulan choked.

Suddenly, a large group of people laughed.

Zhang Chulan felt that she couldn’t hold back her face, so she yelled immediately.


“Ah! Cool!”

“Is there any more?” Zhang Chulan blushed and laughed exaggeratedly.

Slowly, the laughing actually turned into crying.

“Wuuuu… Do you know? After so many years, my young master is still a virgin.” Zhang Chulan seemed to be drunk, and shouted, “Do you know why?”

“Ahaha…Because I can’t, woooooo…When I was young, my grandpa engraved Shougongsha.”

“Wow! Such breaking news.” The girl Hua’er had a gossipy face.

The rest nodded their heads.

Wang Yu’s side finally calmed down.

This made him heave a sigh of relief. Watching them all surround Zhang Chulan, they were obviously attracted by his words.

His eyes swept over inadvertently, and he found that there were only a few people, and they didn’t go to join in the fun.

Among them, I saw Feng Shayan’s sister and brother, and unexpectedly, Feng Shayan’s eyes just happened to look over.

With a cold snort, Feng Shayan quickly shifted her gaze.

The corner of Wang Yu’s mouth twitched. This girl probably had a lot of opinions on him. But what does that have to do with him, he has no intention of going up to lick it.

In the end, she noticed Zhang Lingyu sitting there alone, but she didn’t expect the other party to snort coldly.

This made him feel baffled, he was messing with someone.

Why are there so many people who have prejudice against him?

She stared at Wang Ye.

Wang Ye: “…”

Why did you notice me again? Who did he provoke?

Sighed helplessly, Wang didn’t want to move at all. However, Wang Yu’s gaze stayed on him all the time, which made him very helpless.

Although the two are not very familiar with each other, they can still chat.

Finally, he stood up and sat down in front of Wang Yu with his new good friend Zhuge Qing.

Wang Ye said: “Old Qing, please be casual, Wang benefactor is easy to talk to.”

Wang Yu narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile: “That’s right, I’m easy to talk to.”

For some reason, Zhuge Qing’s back shivered after being stared at by him.

“Which sect does Brother Wang belong to?” Zhuge Qing changed the subject inadvertently.

Wang Ye also said, “Don’t fool us with loose cultivators.”

Wang Yu glanced at Wang Ye, secretly thinking that this kid has become a bit of a thief.

“I passed it down from my family, but I haven’t practiced well enough, so I’m embarrassed to say it.” Wang Yu said modestly.

Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing looked at each other, and they both sensed a hint of pretense in each other’s eyes.

Wang Ye said quietly: “Benefactor Wang, your strength actually says that you can’t cultivate well. Did you consider our feelings when you said this?”

“I haven’t forgotten, you know my kung fu in Wudang Mountain.”

“Huh? Brother Yu actually knows your Wudang Mountain kung fu?” Zhuge Qing suddenly became interested, and asked gossip: “There are so many brothers Yu who know not only Leifa, but also Wudang Mountain’s unique skills. If you have a chance, you must compete with Brother Yu.”

“Well, I’m also very curious about Brother Zhuge’s ability.Hope we can meet tomorrow. “Wang Yu felt that no matter how much he explained, the other party might not believe him. He really didn’t have a teacher, he was just a coward.

At this time, Wang Yu suddenly remembered a stalk from the Internet in his previous life, and said, “Brother Zhuge, do you know what my major is?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing shook their heads.

“Our family believes in one punch. If something can be solved with one punch, there will never be a second move. If it can’t be solved with one punch, then another punch will be used.”

“The reason why I said that I haven’t cultivated well is because our family has a secret. Do you want to hear it?” Wang Yu blinked.

“Well, if it’s the kind of unspoken secret, don’t talk about it.” Zhuge Qing suppressed the fire of gossip in his body, and said in a low voice, “Don’t worry, we won’t talk nonsense.”

At first, Wang Yu thought Zhuge Qing was not interested, but unexpectedly he is also a person who is good at gossip.

“Come closer.” Wang Yu beckoned mysteriously.

The two gossip guys immediately joined together.

Wang Yu said in a low voice: “There is a saying passed down from our ancestors, that is…”

After a pause, they noticed that Zhuge Qing and the others were pricking up their ears with high interest.

“That is… I have become stronger, and I have also become bald.”

Wang also looked confused: “What do you mean?”

But Zhuge Qing was thoughtful, “It sounds like becoming stronger has something to do with being bald, but what does this sentence imply?”

Resisting a smile, Wang Yu shook his head and said, “I don’t know either. I only know that it was passed down by an ancestor in my family. It would be great if I understood what it means.”

Looking at the two who were lost in thought, Wang Yu suppressed a smile in his heart.

Then he said: “And that ancestor also saved a set of supreme physical training exercises, are you interested?”

“Body training?” Zhuge Qing thought for a while, and finally shook his head, “Let’s forget it, body training is too boring, it’s not suitable for me.”

His gaze turned to Wang Ye, uh…why is he staring at me again.

“Don’t look at me, standing on a stake is enough for me, don’t trick me,” Wang Ye said.

At this time, Wang Yu looked like a big bad wolf tempting the little white rabbit to open the door, “How come, we are friends, how could I cheat you.”

“This method is actually very simple. You only need to practice 1,000 push-ups, 1,000 sit-ups, and 1,000 squats every day.” Wang Yu said: “When you become bald, you will be considered successful, and you will become the new class in the future.” One Punch Man.”

“Hey! Let Wang also practice this. I think he is very suitable for this kind of cultivation method. Even if he can’t cultivate anything, at least he can change his lazy character.”

Zhuge Qing’s eyes were crescent-shaped, and he smiled like a fox.

Wang also took a sip of his wine, “Come on, I’m born with a lazy personality, and I can’t change it. What’s more, I won’t practice the obviously unreliable things you said.”

“And…” Wang also paused at this point, “I’m very suspicious of your anticipation and gloating expression.”

“Cut! I met someone as unmotivated as you.” Wang Yu looked like he hated iron and steel.

He actually refused, and he didn’t even like such a good body training method.

Well, Wang Yu just wanted to satisfy the evil in his heart. He really wanted to know if Wang would end up bald if he followed his method.

While drinking, Zhuge Qing secretly observed Wang Yu.

I kept thinking about the hexagrams of today’s big change in my heart, and I couldn’t figure it out.

On the other side, Zhang Chulan was already drunk.


Suddenly, Zhang Chulan laughed loudly, “Don’t you guys want to see my XX, haha, then let you open your eyes!”

As he said that, Zhang Chulan showed up almost instantly…

“Oh oh oh…”

“Oh my god! The faintly visible Qi forms special symbols on it.”

“It’s a pity that it’s a little blurry.”

Zhang Chulan blushed, and said to herself, “Can’t see clearly? It’s okay, then I’ll keep my tone natural.”

“Let’s go!”

With a low growl, the anger in Zhang Chulan’s body suddenly exploded.

Wang Yu: “…”

Wang Ye: “…”

Zhuge Qing: “…”

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